Speakers Directory

Browse and search 47,000+ speakers for your event, conference, or meetup. Save your favorites. Free for everyone.

They make us awesome, by being awesome!

Speaker of the day

Ayisha Tabbassum

Ayisha Tabbassum

Felix Jumason

Felix Jumason

Wesley Kambale

Wesley Kambale

Event of the day

Droidcon & Fluttercon Kenya 2024

Droidcon & Fluttercon Kenya 2024

ACSA 2025 Every Child Counts Symposium

ACSA 2025 Every Child Counts Symposium

Devfest Milano 2024

Devfest Milano 2024

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Most Active Speakers 2023

Sessionize proudly presents the list of the most active speakers in the year 2023!

700+ speakers

Java Champions

All Java Champions that have added their award to their speaker profile.

60+ speakers

Women Techmakers Ambassadors

All Women Techmakers Ambassadors that have added their award to their speaker profile.

20+ speakers

Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Codrina Merigo Dan Bergh Johnsson Lorenzo Vercellati Nicky van Vroenhoven Bryce Howitson Matteo Pagani Gaston Cruz Leonardo Micheloni Geert Baeke Neil Chandler Elayne Jones Lian Li Daniel Yuschick Anubhav Singh Kay Sauter
Emilie Lundblad Patty O'Callaghan Jessica Engström Renato Fajdiga Yitzhak David Gethyn Ellis Achraf Ben Alaya Filip Popović Juan Antonio Tomás Douglas Starnes Freek Berson Noorez Khamis Marc Duiker Magali Milbergue Josef Goldstein Bob Ward
Femke Cornelissen Rohit Ghumare Marcel de Vries Julia Undeutsch Diana Montalion Felix Jumason Sean McQuaid Falek Miah Alexandre Daubois Sari Soinoja Robert Bermejo Xavier Portilla Edo Adrienne Braganza Tacke Nanddeep Nachan Mey Beisaron Koen Verbeeck
Dave Rendon Valarie Regas Chris Klug Patrick Koch Jan-Tore Pedersen Jimmy Engström Matt Eland Sean McDonough Mattias Karlsson Deepu K Sasidharan Bervianto Leo Pratama Vivian Voss Nathaniel Schutta William Huneycutt Eric Boyd Andrei Epure

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  • The simplest submission experience possible for speakers

  • Smart voting mechanism to select the best content for you event

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  • Drag and drop sessions to build your schedule

  • Mobile app with schedule where attendees can set favorites

  • Cloud based, safe and easy. Fair and simple pricing

  • Smart Task List that will guide you through the whole process

  • Embed schedule, speakers and sessions on your website