
Tobias Koprowski

Tobias Koprowski

Founder of Shadowland Consulting, Independent Consultant, Data Platform MVP

Hucknall, United Kingdom


Founder of Shadowland Consulting. In January 2015 decided to permanently leave Poland and discover new worlds. Actually settled in Hucknall (The Last home of The Byron Family). Community leader focused on SQL Server, SharePoint, security, collaboration and ITIL, DR, BCM, and SLA.

Love licensing stuff. Microsoft Certified Trainer, freelancer, and consultant. Subject Matter Expert at Microsoft. Member of Microsoft Terminology Community, Friends of RedGate PLUS, PASS, ISSA, ACM and several communities in the world. Since 1st July 2010 Data Platform MVP.

Former President of the Polish SQL Server User Group. Creator of SQL DAY Conference and Conference CEO 2009-2011. Co-Leader of PASS East Midlands Group. Speaker at group meetings and conferences. STEM Ambassador. After hours cyclist, traveller, and photographer. Coffee Addicted.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Law & Regulation
  • Finance & Banking
  • Government, Social Sector & Education


  • Databases
  • Datacenter
  • Azure Data Platform
  • Database Administration
  • Data Management
  • database lifecycle management
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Microsoft Data Platform
  • SharePoint
  • SharePoint Online
  • Office 365
  • GDPR
  • Security
  • IT Security
  • cyber security
  • Azure Security

SQL Server Vulnerability Assessment in Fifty Minutes

New features from SQL Server 2016 up to newest edition offering more and more options to increase the security of your data. SQL Server vulnerability Assesment (for on-prem and in-the-cloud solutions) can be our biggest friend on the hard way to perfecting (almost) our compliance, like PCI DSS, GDPR, NIST or ISO 27001.

Come to my session to see how easy we can look across our databases (not only user’s) and understand where sensitive (or potentially sensitive) information are stored, and how to remediate possible vulnerability with (almost) zero cost. The session will cover a few slides of theory and multiple sources of data but will be definitely demo focused.

Azure Security Center Around The Clock.

We will not wait for Five 'o Clock. Just after we create your subscriptions, we will jump to security. Before we start to use resources, resources groups, application and other tools, we will focus on security.

The compliance, security, policy, limits and permissions. Everything which we – as owners and global admins of our subscription – need to know and implement to securely use Azure Portal and the whole environment.

It will be an interactive session so have your subscription hot and ready for action!

Certification and IT Carreer. Self Case Study

Several years of work in one industry. Several years in another. The first professional examinations, certification, and specialization. For several years, in another area - this time in ICT. Even more exams (successful or not), requirements, specializations, orientations.

Is certification is for IT guy or IT guy (or girl) for information technology certification? Where to start, what to stop. Where is the end to the possibilities, and where the boundary of the joy of work?

As far as proving something to someone is necessary for ICT careers. These and several other strange, philosophical, perhaps unnecessary questions I would like to answer. A few I'd like to leave it to its own assessment.

SQL Server Backup in AD 2018

A standard DBA responsibility - Backup. Not very frequent DBA task - Restore. Mature, but still not very important part of many DBAs till the first crash. But in 2016, 2017 our daily life, our products, our environment are changing frequently. Have we something new? How we can improve our backup, what new possibilities we have? How Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure could help us with having a good quality backup, spending less time and money for this, finally be more productive. Answers you will find in my session.

Secure your data at rest - on demand, now!

The new releases of Microsoft SQL Server: SQL Server 2016 & 2017 brings new functionality for Data Security Professionals. Newest release – SQL Server 2017 made those features even more mature. Now you can protect your data in your database anywhere (on-premise, in the cloud, in transit, in the hybrid environment) even more simply than before. Transparent Data Encryption with better algorithms and better support for backup, Row-Level Security, Dynamic Data Masking and Always Encrypted for your application are now simple features. Azure Security Center brings us a new way of looking and adopting security best practices in an easy way. We focus on theory and of course, on demos. We look a little closer for few specific files that exist in our environment. We work on all three different environments, but our goal is only one: protect your data.

Database in the Cloud for Early Adopters

This session will be a little about architecture, a little about opportunities and a little about future of DBA. If you never touch Azure Services (Azure Portal, SQL Azure, Cloud Security) come to my session. In demo-focused fifty-five minutes story, I will show you why this way to work with data in 2017 and future years. We will discuss how set-up our environment in right way, how applied security helping us from the very beginnings, how we can save out a budget and get more from the cloud. We look for processing and storing data, for backup, restore and automation and for the tools which can make our (professional) life better.

AD 2018. 2 AM. A New Disaster just began.

2AM. We sleeping well. And our mobile ringing and ringing. Message: DISASTER! In this session (on slides) we will NOT talk about the potential disaster (Business Continuity Management); we talk about: What happened NOW? What tasks should have been finished BEFORE! Is virtual or physical SQL Server matter?

We talk about systems, databases, peoples, encryption, passwords, certificates and users. In this session (on few demos) I’ll show which part of our SQL Server Environment is critical and how to be prepared for the disaster. With some papers, I’ll show you how to be BEST prepared for Early Morning Disaster.

Secure Your Data in Five Clicks!

A lazy guy back to home after exhausted Friday shift. Two hours commuting trip in the train, enough time for switching to sleep mode. But mobile phone showing incoming VIP call: It's a BOSS.
- "Hey man, you are our DBA and we will have security audit on Monday morning. We need be sure that our data are secure and safe. Hope you fix it!" Call ended.
- Great...

