
Dubravko Marak

Dubravko Marak

Managing Consultant / Solution Architect / Microsoft MVP / MCT

Köln, Germany


Dubravko Marak has worked in the IT industry for more than 20 years. During his career, he has worked with many Microsoft Technologies, starting from Windows Server NT 4.0 up until 2012 R2. He is an active member of ITPro community. He is also active as a speaker on other events about Microsoft technologies. On Sinergija 12 he was the second best speaker and he had the most visited presentation. Some of his most notable projects are the migration from NT 4.0 and Exchange 5.5 to the Windows 2003 family, several infrastructure migrations to higher domain levels and the merging of two large German Telecom companies (20k+ users). His most challenging project was building a DR site based completely on Microsoft Technologies (from blueprint to finish). Currently, he is working as an infrastructure architect for his clients. He is Microsoft MVP since 01.10.2012 and Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2021

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Business & Management

Using Intune to distribute O365 to your devices

As everything move to the Cloud, management ad distribution also moves to the cloud. Intune as Microsoft solution provide us variety of possibility how to distribute O365 to your devices, starting with existing ones till completely new one.
On this session we want to show you how to do it in a real life

Office 365 - Enterprise Implementation

Company with 45000 employees and 18000 users of IT services worldwide make strategic decision to implement O365. They took in consideration how to connecting different teams worldwide which needs to colaborate together, working on various projects etc. As final solution was taken hybrid solution, moving exchange, Skype and SharePoint totally in a cloud. Using of Azure Active Directory features shows as a win-win situation to users and first level support. During presentation will be shown how with combining different products and techniques we can make huge save even in enterprice environment positioned globaly.

Office 365 - Enterprise Implementation

A company with 55000 employees and 25000 users of IT services worldwide are making strategic decision to implement O365. They took into consideration how to connect different teams worldwide which need to colaborate, work on various projects etc.

As a final solution, they decided to go for the hybrid solution, moving Exchange, Skype and SharePoint totally into the cloud. Using Azure Active Directory features turns out as a win-win situation to users and first level support.

During this presentation I will show how with combining different products and techniques we can make a huge save even in a globally positioned enterprise environment.

Manage and secure your devices unsing Microsoft Intune

Microsoft Intune evolve to complete solution for distributing, manage and secure all major (mobile) devices. It doesn't matter if company is startup or it is huge Enterprise. Simply Intune brings robust, scalable and trustworthy solution to manage and secure devices. In this session we want to show you how to manage and secure your devices using pure Intune, without any hybrid scenario.

Implementing Intune in large scale and still be within time and budget

Do you need to implement Intune for a 10k + devices? Are you worried about time line, milestones and budget? Or you just curious how to do it? Then this is session just for you.
during session we want to show you how you can implement Intune in a large scale or enterprise organizations and still be within time and budget. Please keep in mind that session will have technical view on this, not PM view.
Session is intended for architects, support engineers, decision makers and all interested people

How to avoid most common mistake during Intune implementation

If you are contemplating the implementation of Microsoft Intune within your organization and are uncertain about the initial steps or considering a migration from another Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, we are here to guide you. Our objective is to assist you in circumventing prevalent pitfalls and other potential issues. This session is specifically designed for IT Architects, IT Managers, and decision-makers who are instrumental in making strategic IT decisions

Future Business Models of IT

It is definitely changes. Business starts to use cloud services more and more. Some drivers for that are simplification of collaboration and management, and some are hand-over some risks (as infrastructure failures) to other side. Many of consultant companies are forced to change their mindset from keeping focus from totally client based solutions to a combining various of services together making them attractive and usable for the clients. Is it packaging future business model of IT?

Do we really need to have Domain Controller today

Purpose of having traditional Domain Controller today is reduced to minimal. Depending on your environment there are couple of reasons but traditional reason to manage identity and secure devices are reduced to zero. in this session we would like to show you how environment can be built without Domain Controller and where you can find GPO and ADMX settings today. This session is intended for System Administrators and people responsible to manage or improve Infrastructure services within company it is also intended for Security responsible persons

Secure your collaboration in a cloud with EMS and O365

Architect point of view how we can combine several technologies and techniques present on a market and secure your collaboration. Focus is on a data on move and mobile devices which take more place in regular working day. Session will start with a high overview and do a deep dive to a particular technology to show parts from combining to configuring.

