
Ariana Carrillo Azofeifa

Ariana Carrillo Azofeifa


Puntarenas, Costa Rica


I am a student and freelance developer who learned Drupal through self-study and have been passionate about applying accessibility principles in my projects. While this is my first DrupalCon speaking opportunity, I am eager to share what I’ve learned and help others understand how simple accessibility improvements can make a significant difference in web inclusivity

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Region & Country


  • Accessibility
  • Site building
  • Drupal 10
  • UX / Accessibility
  • Drupal 11
  • Empowering Women in Tech
  • Diversity Inclusion Female Empowerment Communication

Ariana Carrillo Azofeifa


Puntarenas, Costa Rica


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