Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,384 days ago

Xamarin Assemble 2020 **Online**

event starts

16 Jul 2020

event ends

18 Jul 2020



Xamarin Assemble es un evento anual acerca del desarrollo de aplicaciones mobile utilizando Xamarin. Este año se realizará de forma online y como siempre, gratuita. Nuestro objetivo es reunir a los mejores exponentes de la comunidad y acercar el conocimiento a estudiantes y profesionales de todo el mundo.


Xamarin Assemble is an annual event about Mobile Cross Platform development with Xamarin. This year it will be held online and as always, free of charge. Our goal is to bring together the best exponents of the community and share their knowledge to students and professionals from around the world.

finished 1,400 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

10 Jun 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Jul 2020

Call closes in Argentina Standard Time (UTC-03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Aceptaremos sesiones que estén relacionadas al desarrollo en Xamarin de nivel principiante, intermedio y avanzado. Cuanto más relacionadas estén, más posibilidades de estar seleccionadas. Es importante para nosotros compartir contenido que sea una experiencia única para los espectadores, por lo que será un requisito que el speaker no haya realizado la misma presentación previamente en otro evento.


We will accept sessions that are related to Xamarin development at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The more Xamarin content they include, the more chances of being selected. It is important for us to share content that is a unique experience for viewers, so it will be a requirement that the speaker has not previously made the same presentation at another event.