
Anna Zubarev

Anna Zubarev

Show up everyday to your passion.


I began my art journey as a tough artist in 2018, after becoming a domestic engineer.
Into 3 years of my art journey, I was reaching a bigger audience on Instagram, and Pinterest and was onboard onto NFT space.
In one year of being in the space, received the title of "Hall of Fame Artist" by KnownOrigin.
In April 2022 my artwork was displayed during NYC NFT week by a digital mobile gallery via Accelerate Art.
In December 2022, I collaborated with Matias Roladan aka yelojoquemira, and was featured in the SCOPE art show at Art Basel Miami.
To Date over 400 Pieces of art was sold
Over 100 Collaborations were created
Being featured on KnownOrigin and Obkt marketplaces in one day October 4, 2023

Anna Zubarev

Show up everyday to your passion.


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