
Alexandre Touret

Alexandre Touret

Architect at Worldline

Architecte à Worldline

Tours, France


After almost twenty years in IT in Paris then Tours, I joined equensWorldline as software architect at the Acquiring department since 2018. All along my career, I had the opportunity to work on several functional and technical fields (development, architecture, production, ERP, training,...) and project management too. My business activity consists of coding, coaching developers and designing software architectures. Moreover, I appreciate sharing my skills and learning from my peers. My main expertise fields are software architecture and engineering.

Je suis architecte et développeur sénior chez Worldline. Mon activité consiste à coder (principalement en Java), coacher des développeurs et concevoir des architectures.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Architecture
  • Software Architecture
  • software engineering


Let your Java application be truly observable! Let's dive into logs, traces and monitoring en

Imagine, it's Friday afternoon.
You're eager to enjoy your weekend when an Ops engineer forwards you a blocking issue with an HTTP 500 error.

Indeed, he couldn't identify the root cause due to a lack of contextual information.
After a few hours, you finally manage to identify it by reproducing and debugging it on your computer.

If you're accustomed to facing such issues, it surely means that you may have overlooked developing one of the most important features of your application: Observability!
During this workshop, we will implement logging best practices and cover the whole observability stack from libraries to storage backend and visualization tools based on the Grafana Stack (Tempo, Prometheus, Loki, Grafana).
We will therefore get an overview of how Devs can make Ops their best friends by making our Java application more reliable and production-ready!

Kubernetes & Co, beyond the hype: 10 tips for designers who want to create cloud native apps en

Kubernetes and cloud technologies are nowadays the new standard to deploy different cloud native applications: api, batchs, microservices and ... monoliths!
These technologies help to solve many issues but with some complexity.
It could be difficult for developers and designers to identify the constraints of such architectures.

In this presentation, you will (re)discover ten tips and pieces of advice I applied and found useful in my last JAVA projects (Spring, JEE).

I will talk about:

Application ecosystem
Choice of technical solutions
K8S design constraints
And more!

This talks is intended for developers and designers who want to deploy their application on K8S and on the cloud.

There are many objectives
Present constraints on the developer side. I won't talk about K8S technical architecture
Present common failures
Share my experience I acquired during my last projects. Either success or failures.

To sum up, I would like that participants have a practical to do list after this talk.

Here is the agenda:

1.Do I really need that?
I will try to present on a pragmatic way the "wrong" reasons to choose Kubernetes as a target platform. It's not a silver bullet.

2. Learn Docker, Kubernetes and Helm
I will address the associated development cyle and the mandatory skills to start developing.
At the opposite of other platforms, the learning curve could be steep. I will explain what I think it is mandatory for developers.

3. Determine what is the application context
Does the application have to connect to remote services which are incompatible with cloud (eg. on premise application)?
Have you checked the regarding compliancy and standards?

4. Stateless applications... and the others
I will address the 12 factors and why stateless application design is a must have.

5. CI/CD

6. Frameworks and application servers

I will give recomendations about how to choose wisely a JAVA Framework or an application server (eg. Should you deploy an old school application server on K8S?)

7. Observability
I will address how to deal with observability using Spring framework and how to address it on Kubernetes (Actuator, Probes)

8. Application startup

I will go further on observability, replication, upgrades and so on.
I will present why we should optimize application startups

9. Configuration management best practices
I will address config maps and secrets.
I will explain which is the most efficient way to deal with configuration ( environment variables, JKS) and configuration files.

10. Log management
I will present how to efficiently log by explaining which information are useful and how to get them

Architecture Katas : Improve your system architecture design skills in a funny way ! en

How to learn architecture ? How to improve in this field ? How do we recognize a good or a bad architecture ?
There are plenty of books and training sessions about this subject. The best thing is to practice!

In the same way as coding dojos, I will present to you architecture katas. There are created by Ted Neward (http://blogs.tedneward.com/). His idea came from the following observation :

"So how are we supposed to get great architects, if they only get the chance to architect fewer than a half-dozen times in their career?"

One solution to this issue could be to practice regularly on several topics to gain experience.

After a brief introduction of how to start designing an architecture, I will present architecture katas, and the conduct. Then we will do a kata together.

To conclude, after this first try I will present the benefits I had benefited.

Java dans le cloud : Avec Spring ou Quarkus ? en

Après presque 20 ans, la vieille guerre « Java EE vs Spring » semble enfin terminée ! Comparer une spécification avec un framework n’avait pas grand sens. Surtout quand on a réalisé que Spring s’appuie (en partie) sur Java (maintenant Jakarta) EE.

Et voici un nouvel acteur arriver : Quarkus … Un framework Subatomic et Supersonic !

Spring vs Quarkus, framework vs framework : une nouvelle guerre en vue ? Une vraie ? Pas forcément ... Plutôt que de les opposer, nous vous proposons de les comparer concrètement sur des cas d’usage précis : API REST, persistance, programmation réactive, code natif, test …

Nous avons besoin de vous pour y voir plus clair : nous vous mettrons à contribution avec des sondages en live pendant nos démos.

A l’issue de cette présentation, nous aurons une vue complète et objective de ce qui les rapproche et ce qui les différencie. Nous saurons également comment transposer cette réflexion et faire le bon choix pour nos prochains projets.

