Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 853 days ago

Trino Summit 2022

event date

10 Nov 2022


Commonwealth Club

Trino Summit is an event that convenes engineers, analysts, and superfans of the Trino project. This year, Trino Summit will be hosted as a hybrid event at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, CA on November 10th. For those who may not have heard, Trino is the new moniker for the project formerly known as PrestoSQL. We are thrilled to pull together the Trino community again to share our experiences, meet with professionals in the big data and analytics space, and grow your skills and learn about new possibilities.

Who is Trino Summit for?

  • Members of the Trino community that are excited about Trino and their related projects.
  • Engineers, analysts, and companies that are powered by Trino.
  • Platform providers and adjacent projects that integrate Trino into their ecosystem or are built along side Trino.
  • People that are curious about Trino and how they can transform the way it helps achieve their goals.
  • The conference is centered around Trino, but with the essence of Trino being a : whether SQL, NoSQL, on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid solutions, we want to hear about your knowledge, experience, and usage stories related to open source databases.

Session Topics

We welcome submissions on all levels from intermediate to advanced following these themes

  • Cloud data lake use cases
  • Data lake architecture
  • Apache Iceberg
  • Delta Lake
  • Industry use cases for Trino
  • Realtime Query Federation
  • Data Governance with Trino
  • Table formats
  • BI on the data lake
  • Data science and the data lake
  • Data ingestion
  • ETL/ELT batch query processing
  • Working with time series/IoT data on a data lake
  • Best practices and use cases for Trino
  • Data engineering, including streaming architectures
  • SQL analytics and BI using data warehouses and data lakes

Talk time ranges

Lightning talk: 10-20 min

Session talk: 30-45 min

Workshop: 30-45 min of a hands-on demo

finished 908 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

15 Jun 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Sep 2022

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Session Topics

We welcome submissions on all levels from intermediate to advanced following these themes

  • Cloud data lake use cases
  • Data lake architecture
  • Apache Iceberg
  • Delta Lake
  • Industry use cases for Trino
  • Realtime Query Federation
  • Data Governance with Trino
  • Table formats
  • BI on the data lake
  • Data science and the data lake
  • Data ingestion
  • ETL/ELT batch query processing
  • Working with time series/IoT data on a data lake
  • Best practices and use cases for Trino
  • Data engineering, including streaming architectures
  • SQL analytics and BI using data warehouses and data lakes

Talk Submissions

Guidelines for submissions

In general, we expect to see technical sessions that have detailed examples, code, and/or demos. This helps listeners understand complex concepts or demonstrate how to apply them to their own use cases. Another interesting talk dives into use cases that provide real-life scenarios that offer lessons listeners can use to solve similar challenges in their own organizations. Avoid selling a product or pitching your company. Background information to understand the industry domain is helpful but should not be the focus of the talk. Make sure the topic of the talk is clearly defined and doesn’t try to cover too many topics at once.

Submit your talks by September 15th! If your talk doesn’t get accepted to this year’s Trino Summit, we can always have you join one of our meetups, or you can be early on the list to speak at the next Summit!

event fee

free for speakers