
Andreas Wänqvist

Andreas Wänqvist

Tech Lead, Voyado | Aurelia Core Team

Linköping, Sweden


Andreas has been working in different positions within enterprise during the last two decades. A few years ago his focus was on all things mobile, then it shifted towards building web systems. Nowadays the focus is on cloud solutions and planet-scale architecture, as well as helping web developers be more productive.

Andreas is a Tech Lead at Voyado. On his spare time he spends time with his family, lifts heavy things in the gym and is involved in OSS as an Aurelia Core Team member.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Azure
  • Web
  • Backend
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Frontend
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • dotNet
  • Modern JavaScript Frameworks
  • dotnet core
  • .net dotnet
  • CSS
  • HTML

Leveraging .NET Expertise for AI with Semantic Kernel

Do you feel FOMO seeing all the cool AI demos in Python? Want to unleash the power of AI with your .NET skills? Then you need to check out this session!

Introducing Semantic Kernel, an open-source SDK by Microsoft that fuels all of Microsoft’s Co-pilots. This awesome tool lets you bridge the gap between conventional programming and the new wave of Language Models and AI-driven development.

In this session, we’ll show you how to get started with Semantic Kernel, giving you the resources and steps to get up and running. We’ll explore the core concepts of Semantic Kernel, including its system of plugins and planners. We will also create a custom plugin in C#, letting you use your .NET expertise in the AI domain.

Join me to discover the possibilities that Semantic Kernel offers for .NET developers who want to leverage AI in real-world applications!

GitHub Copilot: Game-changer or a hype-train?

GitHub Copilot promises to revolutionize the way we code. Some people even say it will replace developers completely in the future. But is it really that smart? Or is this just clever marketing and hype-train shenanigans?

In this talk, I will expose the shocking truth behind GitHub Copilot. But I will also show you how to capitalize on your newfound knowledge of its flaws and make it work for you as best as possible.

If you fear that AI will come to take your job, don’t miss this eye-opening presentation!

How to Rock Your Frontend Apps with 10 Awesome CSS Features!

CSS has come a long way since the days of Bootstrap v1, but are you still stuck with the same old techniques and tools? Do you want to learn how to use the latest and coolest features that CSS has to offer, and blow your peers away with your awesome frontend skills?

In this talk, I will show you 10 CSS features that you probably didn’t know existed, but will change the way you code forever. You will learn how to use custom properties, grid layout, scroll snap, color functions, and more to create amazing layouts that will make your users go wow!

This talk is perfect for full-stack developers who have been too busy with customer code to update their CSS skills but want to catch up with the latest and best features that CSS has to offer.

State of the Public Cloud - featuring AWS, GCP and Azure

In this two hour long session, the three largest cloud providers - AWS, GCP, and Azure - will present overviews of their respective cloud offerings. The focus of the session will be on providing attendees with a general understanding of the features and capabilities of each platform, as well as the potential benefits of using a cloud provider for their business or organization. The session will cover a range of topics, including compute, storage, containerized workloads, messaging, and database options. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the different cloud options available and to determine which one best fits their application needs.

Andreas Wänqvist, Tech Lead at Voyado
Will MC and guide us through the session.

Jonah Andersson.
Will give you an overview of Azure's services.

Abdelfettah SGHIOUAR, Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Google
Will show you how to run your apps safely and securely on the Google Cloud.

Anurag Kale, AWS Data Hero and Cloud Software Architect at Polestar
Will provide an overview of AWS's services.

SPA application development for .NET developers

You are a .NET engineer and you get tasked to construct a JavaScript based SPA for your next project, what do you do?

What if I told you there is a JavaScript framework that would make you feel just at home?
With first class TypeScript support, enabling strict typing, classes and interfaces. That uses convention over configuration, so that you don't have to write any framework cruft, just focus on your application logic. Which uses standards based syntax, enabling your team to learn pure HTML and TypeScript that's fully framework agnostic. With dependency injection and composition being central concepts, helping you keep code base clean and testable. With a reactive binding system where a XAML or WPF developer will feel at home straight away.

Deliver secure, robust and fast web apps with Azure Front Door

It used to be Azure Web Apps that was the only hosting alternative on Azure. To be more performant, we started using CDN's. For sites with high traffic we started using the Azure Load Balancer and later Azure Application Gateway. To grow globally there were solutions including Azure Traffic Manager.

Today there are better solutions, so join me in a session where we have a look at how to handle scale, security and speed when going global with the Azure Front Door Service.

Deliver super performant SPA's with Azure

You have built your app in the latest, shiniest, JavaScript framework - now what?

