Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 700 days ago

Working Software 2022

event starts

17 Jun 2022

event ends

19 Jun 2022


Antico Borgo di Gallano Perugia, Italy

English below
Stiamo tornando a incontrarci di persona!

E stiamo anche tornando a scrivere codice insieme, per davvero!

Per questa occasione abbiamo pensato ad una nuova formula: due giorni di workshop guidati da volontari esperti del settore.

Immagino che tutti conoscano i "coding kata".

Mantenendo la metafora delle arti marziali, un gruppo di sensei ci guiderà attraverso diversi workshop e coding kata, ognuno con un particolare tema. Ogni giorno ci saranno diversi workshop in diverse stanze, uno al mattino ed uno al pomeriggio.

Per i più coraggiosi ci saranno anche attività fisiche: "mens sana in corpore sano"!

Ci incontreremo di nuovo in una bellissima location, un antico borgo trasformato in un "hotel distribuito".


We're getting back to meeting in person!

And we're also getting back to coding together, for real!

For this event, we've come up with a new formula: two days of workshops led by volunteers who are experts in the field.

I guess everyone knows about "coding kata".

Keeping the metaphor of martial arts, a group of masters (sensei) will guide us through different workshops and coding katas, each one with a particular theme. Each day there will be different workshops in different rooms, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

For the bravest there will be also physical activities: "mens sana in corpore sano"!

We will meet again in a beautiful location, an ancient village transformed into a "distributed hotel".

finished 714 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 11:35 PM

06 May 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

04 Jun 2022

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

« Talk is cheap. Show us the code. »

This is not a traditional call for speakers, but a call for sensei.

Kata is a Japanese word (or) meaning "form".

It refers to a detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements made to be practiced alone. It can also be reviewed within groups and in unison when training.

It is used in Japanese martial arts as a way to memorize and perfect the movements being executed. 

Kata is also a term used by programmers in the Software Craftsmanship movement: exercises made by writing small snippets of code in one sitting, sometimes repeatedly, often daily, in order to build muscle memory and practice their craft.

Sensei (先生) is an honorific term in Japanese, generally used, with proper form, after a person's name and means "teacher".

For this event, our sensei are volunteers that offer their time and experience to lead programming workshops, where the participants will train and practice together on the same kata or other kinds of exercise.

Each sensei has the freedom to choose the theme and scope of their kata, the programming style (solo, pair, mob), or any other detail regarding their workshop (for example programming language or paradigm, techniques, tools, patterns, ...)

Languages of the conference will be Italian and English.

The following formats are accepted for the workshops:

  • 1h30' Workshop (half morning or half afternoon)
  • 3h Workshop (whole morning or whole afternoon)
  • 6h Workshop (entire day)

We strictly require only hands-on workshops: involve participants, give them an interesting challenge to solve, and help them overcome any obstacle that may come their way.

We'd prefer programming sessions (don't worry if it's not exactly a "kata", other kinds of exercises are welcome as well) - we want to write code together!

If you have an interesting idea for a workshop about programming practices that doesn't require writing code, though, feel free to submit it as well. E.g.: if you have found a way to teach unit testing with origami (折り紙), then we'll fold those sheets of paper till our hands hurt! 

Please be aware that speakers' expenses are not covered, since this is a community event.