
Ahmad Abdulkader

Ahmad Abdulkader

Distinguished Researcher at Facebook Applied Research


Abdulkader is a well renowned industry expert in Machine Learning (AI), Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Speech Recognition, Handwriting Recognition, Online Advertising and Computer Vision

He is a currently Distinguished Scientist at Facebook AI Applied Research

Prior to Facebook, Abdulkader was the co-founder & CTO of Voicea.ai. Voicea built voice assistants for the enterprise. Voicea was acquired by Cisco in 2019
Before co-founding Voicea, Abdulkader served as a lead architect for Facebook’s applied AI efforts, which produced wide-reaching platforms like DeepText, a text-understanding engine with near-human accuracy in over 20 languages

Prior to that, he worked at Google, building OCR engines, Machine Learning systems, and computer vision systems

Prior to Google, Abdulkader led a number of core teams at Microsoft Ad-Center & Bing. He also built the state of the art 'Handwriting Recognition Technology' which currently powers Microsoft's touch devices including 'Surface' and 'Windows phone'

Ahmad Abdulkader

Distinguished Researcher at Facebook Applied Research


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