Secure your sensitive data within Microsoft Teams

Communicating over Teams become standard today. during this session we want to show you how you can prevent that your sensitive data will be shared (intentionally or unintentionally) during and/or after meetings. This session is intend for all security and compliance responsible persons, and to all interested people who wants to keep their data secure.

Azure PIM - Environment without Administrator

In order to reduce privileged access to our environment we would like to give access Just In Time to desired people for desired tasks. Theoretically environment "can live" without administrator. In this session we would like to show how we can achieve such a result using Azure PIM. This session is intend for people responsible for security in organization and/or all interested people who would like to have enhanced security and controlling access to their sensitive resources

Azure Information Protection & Unified labeling.

Within Presentation we want to cover:
AIP scanner
Scanning in cloud
Labeling, (custom labels) and DLP
Also during presentation we want to show you about which things to take care of and which protection options we have after labeling

Aks the Expert - Intune, M365 (merge, migration), Autopilot,

Intune, M365, Autopilot, merge, migration scenarios, iPhone management, Android management, Supervised mode, DEP, ABM, Managed google Play, Surface Hub management, Enterprise integration...

Azure Information Protection & Unified labeling.

U workshopu zelimo pokazati Azure AIP scanner, Skeniranje u cloudu, kako kreirati svoj Policy, svoje sensitivity Information types, na sto obratiti paznju i kako zastititi svoje okruzenje.
Isto tako pokazati koje su nam mogucnosti zastite podataka nakon sto smo "labelirali" dokumente

All you need to know about MCAS

In this session we would like to show you all thigs around and with MCAS. Also we would like to extract why MCAS is important security element and how it works in combination with other MS security products like Intune, CA, etc.
Session is intend to all who are responsible for security and would like to raise security on a higher level

Microsoft Intune – new way of MDM

MDM can be cause of real headache. Which solution to take, what should be driver for decision, which features solution have? Microsoft Intune can save your hair from some gray hairs no matter which mobile platform are/will you use. So forget your painkillers (or throw them away) and come presentation to see what is new in Intune and You will find solution for you for sure.

Ask the Expert

Ask anything our top experts!

Modern vs Classic Management - which one fits for you

Want to know major and important differences between modern and classic management? In this session you will get important view of difference between modern and classic management and key points which should lead you to decision whichone will be suitable option for you. This session is intended to people who is responsible for managing company resources, mainly client devices supporting business processes following also todays security needs

Level 300 - Cloud

Demistifying AAD

A lot of misunderstandings today is about AAD. Mainly mixing it (and compare) with AD (on-prem). In this session we want to extract all common mistakes from group usage, OU structure, UPN and SID (UID) and give clear vision for usage of On-prem, hybrid or pure cloud model. This session is designed for architects and other experienced IT persons who are responsible for authentication and security.

Level 300 - Cloud

Security in a Cloud - Myth or Realiy

Need to increase your level of security within company? In this session you will get an idea how to combine already known best practices with current cloud model and latest security in the cloud. The most benefits of this session will get people who are responsible for implementing and managing Information security, by using latest security models lowering threats and attack surfaces.

Level 300 - Security

Does all "Modern" really have add-value

With everything "modern" this days it is really hard to measure-up if this really increasing productivity, or effect is totaly opposite. In this session we want to extract if this is "something for you" or this is just another industrybuzzword. This session is designed for decision makers so they can get real answers of add-value avoiding to fall in pit of buzzwords and sweet sales stories.

Level 200 - CxO

Modern management - From delivery till "Fort Knox"

With new ways of delivering software on devices it is hard to decide which one is good for you. In this workshop we wont to introduce to you Microsoft solution: Microsoft Intune together with Autopilot and possibility of Co-Management with SCCM. Also combining some products like Advanced Thread Protection, Azure Information Protection, and other associated products we are able to create a "Fort Knox" from data on your devices. This workshop is for people who wants to improve deployment and security on their client devices protecting company data flow and making company and user data "device independent"


Lift and Shift

Moving datacenter to the cloud is not a new story, but can be complicated.
During complexity today migration can be really hard and we know where to start and how to approach on this topic.
If you are Architect or decision maker who wants to move to the cloud then this session ich just perfect for you.

