The Illinois Section American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Expo (WATERCON) brings together utilities, consultants, manufacturers, regulators, students and more for their mutual benefit through the exhibition, education and networking events. The focus of WATERCON is to create a learning culture and strategic networking opportunities. The education sessions will provide all participants with various levels of experience, new and creative ideas to implement at their utilities.
WATERCON addresses the "total water" cycle - stormwater management, potable water, wastewater treatment, and water reuse. Today's economy requires that utility personnel have multiple responsibilities that are no longer limited to one segment of water.
Professionals will come to share best practices with their peers and discuss challenges with the water industry (drinking water, wastewater, stormwater management and reuse). Attendees will benefit from innovative industry programs, products and services, education and networking opportunities designed to facilitate new business partnerships. This spectacular face-to-face meeting provides attendees with the tools they need to plan and manage successful utilities.
The WATERCON 2022 theme centers on Total Water. We are looking for speakers to provide us with a total look at our industry!
The majority of sessions are 30 minutes, but 45 and 60 minute sessions are acceptable.
Speakers receive a discount for their event registration.