Andrea Ceroni
Software Architect @ Elfo - Microsoft MVP Developer Technologies - Azure Solutions Architect
Piacenza, Italy
Senior software architect, R&D team @Elfo.
I started my career working for advertising and cinema companies, using Maya and Python.
I have been working in .NET C# for more than ten years, with special interest in Azure cloud architectures, Infrastructure as Code, mobile applications, async/concurrent code and functional programming.
I'm a proud Microsoft MVP and I do my best to support communities.
Mountains and MTB enthusiast!
Married with Federica, we have a golden retriever, Mila.
Area of Expertise
Robust and resilient apps with Polly and Refit
In this session we will see how we can make apps robust, resilient and reliable using Polly framework paired with Refit that simplify a lot the management of REST api call. With a few lines of code we are able to write complex retry policies, both synchronous and asynchronous, to face transient faults but also refresh auth tokens, manage timeouts... and other useful things. Start making your app stronger today!
Alexa, please deploy my Azure architecture
What about the possibility to scaffold and deploy your architecture using the voice?
And then, when we have the cloud services ready, deploy also the code on them.
During this talk we'll see how this can be possible.
We'll take Alexa and Azure as an example but ideally you can do the same with other technologies.
Maybe soon this task will be much more fun!
Think in realtime with Xamarin and Azure SignalR Service
During this talk we will build a real-time, bidirectional communication with our cross platforms applications using Xamarin, Azure SignaleR Service and Azure Functions. With Azure Functions and SignalR Service we can easily react to events and deliver live updates to our applications, all in a few but powerful lines of code.
Goodbye polling and annoying scheduled synchronization tasks!
Hello Xamarin.Forms 4.0
Xamarin.Forms 4.0 introduces many new things and promises to enhance and simplify the development of multi-platform apps. Starting with the new Shell and CollectionView features, a much more consistent design accross platforms and a completely reviewed navigation pattern we will see what has changed and why it will be very nice and flexible to use.
Is it an actor? No, it's a function and it can run on KEDA!
During this talk we will see the new capabilities of Azure Durable Functions 2.0 with which we can model a stateful actor in an easy way. Not only, with KEDA we can scale based on events using Kubernetes, run our actors on-premises and consume events directly from the event source.
You have all the flexibility you need to build your own event-driven architecture without many puzzles!
Go reactive with Realm and Xamarin.Forms
In this talk I would like to share my experience of using this new mobile database with great potential.
We will see which are the major differences compared to SQLite and what makes Realm very fast so as to be called "in realtime".
We develop a realtime multiplatform collaborative app starting from scratch, using the latest features introduced by Xamarin.Forms 4.0 to improve responsiveness and layouts.
Your viewmodels and bindings for sure will thank you! :-)
M2 - Supercharge your app devops with Visual Studio App Center
Visual Studio App Center is a fantastic place where you can build, test, deploy, and monitor your app,
no matter if Android, iOS, UWP, or macOS...they are all fine!
You have continuous integration, delivery, and monitoring.
In this session we will see how easy it is to integrate App Center into a Xamarin.Forms app!
Mix and match Awaitables and Observables
We are surrounded by asynchronous api and by now async/await are here from years, however, writing asynchronous code always seems to be a difficult thing, that we do not fully understand well and on which we don't have a good degree of confidence.
In this session I would like to take up some fundamental concepts related to async/await, see what strategies we can use in different cases to migrate synchronous code and "mix and match" awaitables with observables, using Reactive Extensions, to take the best of both worlds and go reactive!
Model tricky workflows with Azure Durable Functions
Azure Durable Functions represented the last missing building block to code long running, stateful function orchestrations in a serverless environment. And now they are here! :-)
The new Orchestrator function allow you to do several new things that differentiates it from an ordinary, stateless function.
For example you can call and await other functions, save outputs, and then resume the local state that is never lost.
With Durable Functions we have the possibility to successfully model tricky backends for mobile apps and this is what we will see during this talk.
Supercharge your IoT systems with Akka.Net
In the Actor Model, an actor can send and receive messages, perform computations and manage it's own state...more or less nothing else but this is already so powerfull! Actors can model IoT systems in a number of ways. A physical device in the real world can be an actor instance. In this talk we use Akka.Net to discover how to read data from different sensors and build a complex IoT system starting from scratch.
The rise of C# Source Generators
If you think about Fody or PostSharp the idea of generating code is not new. With .NET 5 and C# 9 we have an "official" Microsoft way to do this using Code Generators, with all the power provided by Roslyn. Let's see what they are and what worlds they can open.
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Andrea Ceroni
Software Architect @ Elfo - Microsoft MVP Developer Technologies - Azure Solutions Architect
Piacenza, Italy
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