Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,199 days ago

TUGA IT 2018 Summer Edition

event starts

19 Jul 2018

event ends

21 Jul 2018


Microsoft Portugal Lisbon, Portugal


TUGA IT’s mission is to deliver a premium multi-discipline conference for IT Professionals and Companies. TUGA IT is positioned as a forward looking technological event (v-Next), focused on unreleased or recently released technologies, both from Microsoft and the Open Source worlds. TUGA IT is proudly organized by TUGA, a non-profit Portuguese association whose mission is to promote and share knowledge, with the participation of several technical communities and Microsoft MVPs.

finished 2,245 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

21 Mar 2018

Call closes at 11:59 PM

04 Jun 2018

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We are looking for innovative sessions focused on new technology or paradigms, on topics such as cloud, modern collaboration, data & AI, security & compliance and programming & development.

We are accepting submissions for two different session formats:

  • Track sessions - 45-60 minute sessions.
  • Workshops - Full-day sessions (approximately 6 hours) with a good mix of theory and practice, to allow attendees to gain some hands-on experience.

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
230 submissions
Submitted sessions
Rolf McLaughlin
  • From licenses to subscriptions
  • Azure Governance – Why You Should Care About This
Oliver Engels
  • Tableau vs Power BI
  • Microsoft Common Data Services, Model, Analytics, Pools? What? Stop!
Gil Faria
  • Supporting Arab (and other languages) in your web apps
Tiago Costa
  • I find your lack of Azure disturbing
  • Creating a rocking global Web Application with Microsoft Azure PaaS Services
  • Zero to Hero on Architecting and Design Enterprise Solutions on Microsoft Azure
Borko Novakovic
  • Azure SQL DB Managed Instances – Built to easily modernize application data layer
Nuno Caneco
  • git Rebase Demystified
  • git + GitHub = Awesomeness
Miguel Vitorino
  • Implementing a Lambda Architecture with Go, Redis, PubSub and BigQuery
  • Reducing Server Latency with Advanced Concurrency Patterns in Go
Scott Klein
  • A detailed look at Azure Databricks
  • Getting to the Cloud with SQL Database Managed Instance
  • Bots and AI with Azure
  • Databases and Data Lakes - Bridging the Gap
  • The Internet of Things in the Real World
  • SQL Server 2017 - Intelligence Built-in
Ricardo Castro
  • KDD: Kubernetes Driven Development
Raphael Koellner
  • Identity is the new security
  • Azure Information Protection - Rollout, Adoption and best practise
  • Microsoft 365 - Hybrid Identity Deep Dive
  • OneDrive & SharePoint Online - Collaboration in a secure way
  • Microsoft Cloud Deutschland - German Data Shelter?
show all submissions
Gabi Münster
  • How mature has SSAS Tabular mode become?
  • From Data Lake to DAX Query
  • Azure Analysis Services - An important step for BI in the cloud?
André Vala
  • GDPR: Challenges and Options
  • Building the Modern Intranet with Office 365
  • Extending Microsoft Teams
Friedrich Weinmann
  • Managing PowerShell Configuration in a hybrid world
  • Templates to Success
Michel de Rooij
  • Managing Exchange Online using PowerShell Tips 'n Tricks
  • Managing Groups and Teams with PowerShell
Giuliano Ribeiro
  • Chatbot with Dialogflow
  • How to integrate your G Suite with Apps Script
  • What is BigQuery
  • App Engine for global scale
  • Google Kubernetes Engine and CD
Massimo Crippa
  • Securing your Open API Program
Steef-Jan Wiggers
  • Azure Cosmos DB - The Swiss Army NoSQL Cloud Database
  • Maturing IoT solutions with Microsoft Azure