Move your Datacenter to the Cloud
Level from 200 to 300

Modern management - From delivery till "Fort Knox"

With new ways of delivering software on devices it is hard to decide which one is good for you. In this workshop we wont to introduce to you Microsoft solution: Microsoft Intune together with Autopilot and possibility of Co-Management with SCCM. Also combining some products like Advanced Thread Protection, Azure Information Protection, and other associated products we are able to create a "Fort Knox" from data on your devices. This workshop is for people who wants to improve deployment and security on their client devices protecting company data flow and making company and user data "device independent"

Intune & AutoPilot - Deploying Cloud only Workplace

Following today's business needs and responses to agile way of bringing Modern workplace to users can be challenging. In this session we would like to show you how Modern workplace can/will be delivered in a modern way saving time and resources in parallel. This session show also benefits of using cloud only workplace keeping in mind that still some of resources will stays on-prem. This session is intended to architects and decision makers who wants to bring modern and agile way of working in their environments keeping in mind costs saving and enhanced productivity.

Azure PIM - Environment without Administrator

In order to reduce privileged access to our environment we would like to give access Just In Time to desired people for desired tasks. Theoretically environment "can live" without administrator. In this session we would like to show how we can achieve such a result using Azure PIM. This session is intend for people responsible for security in organization and/or all interested people who would like to have enhanced security and controlling access to their sensitive resources

Enabling remote working in 5 days - Our response to COVID-19

During COVID-19 time a lot of companies had choice or to work from home or to stop with work at all.
In order to help them we developed our process for enabling remote work in a 5 working days, so people can really be productive in a short period of time.
This session is intended for all interested parties, from End Users, Decision makers to IT department employees as a idea how they can be productive help themselves on a short term and help partner to achieve desired result in a ASAP requests

Zero Trust - How to achieve it and still be productive

Zero trust means: "I trust nobody", but still I need to give access to somebody otherwise I can't be productive.
How to achieve this model, is this actually realistic and hot to act in a terms of new security era? In this session we would like to show you what zero trust exactly means and how to achieve this.
If you are person responsible for security, audit or you just want to know more about this security model and you have a previous knowledge and experience with it, that this session is just tailored for you.

Autopilot and Intune - 4 years after

Autopilot was introduced before 4 years, and it brought change to deployment and delivery of PCs.
In this session we would like to show you major differences and how Autopilot together with Intune have grow up, and which functionality is now coming with them. If you are person responsible for purchasing, configuration and delivery of new hardware, or you want to replace hardware and make mass enrollment then this session is for you.

Microsoft Intune - Universal Client Management

Microsoft Intune is universal client management platform, fully cloud based.
In this session we want to show you how we can manage different platforms, do's & dont's... Also how you can fast switch yourself from standard to new (cloud/remote) based of working keeping your environment safe and productive at the same time. This session is intend for all levels from people who are responsible to maintain environment to people who are taking care of strategic and future decisions

Constant Call for Speakers - MC2MC events User group Sessionize Event

April 2024

Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022

TeamsCommunityDay 2022 Sessionize Event

January 2022 Köln, Germany

KulenDayz 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021 Osijek, Croatia

SharePoint Saturday Cologne 2021 Sessionize Event

May 2021

CollabDays Bremen 2021 Sessionize Event

March 2021

Humanitarian conference for earthquake victims in Croatia Sessionize Event

January 2021

Global Azure Bootcamp Cologne 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Virtual Balkan Global Azure 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020

Global Azure Virtual Sessionize Event

April 2020 Seattle, Washington, United States

SharePoint Saturday Bremen/North Germany 2020 Sessionize Event

February 2020 Bremen, Germany

ReBUILD Sessionize Event

October 2019 Nantes, France

KulenDayz 2019 Sessionize Event

September 2019 Osijek, Croatia

Advanced Technology Days 13 Sessionize Event

December 2017 Zagreb, Croatia

Dubravko Marak

Managing Consultant / Solution Architect / Microsoft MVP / MCT

Köln, Germany


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