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Arkadiusz Gutkowski

Arkadiusz Gutkowski

Principal Developer @ Xebia Poland

Principal Developer @ Xebia Poland

Gdańsk, Poland


My name is Arkadiusz, I am Principal Python Developer at Xebia, acting as Tech Lead and Team Lead.
My daily tasks are building systems on AWS Cloud infrastructure.
I am here to reveal a few, very practical secrets that I've learn about Python and AWS, that will help Developers in their day to day work.

Jestem Arkadiusz, jestem Principal Python Developerem w Xebia Poland, pełnię role Tech Lead'a i Team Lead'a.
Na codzień zajmuję się budową systemów na chmurze AWS.
Jestem tu aby ujawnić kilka, bardzo praktycznych tajemnic, które odkryłem o Pythonie i AWS, tak aby ułatwić pracę innym developerom.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • python
  • Python in the cloud and containerization
  • Python fundamentals and advanced concepts.
  • Python for automation and scripting
  • python training
  • python programming for beginners
  • python3
  • AWS Serverless
  • AWS Architecture
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS S3
  • AWS DynamoDB


Zalando's Connexion - API First approach for building applications en pl

Zalando - ordinary people associate it with an online fashion house with free returns for clothes that fit great in the photo but weren't that great in reality.

Will a Python programmer find something for themselves there?
Yes, a lot!

Zalando Connexion - podejście API First do tworzenia aplikacji en pl

Zalando - zwykłym ludziom kojarzy się z inrnetowym domem mody z darmowymi zwrotami ciuchów, które na zdjęciu leżały super, a w rzeczywistości takie fajne nie były.

Czy programista Python znajdzie tam coś dla siebie?
Tak i to bardzo sporo!

Short Story of Crafting Application on AWS en pl

Let's build an application!
It's going to be straightforward. We'll use just the most popular services, and we'll be done in no time: API Gateway, Lambda, ECS.

Let's go together through a journey and see what awaits:

1. The Contract
Can we make it easier for the team to establish the API contract? If only there was a simple and popular tool that could help us with that. Oh, there is! And it can be used to configure API Gateway as well?!
2. The Integration
We all know how to integrate Lambda with API Gateway: Proxy, right? There is nothing that could go wrong here..
3. The Lambda
Well, The Lambda, the Python, there is nothing to it, right? Package it, deploy it, and you're done. It just wo... Hey, why does it not start up?
4. The Mesh
We have a few services running in ECS, and we want to use AppMesh to manage the communication between them. Easy.
New requirement: clients need to use x-request-id header to send object id. No problem! ...No problem...?

Krótka Historia o Tworzeniu Aplikacji na AWS en pl

Stwórzmy aplikację!
To będzie proste. Wykorzystamy tylko najpopularniejsze usługi i zrobimy to w mgnieniu oka: API Gateway, Lambda, ECS.

Wybierzmy się razem w podróż i zobaczmy, co nas czeka:

1. Kontrakt
Czy możemy ułatwić zespołowi zawarcie kontraktu API? Gdyby tylko istniało proste i popularne narzędzie, które mogłoby nam w tym pomóc. O, jest! I można go również użyć do skonfigurowania API Gateway?!
2. Integracja
Wszyscy wiemy, jak zintegrować Lambdę z API Gateway: Proxy, prawda? Tutaj nie ma nic, co mogłoby pójść źle...
3. Lambda
Cóż, Lambda, Python, nie ma w tym nic złego, prawda? Spakuj, wdróż i gotowe. To po prostu dzia... Hej, dlaczego się nie uruchamia?
4. Sieć
Mamy kilka usług działających w ECS i chcemy używać AppMesh do zarządzania komunikacją między nimi. Proste.
Nowe wymaganie: klienci muszą używać nagłówka x-request-id, aby wysłać identyfikator obiektu. Bez problemu! ...Bez problemu...?

Python Next Level en pl

When discovering the charms of Python, a beginner programmer focuses on fighting indentation, 'off-by-one' errors, logical intricacies of the program resulting from if's or incomprehensible interpreter messages.
After some time, 'enlightenment' occurs and what previously seemed difficult becomes understandable. Is this the end of adversity?
On the contrary, this is just the beginning...

In the presentation, you will learn about the challenges in Python programming that await you on your way to the next level. But don't worry, You will also learn the practical tips & tricks.

Python Wyższy Poziom en pl

Początkujący programista odkrywając uroki Pythona, skupia się na walce z wcięciami, błędami 'off-by-one', zawiłościami logicznymi programu powstającymi dzięki if-om czy z niezrozumiałymi komunikatami interpretera.
Po jakimś czasie następuje 'oświecenie' i to co do tej pory wydawało się trudne, staje się zrozumiałe. Czy to już koniec przeciwności?
Wręcz przeciwnie, to dopiero początek...

Na prezentacji dowiesz się o czekających wyzwaniach w programowaniu w Python, które czekają na drodze do wyższego poziomu. Ale nie martw się, dowiesz się też o praktycznych sposobach na ich rozwiązanie.

Meet the Expert with Just Join IT oraz Xebia

Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology and JustJoinIT invites to "Meet the Expert", a series during which IT specialists share their knowledge and experiences that will help you at the beginning of your professional path!.

Speaker with "Python - Next Level" presentation and live coding.

May 2023 Gdańsk, Poland

PyGda #56

PyGDA is a Tri-City group of Python enthusiasts.

What can programmer find on Zalando? An API-First approach to building REST applications.

Zalando - ordinary people associate it with an online fashion house with free returns for clothes that fit great in the photo but weren't that great in reality.
Will a Python programmers find something for themselves there?

May 2020 Gdańsk, Poland

PyGda #43

PyGDA is a Tri-City group of Python enthusiasts.

Python - Next Steps

When discovering the charms of Python, a beginner programmer focuses on fighting indentation, 'off-by-one' errors, logical intricacies of the program resulting from if's or incomprehensible interpreter messages.
After some time, 'enlightenment' occurs and what previously seemed difficult becomes understandable. Is this the end of adversity?
On the contrary, this is just the beginning...

February 2019 Gdańsk, Poland

"Across Stack" webinar

Developers are mobile beasts 🚀. Both in terms of location and technology. We must always be up to date, always know what's going on and always be ready 💪. We will make a few technology trips (to different companies) to see how different developers from different specializations approach problems 🤔.

In this webinar Arkadiusz Gutkowski presents how to approach task of building to-do application using Python and Flask.

November 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

infoShare 2018 Conference

infoShare is the biggest Tech community in CEE.

Co-host of "Your first application in Python" workshop.

May 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

infoShare 2018 Conference

infoShare is the biggest Tech community in CEE.

Co-host of "How to develop dApp on NEO".
NEO support Smart Contract development in C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, Kotlin, and more. In this workshop, we will develop a dApp in Python and deploy it on TestNet.

May 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

beIT Software Engineering Conference

beIT is a Software Engineering Conference organised by Technical University of Gdansk.

I was hosting workshop "neo-python: Developing Smart Contracts on NEO Blockchain"

April 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

Women in Technology Gdansk #7

Speaker at WIT meetup with session: "Python and QPX Express API - Snake'y Travel Agency".

In this presentation i am presenting how to use Python to find cheap flights using Google's QPX Express API.
Github: https://github.com/ArkadioG/wit7gda

July 2017 Gdańsk, Poland

Arkadiusz Gutkowski

Principal Developer @ Xebia Poland

Gdańsk, Poland


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