  • Building a Smart solution with Azure Storage Event Grid Functions Logic Apps and the Computer Vision
  • Azure - Plug & Play Architecture
  • CosmosDB, Graph and Azure Search, building a compelling cloud solution
  • Build solutions leveraging the Artificial Intelligence Services in Microsoft Azure
Chirag Patel
  • What’s new in SharePoint Online?
  • How to build a perfect Office 365 Tenant
Nuno Rafael Gomes
  • The Learning Protocol – A Serious Learning Artefact
Virgílio Esteves
  • Tales of Containers and DevOps
  • Dev/Test: Docker to the rescue!
Luís Canastreiro
  • Azure CosmosDB - First Steps
Nuno Rafael Gomes, Eduardo Piairo
  • Dealing with Complexity – A Serious Learning Workshop
Usama Wahab Khan
  • PowerBI For Dev
Tillmann Eitelberg
  • Analytic Solutions for Scientists
Tillmann Eitelberg, Sandy Winarko
  • Embrace and Extend: First-Class Activity and 3rd Party Ecosystem for SSIS in ADF
Nenad Trajkovski
  • Developers and Scrum. Does it work as it is written in Scrum books?
  • Microsoft Forms from zero to hero
Vitor Faria Tomaz
  • Azure SQL Data Sync - Internals
Jeff Wouters
  • Azure Automation & DSC | Easy as 1,2,3...
  • Howto: Not get a burnout
  • The psychology to building a team that automates, scripts and DevOps
  • PowerShell Unbound – Tips & Tricks
  • How to satisfy your OCD with PowerShell code and tools
Paulo Morgado
  • The Future Of C#
Pedro Tavares
  • Things you should know about Database Storage and Retrieval
  • Boost your confidence with Consumer-Driven Contracts
Frank Geisler
  • Introduction to SQL Server on Docker
Rui Melo
  • DevOps and then what?
Ivan Daniel Campos
  • Sneak Peak on the SQL Server Tools for Linux & Windows
  • Hiding data with SQL Server
Ricardo Torre
  • Applying machine learning to integrations with BizTalk and LogicApps
Lonny Niederstadt
  • Laying Down the Law with SQL Server Resource Governor
Jorge Rebocho
  • Enhance your React Applications: Tips & Design Patterns
Sonia Mundra
  • Blockchain Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Dani Ljepava
  • Introduction to the latest Azure SQL intelligent database technologies
Chris Adkin
  • Continuous Integration With Docker, SQL Server and SSDT
Daniel Santos
  • Collaboration in Office 365: Welcome to the Real World
Antão Almada
  • Span<> and Refs - Safe memory optimizations in .NET
Niko Neugebauer
  • Graphs in Theory and in Real Life
  • Optimising SQL Server Beyond Obvious Settings
João Craveiro
  • Scrum in agencies: where's the PO?
Raquel Silva
  • The Scrum Master and the Scrum Values
David Nudelman
  • The ultimate guide for Microsoft 365
  • Office 365 - SharePoint and OneDrive for Business
  • Windows Intune - Cloud driven enterprise device management
  • How to make your project a massive success!
  • What is Azure Active Directory?
  • Protecting your data with Azure Information Protection
Pedro Sousa
  • Azure Database Migration Service
  • SQL Server Monitor and Maintenance with Azure Operations Management Suite
  • Open Knowledge Platform Use-Cases
Alexander Arvidsson
  • Speak your hands
  • SQL Server hates you(?) - what the DBAs never told the developers
  • Azure machine learning for the absolute beginner
  • Hot potato – Administering SQL Server for the experienced sysadmin
  • A brave new world - the SQL Server DBAs primer on Linux
  • The Force Awakens - Azure SQL Server for the on-prem DBA
Lonny Niederstadt
  • Insight-Based Administration for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database
Paul Broadwith
  • Introducing Chocolatey - Sweet Software Nirvana For Windows
  • Git Fundamentals: Open Up A World Of Community and Collaboration
Sandro Pereira
  • Unleashed your business apps with PowerApps!
  • They are everywhere! Why we love Microsoft Flow?
  • It’s all about messaging: Service Bus, Event Hub & Event Grid
