
Ahmed Uzejnović

Ahmed Uzejnović

IT Automation Enthusiast

IT Automation Enthusiast

Schwarzach im Pongau, Austria


Hello, I'm Ahmed, and I'm on a mission to simplify and improve the world through automation. I've spent over a decade in the IT industry, and my passion for automation is driven by my desire to make life easier for everyone.

I believe that automation is all about reducing errors caused by manual work, creating stable and efficient processes, cutting costs, and, of course, embracing even more automation because, well, why not? And when I'm not automating, you can find me enjoying leisurely bike rides.

In a world that's rapidly embracing digitalization, it's our responsibility to harness the power of automation. Luckily, we have a wealth of tools at our disposal.

The beauty of automation lies in its consistent ability to deliver results, making our lives easier and more efficient every day.

In addition to my passion for automation, I bring over a decade of experience in the IT industry, with three years dedicated to consultancy. Throughout my career, I've successfully managed various automation projects and developed an in-depth understanding of Microsoft products, including the Microsoft Graph API, Azure, Azure Automation, and PowerShell.

I've also delved into infrastructure management during my time as an IT technician, allowing me to tackle challenges from multiple angles and find creative solutions to complex problems.

Let's continue to embrace the power of automation and make the most of the incredible opportunities it presents in our ever-evolving digital landscape.

Hallo, ich bin Ahmed, und ich setze mich leidenschaftlich dafür ein, die Welt durch Automatisierung einfacher und effizienter zu machen. Seit über zehn Jahren bin ich in der IT tätig und habe gelernt, wie sehr Automatisierung Prozesse stabiler macht, Fehler reduziert und Kosten spart.

Automatisierung fasziniert mich, weil sie zuverlässig Ergebnisse liefert und den Alltag spürbar erleichtert. Wenn ich nicht an Automatisierungsprojekten arbeite, genieße ich entspannte Fahrradtouren.

Mit meiner Erfahrung in der IT, darunter drei Jahre in der Beratung, habe ich tiefes Wissen in Microsoft-Produkten wie Microsoft Graph API, Azure und PowerShell gewonnen. In Kombination mit meiner Zeit im Infrastrukturmanagement finde ich kreative Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen.

Ich glaube fest daran, dass wir durch Automatisierung das Beste aus der digitalen Welt herausholen können.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • PowerShell
  • Azure
  • AzureAD
  • Azure Automation
  • Power Apps
  • Microsoft 365
  • MEM aka SCCM
  • Microsoft Flow
  • Azure Active Directory
  • SQL Server
  • Intune Graph API
  • Microsoft Power platform

Get started with PowerShell and MS GRAPH API and become a Pro

This guide will delve deeply into PowerShell and native GRAPH API. We will start from the beginning, providing detailed guidance on getting started. We'll then move on to the authentication process, explaining how it works clearly and understandably. We will also share queries experts frequently use, offering practical insights into their functionalities and benefits. Lastly, we'll provide real-life examples that give you a clear understanding of how these tools operate in a real-world context. This comprehensive guide aims to transform you into a pro-PowerShell and GRAPH API user.

PowerShell Error Handling Demystified

Tired of your PowerShell scripts failing without clear explanations? In this session, we’ll take the mystery out of error handling. We’ll explore practical techniques, real-world examples, and simple tips to make your scripts more reliable and easier to troubleshoot.

Automatisierung von Exchange Online mit Azure Automation

In dieser Sitzung lernen Sie:

-Wie Sie Azure Automation für die effiziente Verwaltung von Exchange Online oder hybriden Umgebungen nutzen.
-Sichere Methoden zur Authentifizierung in Richtung Exchange Online.
-Den Umfang der Befehle, die Sie mit Azure Automation und Exchange Online ausführen können.

Mastering Microsoft Graph API - Pro Tips and Strategies

In this session, we will dive into the Microsoft Graph API, exploring advanced techniques and strategies that can elevate your work. Here’s what we'll cover:

-Authentication and Security: Learn best practices for secure API interactions.
-Advanced Queries: Master the art of crafting queries.
-Optimizing Performance: Discover how to handle data more efficiently.

Unlock Cloud Efficiency - Azure Automation Setup and Security Best Practices

In this session, we'll explore Azure Automation, a tool that helps automate cloud tasks to expand efficiency.

We'll cover the basics of setting up Azure Automation, configuring hybrid workers to extend automation beyond Azure, and integrating source control for better script management.

Azure Automation saves time, reduces errors, and enhances flexibility by automating tasks both in Azure and on-premises. Using source control keeps your automation consistent and manageable.

This session is for anyone looking to improve their automation skills, from beginners to advanced users.

Security: We'll also highlight key security practices, focusing on authentication to keep your automation secure.

By the end, you'll know how to set up Azure Automation, manage it securely.

Batch-Fire against the Microsoft Graph API using PowerShell

Today we are targeting the Graph Endpoint.
In this session, I want to demonstrate how we can use the Graph API to split HTTP requests into batches and then fire them with a single call to the Graph API. We'll look at the Graph API limits and test what will happen when we reach them. The main focus here is on saving time since time in IT costs a lot of money.

What I need ?

Nothing special is required for the session. Just my laptop, some viewers, and WIFI 🙂
The session should last 45 - 60 minutes. The more time the better :)

Microsoft Graph API leicht gemacht – Praxistipps für Entwickler & Admins

In dieser Session werden wir uns intensiv mit der Microsoft Graph API beschäftigen und fortgeschrittene Techniken sowie Strategien behandeln, die deine Arbeit effizienter gestalten. Das erwartet dich:

-Sichere Authentifizierung: Wir besprechen bewährte Methoden, um die API sicher zu nutzen.

-Komplexe Abfragen: Du lernst, wie du präzise und leistungsstarke Abfragen erstellst.

-Effiziente Datenverarbeitung: Erfahre, wie du die API-Nutzung beschleunigen und die Leistung optimieren kannst.

-Parallele Ausführung: Wir schauen uns an, wie du mehrere API-Aufrufe gleichzeitig verarbeiten kannst, um deine Workflows noch schneller zu machen.

Besuchte Konferenzen:

-M365 Community Days NYC
-Global Azure 2024 - Hamburg
-Microsoft Graph DevDay 2023 (#GraphDevDay2023)
-PowerShell Saturday Hannover

Erste öffentliche Präsentation:

-Diese Session wurde bisher noch nie gehalten.


-Entwickler und IT-Profis, die mit Microsoft 365, Azure oder der Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen arbeiten

-Personen, die daran interessiert sind, die Microsoft Graph API für fortgeschrittene Integrationen zu nutzen

Bevorzugte Sitzungsdauer:

-45 Minuten

Weitere Informationen:

BLOG : www.powershell.works

PowerShell Staturday Hannover Sessionize Event

September 2023 Hannover, Germany

Ahmed Uzejnović

IT Automation Enthusiast

Schwarzach im Pongau, Austria


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