Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,084 days ago

web3con Presented by Developer DAO

event starts

5 Mar 2022

event ends

6 Mar 2022




web3con presented by Developer DAO is a single track conference to help developers of all skill levels collaborate, learn and vibe together on Web3 related topics. This conference is built in the vision of the Developer DAO which is to onboard and accelerate the education a new wave of Web3 builders. Talks and workshops will cover both technical topics as well as topics important to the builders of Web3. 

This conference will be conducted virtual both on stream and in our Gather town. Attendees will be able to interact with sponsor booths to get a better understanding of their products/services, learn about job opportunities and create potential partnerships. The conference itself will be preceded by a Web3 Hackathon. 

finished 1,111 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

16 Jan 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

06 Feb 2022

Call closes in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Thanks for your interest in applying to the speak at web3con. Here is some more information that we hope it is helpful to you applying: 

What topics should I speak about? 

We want to hear from speakers who are passionate about building Web3 in a good and supportive way. A talk should cover something that is important to builders in the Web3 world and is not limited to technical topics and coding workshops.

This is my first time applying, can you help me? 

We encourage first time speakers to apply and we have put together some helpful resources here if you need guidance:

I don't have 50k followers on Twitter, should I still apply? 

Our initial application review process will be anonymous to help eliminate any bias. You don't have to be one of the "cool kids" to speak at this conference. 

Other Housekeeping: 

This conference is a virtual conference and will be a streaming event. In the interest of delivering a smooth event, with exception of panel discussions,  we kindly ask that all talks be pre-record. We will inform all speakers on the requirements and ensure they have resources to do so. 

If you have any questions about the CFP please reach out to DappaDan - @DappaDanDev - DAppaDan#8403 -