  • You must find another excuse because MSFT enterprise integration was recognized as Leader by Gartner
Daniel Silva
  • Power your Raspberry Shell on it's Core. Raspberry Pi + PowerShell Core
Ralph Eckhard, Robert Prüst
  • Becoming a Powershell Champion
  • Becoming a Powershell Champion
Ralph Eckhard
  • real-world Cloud PBX: using Skype for Business as your telephone
Carlos Rolo, pedro vidigal
  • Multi-Cloud Deployment and Automation
Georgiy Mogelashvili
  • Game of Roles: how did we solve growth problems at by playing games
  • Being leader, not a boss. Autonomy and servant leadership in teams management
Marco Dal Pino
  • Azure Sphere; Securing the intelligent edge with The Seven Properties of Highly Secured Devices
  • Secure and power the intelligent edge with Azure Sphere
  • Deploy IoT Edge in 45 minutes (and live happy)
Jaap Brasser
  • Bridge the gap with Chat Automation
  • Deepdive – Go Serverless with PowerShell and Azure Functions
  • Automate anything with Microsoft Flow
Vladimir Stefanovic
  • Office365 SSO - Easy and simple
Mike Martin
Paul Broadwith, Craig Porteous
  • The PowerShell Standards Agency – Write better code for Everbody
Krunal Trivedi
  • Azure Container Services - From zero to hero
  • Azure Serverless components -Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps and Event Grid
  • Building and Deploying Container based applications in Azure
  • Develop your own ChatBot using Microsoft Azure Bot Framework
Jakub Jares
  • Pester internals and concepts
  • Introduction to Pester
  • How do I test that?
  • Common mistakes in Pester tests
  • TDD with Pester
Andrea Giunta
  • Our journey to the clouds
  • Go Serverless with AzureFunctions
Pedro Azevedo
  • Power to citizens developers! Ups... I'm a real developer
Carlos Rolo, Pedro Gordo, pedro vidigal
  • Cassandra Workshop
Eduardo Piairo
  • Adding unit tests with tSQLt to the databases deployment pipeline
  • Deployment pipeline for databases
Simon Binder
  • Powershell <3 Intune? Yes, for sure!
  • How to Implement a Hybrid Microsoft 365 environment
  • Optimize Delivery Optimization and distribute content as never before
  • Automating Windows Servicing using Microsoft solutions & Community tools
  • Working with Windows Analytics
Carlos Morgado
  • From webscale to meltdown
Thomas Goelles, Stephan Bisser
  • Getting started with Cognitive Services and Azure IoT
  • 21st century lunch bell based on Azure, Cognitive Services and Office365
Ricardo Cabral
  • Introducing Project Honolulu
David Barbarin
  • SQL Server docker containers from the development to the production
Carlos Sousa
  • Get IT into F1 Speed - Innovation and Speed at Scale
Albert Hoitingh
  • Azure Information Protection 101
  • Sensitive information types: what's it all about?
  • Office 365 security & compliance
  • Sensitive data and Office 365: Advanced data governance scenario's
Neil Peterson
  • Introduction to Kubernetes - beyond Hello World
  • Cross platform automation with PowerShell Core 6.0
  • Consuming cloud services with the Kubernetes Service Broker
Filipe Barroso
  • What the Flutter?
Edin Kapić
  • Speak Different Languages of Data: Polyglot Persistence in Azure
  • Why You Should (Not) Probably Care about Machine Learning
Eldert Grootenboer
  • Azure's cloud trinity: Building serverless applications
  • Integrating life with cognitive services
  • Lessons from the API Management trenches
  • IoT on the edge
  • Industrial IoT with IoT Hub
José Mendes
  • Chatbots for Dummies
Thierry Buisson
  • Talking about History, what would have happened if Microsoft cloud technology had existed ?
Bruno Arrojado, Sérgio Lança
  • JavaScript - the truth behind the curtain
Cláudio Silva
  • dbachecks - Checking SQL Server environments with PowerShell
