Andreas Hähnel
Microsoft Cloud Evangelist, CEO of Black Magic Cloud
Microsoft Cloud Evangelist, CEO of Black Magic Cloud
Regensburg, Germany
I work with Microsoft Cloud technologies since 2013 as a Consultant and Cloud Solution Architect. In these roles, I've helped many companies to successfully fulfill their cloud journey to Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure. Cloud journey and transition also means a high amount of process automation, which I cover with my PowerShell scripting skills. My personal goal is to make cloud technology and hybrid scenarios easily understandable for everyone. With this purpose in mind, I've founded my own company.
Ich arbeite seit 2013 mit Microsoft Cloud-Technologien als Berater und Cloud Solution Architect. In diesen Rollen habe ich vielen Unternehmen geholfen, ihre Cloud-Reise zu Microsoft 365 und Microsoft Azure erfolgreich zu bewältigen. Eine Cloud-Reise und -Umstellung bedeutet auch ein hohes Maß an Prozessautomatisierung, die ich mit meinen PowerShell-Skripting-Fähigkeiten abdecke. Mein persönliches Ziel ist es, Cloud-Technologie und hybride Szenarien für jedermann leicht verständlich zu machen. Mit diesem Ziel vor Augen habe ich mein eigenes Unternehmen gegründet.
Area of Expertise
Booste deine Produktivität mit Microsoft Loop! de en
Mit Loop hat Microsoft einen wahren Geniestreich für Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit herausgebracht.
In dieser demo-reichen Session lernt ihr mit Praxisbeispielen, wie euch Loop im Arbeitsalltag bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Kollegen unterstützen kann. Auch werfen wir einen Blick auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand, auf welche tollen Funktionen wir uns noch freuen dürfen.
Boost your productivity with Microsoft Loop! de en
With Loop, Microsoft has released a true stroke of genius for real-time collaboration.
In this demo-packed session, you'll learn how Loop can help you collaborate with colleagues in your day-to-day work. We'll also take a look at the current state of development and what great features we can still look forward to.
Loop up your life! en
Microsoft Loop is one of the most anticipated and highly anticipated tools Microsoft has announced in recent months. Time to take an in-depth look at it.
In this demo-heavy session, we'll show what's already possible with Loop and how we can benefit from it in our day-to-day work.
Of course, we will also take a look behind the scenes, how Microsoft implemented this feature, show the current limitations and enable admins to create the conditions in the organization for this.
Microsoft Viva - ohne Mehrkosten Mehrwerte für mein Unternehmen generieren en
Microsoft Viva möchte die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, revolutionieren. Um dies umzusetzen gibt es verschiedene Tools (Connections, Insights, Leaning, Topics) und verschiedene Lizenzmodelle mit oder ohne Add-Ons (Seeded, Premium, Glint).
Ich zeige euch, welche Mehrwerte man ohne Lizenzzukäufe im Unternehmen generieren kann, was dies bedeutet und was das Unternehmen und seine Mitarbeiter dafür tun müssen.
The basic DO's and DONT's to accelerate Teams adoption en
>> Adoption is key to success <<
>> A cloud project is not an IT project <<
You've surely heard these phrases a million times during the last years. Why? Because they are true.
But hearing these phrases is not enough. There are many pitfalls that must be avoided. In this session I demonstrate the most common mistakes and give you advise from the field how to make your end users happy with the tools they have. Happy users on the other hand make your tool a success.
The best benefits from this session:
- All examples I give you can easily be transitioned to any other project, because they are universal.
- Everything counts for new and existing tools, it is never too late to start with DO's and DONT's.
From the field - PowerShell, Exchange Online and MS Graph - the 3 musketeers en
Want to send an email with Graph? Want to fetch emails from a mailbox? Are you still on BasicAuth (partially) and want to get rid of it but don't know where it is still in use?
Or do you need to develop your own PowerShell-based tool (e.g. a calendar management) with Graph? If any of these cases match, this session is perfect for you.
Developing own business processes doesn't need to be expensive when you know Graph, Azure Automation, Azure Functions and PowerShell. In this session I show you how (with examples from the real world).
From the field - building a secure script with Graph API en
Microsoft Graph is the large new modern API to access Microsoft 365 data. Developing with Graph can be fun, but like every API it requires actions to make a script or program secure. This sessions shows common mistakes and gives tipps how to secure your own Graph API PS Script. It will cover topics like permission models, CBA, CA, scoping and more.
Automation with Teams en
Teams offers a wide range of automation tools for users, admins and developers to make their day more efficient and save time for other tasks.
In this session I give you an overview of 2 possibilities to automate the daily work:
- Integrate the PowerPlatform to automate business processes and make Teams communications more user friendly
- Connecting to Teams with the Microsoft Graph API and develop own solutions to help your users word with Teams
I will show you real world examples, what other companies did to optimize their daily work and also to make it more fun to work with Microsoft Teams.
Simplify and automate your day with the Teams Updates App en
The "Updates" app in Teams is like a hidden gem that deserves a lot of attention, because it holds a lot of potential. It's not a kind of "news channel" for new features in Teams, as the name might suggest, but an app for optimizing certain news flows and reporting.
In this session, I'm not just going to show you the Updates app. We'll taking a technical excursion where I'll demonstrate how the app works behind the scenes. Likewise, the user aspect is not neglected: how each user can achieve time savings in his/her daily work by using the Updates App. The constant unanswered queries via email (or chat), standardized and timed feedback - just to name a selection.