It used to be Azure Web Apps that was the only hosting alternative on Azure. Now that has changed with static file hosting in Azure Storage. But how do you use a CDN, can we leverage Azure API Management or the Azure Front Door Service?

Aurelia 2, learn all about the new hotness!

Join me for a session to learn about the next version of Aurelia! I'll discuss the design decisions and reasoning behind version 2. We'll have a look at what's new, what's changed and what's improved. If you already have Aurelia applications in production, we'll have a look at the best way of lifting them to Aurelia 2.

Serverless Web - Azure Static Web Apps

Web site as a service, is more or less what Azure Static Web Apps is offering. With great developer ergonomics, speedy deploys and a stunning price point - it's a great offering for smaller projects.

Azure Static Web Apps is a service where you can host your static web sites, supporting sites produced in everything from plain HTML to Blazor to full fledged JavaScript frameworks such as Vue, React or Aurelia.

Join me as we dive into the features of the service, such as the CI/CD deployment with GitHub actions, creating an Azure Functions based api, securing routes with the built in Auth handling and setting up a custom domain.

gRPC and Azure

For years we have heard the sirens song of how gRPC will improve our microservice communication. As a large open source project, with many implementations for all our favorite languages, it feels like a given in todays fractured service landscape. But how well suited is it to run in the public cloud? And can we use it for web sites or is it only for server to server communication?

Join me for a session where we look at the history of gRPC, what the pros and cons from a developer standpoint are. Where we have a look at what the service support for gRPC in Azure looks like right now and in the future and also check out a few cool demos!

Web + Azure = 💖

It doesn't matter if it's a small internal app, a well-renowned e-com, or a multi-market mega app. There are good hosting alternatives for all web apps in Azure. Virtual machines, container-based systems, SAAS, or serverless - there are options for all preferences. Join me for a whirlwind tour of all the ways we can host our web apps in Azure. Afterward, your head will be spinning but you'll be able to give out Azure web hosting advice in your sleep!

Aurelia2 - Hyper-productivity for the web

Tired of fidgeting around with complex build systems. Tired of web frameworks forcing you to learn new proprietary syntax and complex make-up solutions to simple problems?
Then this session is for you! Join me and learn about how to become hyper-productive writing web apps with Aurelia 2.

We'll have a look at the new super simple routing, the standards-based syntax. I'll show how easy it is to extend your app with pages and components when the framework keeps out of the way. And we'll have a look at the powerful reactive binding system that will make you rethink all your complex state-handling solutions.

Web development on Windows done right

Are you into web dev and using a Windows machine? Are your colleagues and friends mocking you for how slow it seems compared to their Macs? Is it really meant to be like that? Isn't there anything that we can do as Windows-based developers to speed up our workflow?

Actually, there is! And not just one thing... There are actually a few tricks that we can utilize to make our developer workflow faster!

We can for example use the new Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to improve web dev tooling speed. And use containerization (Docker, Podman) to help us with our local development. And in some cases, it can even help out with the CI/CD builds of our large web apps!

Join Andreas Wänqvist, an avid web developer with a Windows machine, for a session where he shows you how to make web development on Windows better. :)

Web on Azure - the easy way

Need a fast and simple way to get your web app into the cloud? Want cheap webscale hosting that is still super simple? How about Azure static web apps? And yeah, is not just for static content!

Have a hosted web app that needs to scale to thousands of users? No worries, Azure App Service got you covered!

Join Andreas Wänqvist, an avid web developer with a keen eye for Azure, for a session where he shows you how to make web development on Azure fast and simple.

Agentic Workflows with Semantic Kernel

Ever dreamed of AI agents that handle your tasks and even work while you sleep?

Welcome to the future with the Semantic Kernel, a lightweight framework helping us with intelligent agent development. In this presentation, discover how to create agentic workflows that understand complex user needs. Learn how to write plugins, orchestrate tasks with planners, and add a personalized touch with personas. We'll explore evaluation, to ensure your workflows are robust and efficient. We'll demonstrate how your .NET skills remain valuable in this AI-driven era, helping developers bridge traditional development with generative AI.

Join this session to harness your .NET skills in the evolving world of AI and witness the future of intelligent automation unfold.

Swetugg Stockholm 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

Swetugg Gothenburg 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Göteborg, Sweden

DevSum 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm TECH Show 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

Swetugg 2020 Sessionize Event

February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden

Andreas Wänqvist

Tech Lead, Voyado | Aurelia Core Team

Linköping, Sweden


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