Rob Sewell
  • PowerShell and SQL with Rob Sewell
Matteo Emili
  • Product Management and Continuous Delivery - a happy marriage?
  • Databases and DevOps - can they be friends?
  • Containers jumpstart from a DevOps perspective
  • A case for on-premise: why you can do brownfield DevOps too
  • What did I learn trying to migrate teams from legacy to modern
  • Am I doing deployments right?
Thomas Verwer
  • Deploying Hybrid Office 365 in a Server Based Computing Concept
  • Migrating from AD FS to Pass-through Authentication.. what are my options?
  • Cross-tenant collaboration scenario's with Azure B2B, B2C, Multi-Geo or what else?
Christoph Trappe
Hugo Kornelis
  • Execution plans ... where do I start?
  • Improve your Database Performance in Seven Simple Steps
  • Hash Match, the Operator - part 2
  • Hash Match, the Operator - part 1
  • Execution Plans in Depth
Rui Romano
  • Power BI Hacks
  • "Start Small and Grow Big" with Power BI and Azure AS
  • Power BI Tips & Tricks from the Trenches
Filip W.
  • C# Scripting in the .NET Core world
  • Adapting ASP.NET Core MVC to your needs
Oluwaseyi Oluwawumiju
  • Upluging collaboration made easy using Microsoft Team and Yammer as a tool for digital workplace.
Sasha Kranjac
  • Azure Security Uncovered
  • Automating Azure - Doing More with Less
  • Azure Security Center on Steroids
  • Connecting Me Softly - Azure Hybrid Networking
Nuno Árias Silva
  • Introduction to Power BI
  • Understand what’s new in Office 365
  • Office365 Overview
  • Simplifying Cloud
  • Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium
  • How to be productive with Office 365
  • Extend your Active Directory to Azure
João Soares
  • AzOps vs DevOps - mind the gap
Nuno Silva Pereira, David Silva Cordeiro
  • Agile Roadtrip - Driving your backlog as a team
Carlos Miguel Silva
  • Pimp My SPFx generator
Ken Goossens
  • Modernize IT: Cloud driven Deployment with Windows AutoPilot
Ned Otter
  • Entire databases in memory: Fact or fiction?
Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz, Juan Moreno Romo
  • Back to the future: Moving on your database from On-premise to Cloud and go back?
Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz, Vitor Pombeiro
  • Move your database to the Cloud: Understand, Design, Migrate, Manage, and Monitor Azure SQL Database
  • Could Azure SQL Database help me in my Data scientist role? The answer is.....Yes! Of course!
João Ferreira
  • Optimize your time with SharePoint PNP Provisioning Engine
Andrea Martorana Tusa
  • Failure prediction for manufacturing industry with SQL Server & R
  • Writing queries in SQL Server 2016-2017
  • Spatial Analysis with SQL Server, R and Power BI
Mirko Colemberg
  • Overview about Win 10 Security and beyond
  • Manage Win10 Clients with Intune and 3-Party like Modern
  • How to Manage Office on today's clients
  • Implement Modern Management as like brewing a beer
Mustafa Toroman
  • DevTest Labs: IT strikes back
  • DevOps for System Engineers
  • Azure Networking Inside and Out
Mustafa Toroman, Sasha Kranjac
  • Cloud Cookbook: Azure PowerClass
Sasha Kranjac, Mustafa Toroman
  • Azure Security Masterclass
  • Azure Networking Deep Dive
Pedro Tavares
  • Things you should know about Database Storage and Retrieval
Giuliano De Luca
  • Configure on VSTS the continuous integration and deployment for your SharePoint Framework solution
  • SharePoint Framework get started & best practices
  • Building a real-time news feed and toast notifications on SharePoint with SPFx and webhooks
  • Modern site and Teams provisioning across a Bot, SharePoint Framework, Azure Function and Microsoft
Joel Rodrigues
  • Accelerate development of SPFx solutions with PnP reusable controls and PnPJS