The story will continue...

Windows Azure SQL Database-A Journey from Zero to be Hero

DBA's World, Architect's World changing very quickly. We observed a lot of changes in our IT systems in last three, four even five years. One of the parts of the vision of Architecture in the Future is Microsoft Azure Platform. From last seven years, the only one thing in this environment is constant: The Change. Still not too well understood. This year - 2018 - (few months after premiere newest SQL Server 2017) is a good time to learn more about Azure. To learn more about Microsoft Azure platform and Windows Azure SQL Database.

During the entire day of my seminar will start from the standard on-premises instances, then we fly into the Clouds to touch the sky. At the end, we back to the Earth, where again we explore how, when, where, what, and why we should focus on this platform. On my 1/3 day Pre-Conf, I want to show you how we can work with Windows Azure SQL Database (formerly known as SQL Azure) and we will focus on • pros and cons
• differences
• where to start
• security
• tools, methods, and ideas
• SWOT analyze
• backup and restore
• Service Level Agreements
• compliance and responsibility
• best and worst practices

Slides, talks, exercises and demos with SQL Server on Premises, SQL Server in the Cloud, In eight (or maybe nine hours) you will learn everything about what you need to start your own journey to the cloud.

SECDEV(OPS). How to Brace Your IT Security.

Security? It's simple. We have Security Team... Security of our environment, application, development it's their security. We follow Best Practices, we implementing their's suggestions (or not...).

But maybe today, in June 2018, where GDPR is a fact, we should look a little bit more in details for the security aspects. Well know and less known risks, vulnerability assessments, secure coding, secure testing,

Let's discuss: SEC/DEV/OPS/SDLC/OSSTMM/OWASP/ITIL and few other acronyms. Use freely available knowledge and specially prepared environment to check and test our security before we touch out Visual Studio, PowerShell, CLI, Visual Studio Code, or even JSON. Be #SecureByDesign

IT Pro Security with The Beard

Technology. Programming Languages. Databases. Application. Subjects of daily work. But how about us? How about people? How about IT Pro Security, or maybe in the right order - Securing It Pro. Let's discuss our daily work, about our tools and tasks in the context of securing IT Pro. Secure Yourself First.

SQL Server Security in a nutshell. One day which saves your job.

SQL Server Security in a nutshell. One day which saves your job.

Data breach. Security Risk. The leak of the Data. Yahoo. Ashley Madison. Local Government Authority. European Union Directive. We heard those headlines almost every week, even not every week. Not - what happens? Why does it happen? Someone attack infrastructure. Someone want to steal data. Someone want to get our secrets.

Who the hell is responsible for it? General Manager? Security Officer? Windows Administrator? DBA? After data breach, this is the first question. What answer could be? It's not my fault, look somewhere else mistake. Are you confident to say this? Are you sure that you did everything which was possible to protect data under YOUR control?

On the full day training before SQLDay 2017, we will talk about security. Seriously.

(morning till coffee break) {level 200}
Basics of the security. Best Practices. Worst Practices. Sharing Experience. TOP 10 OWASP. TOP 10 (or maybe just TOP 1) security issues for databases. Everything which is connected with security for databases. Principles, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Responsibility, compliance and governance rules. GRANT. ALLOW. DENY.

(coffee break till lunch) {level 300}
In this module, we will focus on SQLServer on-premise, based on our knowledge from the first module. Accounts, Users, Logins, Passwords. Transparent Data Encryption or Always Encrypted or maybe Row Level Security? Location of data, operating systems (not only Windows). Source Control. BACKUP GO. RESTORE OFF.

(lunch till afternoon tea) {level 300}
In this module, we will touch the sky. We will focus on Windows Azure Platform and Services. SQL Azure Database. Transparent Data Encryption, Data Masking, Key Vault and few other services and functionalities we will touch. CONNECTION TERMINATED.

(afternoon tea till evening) {level ???}
In final module we will try to find the best way (based on several factors) to make our environment, our data secure. It will be a game, it will be a challenge but after all, you will know - how secure your data are. And what you should/need to do for bringing the security of your data level up. But be aware - we will not talk only about data. We will talk about DBA too. YOU. YES, YOU!

• desk with space
• wired connection (preferred for speaker) if not possible
• wireless connection (separated from attendees) if not possible just good connection
• please check that port 1433/1434 are open on both (speaker and attendees) networks
• wireless connection for attendees
• Desk (in class or oval/L/T style) room with place for laptops, notes with power connection
• One big wall with possible to stick big paper on the wall
• flipchart

Proposed time schedule (as almost always could be change)
• PART ONE: (morning till coffee break) {level 200} | 08:30-10:15 {105 min}
• PART TWO: (coffee break till lunch) {level 300} | 10-45:12:30 {105 min)
• PART THREE: (lunch till afternoon tea) {level 300} | 13:30-15:15 (105 min)
• PART FOUR: (afternoon tea till evening) {level ???} | 15:45-17:30 {105 min)
EXTRAS: (after hours discussions) 17:30-18:00 {30 min}

ITCamp 2018 Sessionize Event

June 2018 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Advanced Technology Days 12 Sessionize Event

November 2016

Tobias Koprowski

Founder of Shadowland Consulting, Independent Consultant, Data Platform MVP

Hucknall, United Kingdom


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