Améliorer les compétences et les infrastructures avec les katas d'architecture en

Comment devenir architecte ? Comment progresser dans ce domaine ? A quoi reconnait-on une bonne ou une mauvaise architecture ? Il existe certes un certain nombre d' ouvrages et formations sur le sujet, mais le mieux est quand même de pratiquer ! A la manière des coding dojos, je vais vous présenter les Architecture Katas. Ces derniers ont été initiés par Ted Neward. Son idée est venue du constat suivant :

"So how are we supposed to get great architects, if they only get the chance to architect fewer than a half-dozen times in their career?"

La solution à ce problème est donc de pratiquer régulièrement sur des sujets très différents pour gagner en expérience.
Je dresserai dans un premier temps un rapide constat sur le besoin de gagner en compétence en architecture. Puis, je ferai un retour d'expérience sur la manière de démarrer une conception. Après tout ça, je vous présenterai les katas d'architecture. Je commencerai par les règles et le déroulement. Enfin, je finirai par les bénéfices que j'en ai tiré.

Real-life REST API Versioning for dummies: Strategies and Best Practices en

When we want to publish APIs, for instance using an API Management solution, we regularly think about versioning.

This practice meets project management needs but brings a lot of complexity.
Imagine, you work on a platform which exposes APIs to many customers.

You must bring new features while controlling the existing ones.

Which strategy to adopt? What are the potential technical tools and practices we could implement easily?

During this presentation, you will unlock the secrets of API versioning I have put in place and helped me during my last projects.

Through a real-life use case based on a microservices architecture, we will define the best strategy to put in place, the other potential ones and their constraints.

At the end of this workshop, we will have the big picture on the diverse ways of APIs versioning.

I presented this talk at:
- DevFest Lille 2023
- API Days Paris 2023

The hitchhiker's guide to architecture design en fr

Designing a new platform is always tricky to set up.

How to start? What is the best strategy to adopt while designing a platform? What kind of architecture should we deploy: event streaming, orchestration, or choreography?

For a brand-new platform: "Donut @ Home", we will proceed a live architecture study.

After analysing the customer needs, brainstorming, and exchanging our ideas, we will choose among all the potential solutions the *least worst* option.

You will be asked to validate our design and the different implementation examples.

At the end of this talk, you will have tips and tricks for thinking about it and starting working on architecture studies in complete peace of mind.

Target audience: beginners/intermediate

Une plateforme à concevoir, deux architectes: trois possibilités ? en fr

La conception d'une plateforme est toujours délicate à initier.

Comment démarrer? Quelle est la démarche à adopter pour concevoir une architecture? Quel est le modèle à appliquer: event streaming, orchestration ou chorégraphie?
Au travers d'un besoin utilisateur, nous prendrons notre "casquette" d'architecte et déroulerons devant vous une étude pour une toute nouvelle plateforme "Donut @ Home".

Après avoir analysé le besoin, confronté nos idées et convictions devant vous, nous choisirons, parmi toutes les solutions possibles, la *"moins pire"*.

Nous vous solliciterons pour valider notre conception et les exemples d'implémentation possibles.

A la fin de cette présentation, vous aurez des clés pour penser et démarrer les études de vos architectures en toute sérénité (ou presque).

REST APIs versioning Hands On! en fr

When we want to publish APIs, for instance using an API (Application Programmable Interface) Management solution, we regularly think about versioning.

This practice meets project management needs but brings a lot of complexity.
Imagine, you work on a platform which exposes APIs to many customers.

You must bring new features while controlling the existing ones.

How to deliver new functionalities to specific customers without affecting the others?

Throughout this workshop you will (re)discover and apply advice I have put in place and helped me during my last projects.

Through a real-life use case based on a microservices architecture, we will define the best strategy to put in place, the other potential ones and their constraints.

We will challenge them implementing new features for a new customer in this application.

At the end of this workshop, we will have the big picture and put into practice diverse ways of APIs versioning.

Workshop 2H up to 3H
Target audience: intermediate
The technical requirements are described on this page: https://github.com/alexandre-touret/rest-apis-versionning-workshop

Le versioning des APIs REST par la pratique en fr

Quand on souhaite publier des APIs avec par exemple, une solution d' API Management, on évoque régulièrement le versioning. Cette pratique répond à des contraintes projet mais apporte malheureusement son lot de complexité.

Imaginez, vous travaillez sur un produit qui expose des APIs à plusieurs clients. Vous devez leur proposer des évolutions et nouvelles fonctionnalités tout en maîtrisant l'existant.
Comment faire évoluer et proposer vos APIs à certains clients sans pénaliser les autres? Quelle stratégie adopter? Quelles solutions techniques peut-on mettre en place simplement?

Lors de cet atelier, vous (re)découvrirez et mettrez en pratique des conseils que j'ai pu mettre en oeuvre et qui m'ont aidé lors de mes derniers projets.

Au travers d'un cas concret basé sur une architecture microservices, nous définirons la stratégie à mettre en œuvre, les différentes possibilités d'implémentation ainsi que leurs contraintes.
Nous les challengerons ensuite en apportant différentes évolutions (ajout d'un nouveau client ou de nouvelles fonctionnalités).

A l’issue de cet atelier, nous aurons une vue complète et mis en pratique différentes manières d'appréhender le versioning d'APIs.

Type: Workshop (2H à 3H)
Audience: niveau intermédiare
Les pré-requis sont décrits sur le repo github :https://github.com/alexandre-touret/rest-apis-versionning-workshop

BreizhCamp 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Rennes, France

JNation 2021 Sessionize Event

June 2021

TheCloudFirst Sessionize Event

March 2021

Alexandre Touret

Architect at Worldline

Tours, France


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