Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,271 days ago

WorkPlace Ninja Virtual Edition 2021

event starts

31 Aug 2021

event ends

2 Sep 2021




The conference consists of a large number of sessions where attendees have a unique opportunity to expand their skills on Level 300 to 500.

The content is built around managing the modern/classic workplace within small businesses and large enterprises and covers the following topics:

  • Microsoft Endpoint Management Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Intune, Azure Active Directory, Identity
  • Microsoft 365 Defender, including Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Sentinel and other solutions 
  • Management and automation with PowerShell
  • Virtual Desktop Management (WVD)
finished 1,409 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:00 AM

27 Nov 2020

Call closes at 5:00 PM

16 Apr 2021

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please read the instructions below to avoid disappointment


One of the most overlooked aspects with all top-notch Workplace Management events these days is that audiences have matured along with you. So, expect audience to not know everything, but be as curious as you are, and in some areas even more knowledgeable than you. So, all presentations are held in a friendly cooperative atmosphere and on an equal level with the audience.

Unique Sessions

One of our aims for this conference is not only to give our attendees and you a brilliant experience but also to create an outstanding store of material for people to continue to learn from. If your session is exactly the same as in a different event then we are not able to increase the knowledge sharing, only duplicate it.

Please make your sessions submissions for WPNinjaSummit are unique.

Of course, we understand that you will want to practice them at User Groups (Please support the Local User Groups) and that you may also submit similar sessions to other large conferences but we ask that you put in a little effort to tweak them so that we (and you) can enable greater knowledge sharing and improve the resources for people getting into our Topics fro Workplace Management.

We will have NO recording, that you can reuse your Session for your local Usergroup ;-)

Speaker Confirmation

Despite the call for speakers closing on end of April 2021 and knowing that will mean that some of you will not submit until end of April 2021, we like to create a buzz about the event and will pick and release chosen speakers and sessions before this date so that we can drive Event Advertisenment. We will also be reviewing submissions throughout the call for speakers and communicating with you about them through sessionize, please look out for communication from us.

We will inform all speakers chosen and otherwise by May 5th, which will begin our promotion efforts for the event

Session Length

Sessions will be 45 minutes in length. This allows for some time for questions and answers after the Session and makes it easier for us to create a schedule. (We have a seperate Ninja Zone Channel for any kind of discusion, where we ask you to stay after your session.

Session Language

The primary conference language is English, the majority of the sessions will be in English.

Session Types

We are accepting sessions in the following "types"

“HowTo” Presentations (45 min excl. Q&A):

“After you watched this, you will be able to.... "

Make a distinct value proposition at the beginning of your presentation (and abstract). You could show people how to create X with Config Manager (Notes from the Field), Use Intune in the field for small Customers, or whatnot. Bottom line is: make a promise, use a few slides and a lot of demos, submit your examples to GitHub and send us the Slides before the session starts, to share it with the audience, and keep your promise to the audience at the end of your presentation.

    “Fundamentals” Presentations (45 min excl. Q&A):

“After listening, you will understand ...........”

Make a distinct value proposition such as. So in essence, at the beginning of your presentation (and abstract), clearly define what you’ll be talking about, and why people should care. Be prepared to submit your examples to GitHub and send us the Slides before the session starts, so at the end of your presentation, audience will be able to follow your guidance and have learned a new skill.

    "Surprise / Special / YouNameIt" (let’s see incl. Q&A)

If what you’d like to present does not fall in either of the above categories, please submit an outline of what you’d like to do, and what you need for this it must be Device Management related. So if you have a cool idea for a special workshop, or interactive event, etc., there may be room for it.

    "Deepdive" (45 min excl. Q&A)

    "Over View" (45 min excl. Q&A)

Session Topics

While this Summit is concentrated to Workplace Management, we ask for the following Topics:

- Microsoft Endpoint Management Configuration Manager

- Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Intune, Azure Active Directory, Identity

- Microsoft 365 Defender, including Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Sentinel and other solutions

- Management and automation with PowerShell

- Virtual Desktop Management (WVD)

We are looking forward to what you bring to us. With the number of technologies that our Topics interacts with, the choice is endless.

Find solutions that you think that Passionate IT Professionals will be interested in. Configuration Manager, PowerShell, Microsoft Intune, Azure Cloud (Device related), Desktop Analytics, Tooling, Security, Manage O365, GPO, MDM, Automation even soft skills are all acceptable.

How we select speakers

We have again established a community advisory board that will review and discuss your submissions. There is no first in first serve, or send as much sessions as possible, we like quality and a minimum of two session each Speaker.

What we expect from you as a Speaker

As a speaker at Workplace Ninja Summit 2021, you are the heart and soul of this conference. That is why we ask you to be Present during the Summit to Peer with the audience. We have no separate Speaker Room; we have a Ninja Zone chanel in Teams where you can meet People. 

We are looking for speakers who enjoy attending this conference, and who love to dive into the event, share knowledge and be part of it. If you can only attend for a day or two, please let us know so we can plan the slots.

We ask that you help us to promote the event using the hashtag #WPNinjaS Tweets during the run up to the event. Blog posts, LinkedIn posts by you all have a great impact on our ticket sales and the success of the event. If you let us know, we will also help to promote them.

What your session submission should include

Please submit at least four sessions to maximize your chances of getting selected. There are always duplicate topics. - Decide whether you want to submit a “Howto”, “Fundamentals”, “Notes from the Field”, or “Other” session - In your submission, include the promise you want to make with each session (see above, i.e. “In this session, you will learn how to…”) - Submit a catchy title and an abstract of 3-8 lines of text and what Attendees will learn in the Session - If your proposal does not fit into the default 45min slot, or requires more than one presenter, include details.

Each speaker…

uses the presentation templates we provide

provides presentation and/or materials to the audience via GitHub and our Planning tool

You also agree to the following deadlines: 

7 days after acceptance; Complete your speaker profile (bio & picture) on within 7 days of your welcome email. 

17 JUL 2021; First PPT draft due. Email to 

31 JUL 2021; Second draft of PPT due. Email to 

11 AUG 2021; Final presentation due (speaker to post on our platform for attendees to review/download) 

We can ask you for a Online Test Session to take some actions, about the topic in your session and give you some tips and tricks for your presentation skills.


expenses covered

This will be a Virtual Remote Event, there are no expenses needed.

Thank you