
Alex Hammerschmied

Alex Hammerschmied

Founder of hartmut.io - Effective Marketing Automation

Gründer hartmut.io - Effektive Marketing-Automatisierung

Paphos, Cyprus


Alex helps SMBs to sell more – fully automated.
Using Sales Funnels, E-Mail Marketing and open-source Marketing-Automation tools, he generates highly qualified leads and gains satisfied buyers for his customers and scales their businesses.

As one of the leading Marketing-Automation specialists in the DACH region, he has years of experience as a Marketing Partner with companies & influencers like Arne Preuss (from coffeeness.de), Feuerwear, MeinOffice, ALLERGIKA®, Schäfer-Shop and more. Moreover, he is intensely involved with the world's largest Open-Source Marketing-Automation Project, Mautic.

Alex loves spending quality time with his wife, his daughters & his dog, tea, golf, and exceptional business concepts.

Alex hilft KMUs, komplett automatisiert mehr zu verkaufen.
Mit Sales-Funnels, E-Mail Marketing und Open-Source Marketing-Automation-Tools erzeugt er für seine Kund:innen hoch qualifizierte Leads und zufriedene Käufer:innen und skaliert ihr Geschäft.

Als einer der führenden Marketing-Automation Spezialisten der DACH-Region hat er Jahre an Erfahrung als Marketing Partner mit Unternehmen und Influencern wie Arne Preuss (von coffeeness.de), Feuerwear, MeinOffice, ALLERGIKA®, Schäfer-Shop und mehr. Außerdem ist er an der Weiterentwicklung der weltgrößten Open-Source Marketing-Automation Software Mautic beteiligt.

Alex liebt es, Zeit mit seiner Frau, seinen Töchtern & seinem Hund zu verbringen und ist ein Fan von Tee, Golf und außergewöhnlichen Unternehmenskonzepten.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • Marketing Automation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Mautic
  • WordPress

Why tracking is dead and content is king

*RIP Tracking*
Tracking is not allowed anymore. GDPR, Apple and Google are changing the rules and what this means for your marketing automations.

*The Marketing Strategies for 2022 and beyond*
Let's show you how we navigate leads through a clear user journey without knowing what they do and what they don't.

*Hack it with Mautic*
How to still get the data you need and analyse your marketing automations (legally).

Watch here: https://youtu.be/wkzFKbwsXSQ

From lead-gen to recurring clients: how to plan+build+analyse sales-funnels for onlineshops and more

The biggest Coffee-Influencer in the DACH Region with more than 600.000 Visitors per Month started selling their own coffee!

To increase their sales and scale their business, we built their marketing- & sales-funnels:
To turn website-visitors into valuable leads, build-up trust, make the first sale, nurture further, resell, report + analyse.

Using the example of this successful real-life case, you will understand how we overcame obstacles like:
+keeping an overview of the campaign parts
+building a seamless connection between a custom-built WooCommerce shop and Mautic
+creating easy-to-read reports and analysing the success and profitability of the marketing-campaigns

Understand how to:
+plan a campaign structure
+build segmenting opt-in forms
+synchronise online-shop data with Mautic
+sell the first product
+analyse (instead of waiting what happens)
+warm-up for the next sale
+get reviews
+sell the next product
+use easy-to-read reports and analyse
+win life-long clients

One Builder to rule them all

Creating the next-level Mautic User Experience

Nobody likes Salespeople - especially not at parties

Selling too early in a conversation can be deadly for closing a lead successfully. In this session we will explore how to use points and stages in Mautic to sell to the right person at the right time - AKA the magic cure called lead scoring.

Mautic Conference Global 2024 Sessionize Event

July 2024

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Automatisierte Sales-Funnels für Anfänger - Effektive Anmelde Formulare

Automated Sales Funnels for beginners - effective Signup Forms (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/UJI33IKqVfo

October 2022 Paphos, Cyprus

Mautic Conference Global 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Dropdown Menü in Anmelde-Formularen mit Mautic. So gehts.

Dropdown menu in Signup Forms with Mautic - how it works. (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/ckDUMk3Tb6Y

May 2022 Paphos, Cyprus


Newsletter-Marketing 2021: Ist Mailchimp noch legal + Das Open-Source-Tool Mautic als Alternative

Newsletter-Marketing 2021: Is Mailchimp still legal + the open-source-tool Mautic as an alternative (en)

May 2022

Mautic Conference Europe 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Hasselt, Belgium

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Automatisierte Sales-Funnels für Anfänger - E-Mails und die erste Kampagne

Automated Sales Funnels for beginners - E-Mails and the first campaign (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/3VXSy7if54k

October 2021 Paphos, Cyprus

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Automatisierte Sales-Funnels für Anfänger - Exit Intent Pop-Ups

Automated Sales Funnels for beginners - Exit Intent Pop-Ups (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/UGAJZWjsp-c

October 2021 Paphos, Cyprus

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Automatisierte Sales-Funnels für Anfänger - Die richtige Planung

Automated Sales Funnels for beginners - the right planning (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/_c8lccHhGgE

September 2021 Paphos, Cyprus

Mautic Conference Global 2021 Sessionize Event

June 2021

The Mauticast

Mautic goes Shopify (feat. Alex Hammerschmied)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/I1FWcAMRFx4

May 2021

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Kontaktformular Ergebnisse direkt an Mitarbeiter schicken. So geht's!

Send Contact Form data directly to your colleagues! (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/MeNcXe5-gn0

May 2021 Paphos, Cyprus

Funnel Rocket Webinar

Newsletter Anmeldung in B2B Formularen mit Checkbox abfragen. So einfach geht das! (de)

Newsletter Signup in b2b forms - via checkbox! (en)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/Q8QXCl7oNNQ

May 2021 Paphos, Cyprus

The Mauticast

The New Mautic Email Builder (feat. Adrian, Alex & Joey)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/cqLuONtQW08

March 2021

MautiCon 2020 Sessionize Event

November 2020


E-Mail Marketing - (immer noch) Umsatz auf Knopfdruck …

E-Mail Marketing - sales at the push of a button... (en)

November 2019

Alex Hammerschmied

Founder of hartmut.io - Effective Marketing Automation

Paphos, Cyprus


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