Call for Speakers

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finished 996 days ago

WTF is Cloud Native

event date

4 Nov 2021




Last November we launched our WTF is Cloud Native publication. Since then we’ve published 55 blogs, recorded 10 videos, run 16 WTFinars and organised 1 big multi-track virtual conference (this one!). 

Over and over we asked WTF is Cloud Native and many related WTFs.

Now, almost a year and 3,000 newsletter subscribers later, we are ready to share some answers. 

How? Hopefully a bit online and a bit in person with our WTF is Cloud Native Hybrid Conference on Thursday 4th November.

finished 1,069 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 9:00 AM

22 Jul 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

22 Aug 2021

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Because we strongly believe that a proper Cloud Native transformation cannot happen without the right strategies and cultural changes, we won’t be talking just about Kubernetes. 

You can choose between three tracks: People, Processes and Technology.

Still not sure what we’d like to hear from you?

Here’s some topic examples:


  • Why is psychological safety important to complete a successful Cloud Native Transformation?
  • How do diverse teams help you become Cloud Native?
  • How can we decrease cognitive load across Cloud Native teams?
  • Is the 2 pizza team still valid?
  • Help! Everyone's leaving. How do we retain our people?
  • Is Cloud Native taking our jobs?
  • How do we nurture autonomous teams?


  • What's changing in Agile and how does this affect the Cloud Ecosystem?
  • Why is Scrum bad for a Cloud Native Team? Or is it?
  • How can we use Conway's Law to restructure our processes?
  • How do we create domain boundaries across an organisation?
  • Why do our processes need to be automated?
  • How do we ensure our processes are unbiased?
  • "Success doesn't happen overnight", and neither does a Cloud Native transformation. So how do we prioritise and prepare for the shift?


  • Why do companies understand Kubernetes but get no value from Cloud Native?
  • Why is GitOps important now but wasn't as important before?
  • What is the new Cloud Native technical debt we need to look out for?
  • Is Serverless the new Cloud Native?
  • How does security need to adapt to become Cloud Native?
  • How to setup CI/CD that will scale as your Cloud Native architecture grows?
  • Can a lift-and-shift be Cloud Native, or are Microservices the only way?

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to check our Code of Conduct

event fee

free for speakers