Teams Premium - what are the advantages of this Add-on license? en de
Microsoft announced a new license type at Ignite in October 2022: "Teams Premium". Many are now wondering what exactly is behind this license (spoiler: a lot!) and whether the additional costs will be worth it once the license is on the market.
In this session, all these questions will be answered in an illuminated way. Real-life examples will be used to illustrate deployment scenarios.
Teams Premium - welche Vorteile bringt diese Zusatzlizenz? en de
Microsoft hat auf der Ignite im Oktober 2022 einen neuen Lizenztyp angekündigt: "Teams Premium". Viele Fragen sich nun, was sich genau hinter dieser Lizenz verbirgt (Spoiler: eine Menge!) und ob sich die Mehrkosten lohnen, sobald die Lizenz auf dem Markt ist.
In dieser Session werden alle diese Fragen beleuchtet beantwortet. Mit Beispielen aus dem echten Leben werden Einsatzszenarien untermalt.
Creating a user-friendly experience by integrating Adaptive Cards into PowerShell Scripts en
Very often PowerShell-triggered workflows that include user actions, are not very user-friendly or non-interactive. Sometimes they are even highly complex.
Microsoft has a good solution approach for that: Adaptive Cards. With these, a user can be notified or being requested to interact, e.g. via email or Teams post. But Adaptive cards are not really easy to implement. But: if you know how, you can enrich a PowerShell script or PowerShell-triggered internal business process.
In this session, I show you how to integrate an Adaptive Card (with user interaction) into your PowerShell-based business automation.
This session will be enriched with examples from the real world, of course :)
How to check the supplier mailbox without opening it! en de
It is often the case that you have to regularly check a second or third mailbox in addition to your own. Maybe the additional mailbox is not even in your own M365 tenant, but in a separate tenant - that of the customer or supplier.
Instead of having to change the mailbox every time or having to deal with multiple browser sessions, I will show you how to be informed in teams when there is something new in such a mailbox. And that WITHOUT the need to open this other mailbox again and again!
This sounds like a hack - but it's not. With a little pinch of PowerAutomate, you can make it happen. I'll show you in this session how such a flow can look like.
Wie man das Lieferantenpostfach prüft, ohne es zu öffnen! en de
Oftmals ist es so, dass man neben seinem eigenen Email Postfach noch ein zweites oder drittes regelmäßig überprüfen muss. Eventuell liegt das Zusatzpostfach sogar nicht einmal im eigenen M365 Tenant, sondern in einem separaten Tenant - nämlich dem des Kunden oder Lieferanten.
Statt sich jedesmal mühevoll umzumelden oder mit multiplen Browsersitzungen hantieren zu müssen, zeige ich euch, wie man sich in Teams informieren lässt, wenn es in einem solchen Postfach etwas neues gibt. Und zwar OHNE die Notwendigkeit, dieses andere Postfach immer wieder öffnen zu müssen!
Das klingt wie ein Hack - es ist aber keiner. Mit einer kleinen Prise PowerAutomate kann man das bewerkstelligen. Ich zeige euch in dieser Session, wie solch ein Flow aussehen kann.
SharePoint Embedded - what do I need it for? en de
Admittedly, "SharePoint Embedded" is easier to remember and pronounce than the older name of this service, "Syntex Repository Services". Thanks to Loop, many people have heard the term before, but what exactly does it mean? How can my company benefit from it? What administrative options do I have? I will answer precisely these questions in this session and demonstrate them live. With SharePoint Embedded, Microsoft provides us with a very flexible platform for our own company applications that every IT department and every developer should be familiar with.
SharePoint Embedded - wofür brauche ich das? en de
Zugegeben - "SharePoint Embedded" ist schon leichter zu merken und auszusprechen als der ältere Name dieses Dienstes "Syntex Repository Services". Durch Loop haben viele den Begriff zwar schonmal gehört, aber was genau verbirgt sich dahinter? Wie kann mein Unternehmen davon profitieren? Welche administrativen Möglichkeiten habe ich? Genau diese Fragen werde ich in dieser Session beantworten und live demonstrieren. Mit SharePoint Embedded gibt uns Microsoft nämlich eine sehr flexible Plattform für eigene Unternehmensanwendungen an die Hand, die jede IT und jeder Entwickler kennen sollte.
SharePoint Embedded - do I need this? en de
Admittedly, "SharePoint Embedded" is easier to remember and pronounce than the older name of this service, "Syntex Repository Services". Thanks to Loop, many people have heard the term before, but what exactly does it mean? How can my company benefit from it? What administrative options do I have? I will answer precisely these questions in this session and demonstrate them live. With SharePoint Embedded, Microsoft provides us with a very flexible platform for our own company applications that every IT department and every developer should be familiar with.
SharePoint Embedded - wofür brauche ich das? en de
Zugegeben - "SharePoint Embedded" ist schon leichter zu merken und auszusprechen als der ältere Name dieses Dienstes "Syntex Repository Services". Durch Loop haben viele den Begriff zwar schonmal gehört, aber was genau verbirgt sich dahinter? Wie kann mein Unternehmen davon profitieren? Welche administrativen Möglichkeiten habe ich? Genau diese Fragen werde ich in dieser Session beantworten und live demonstrieren. Mit SharePoint Embedded gibt uns Microsoft nämlich eine sehr flexible Plattform für eigene Unternehmensanwendungen an die Hand, die jede IT und jeder Entwickler kennen sollte.
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