
Ashpak Shaikh

Ashpak Shaikh

Sr Staff Software Engineer at Intuit Inc.

San Diego, California, United States


As a Sr Staff Software Engineer and GraphQL steward at Intuit, Ashpak has been instrumental in the design and implementation of a scalable GraphQL Orchestrator ecosystem at Intuit and contributed to several GraphQL open source projects.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • GraphQL
  • Data Orchestration
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Domain Specific Languages
  • Spring Boot
  • Java & JVM

The evolution of the GraphQL Orchestrator powering Intuit Consumer Apps

This session will talk about the GraphQL journey at Intuit discussing what challenges we faced while scaling the GraphQL ecosystem at Intuit as the number of GraphQL microservices grew. We will focus on the internal GraphQL Orchestrator implementation that powers the Consumer Group, combining 50+ microservices that serve 150+ clients spanning multiple Intuit applications like Mint, TurboTax, Turbo Tax Live, and Virtual Expert Platform.

The session will cover the following topics
* The combination of Recursive Schema Stitching + Apollo Federation for schema composition.
* Type conflict resolution using @rename directive.
* Inclusion of REST microservices in the GraphQL Ecosystem using declarative Adapters.
* Securing the unified graph using GraphQL Authorization and user consent checks.
* Loosely coupled registration of microservices with the GraphQL gateway using AWS S3 as persistence.
* Our journey to open source the orchestrator implementation.
* Future of GraphQL at Intuit.

Graphlets: Advanced GraphQL Orchestration

This session will discuss the real-world BackEnd for Front End(BFF) use cases, and how GraphQL Federation solves a small subset of these use cases and cannot be considered a complete replacement for BFF. We will cover the following advanced BFF use cases that are not trivial to solve with Federation Specification.
1. Sequential calls without a clear relationship between the subgraph.
2. Data Transformation or Post Processing - Transforming the API response into a different shape/format.
3. Conditional workflows - Decisions to call one vs another service with post-processing.
4. Calling REST services without a GraphQL Adapter - An API workflow may need to orchestrate between REST & GraphQL Microservices
5. Any combination of the above.

We will introduce Graphlets as a declarative solution going beyond GraphQL and Federation Specification. Graphlets uses a complimentary DSL for API workflows to create custom BFF Queries and Mutation. We will then showcase how graphlets are used at Intuit to improve developer productivity leveraging the tooling that comes with it.

Ashpak Shaikh

Sr Staff Software Engineer at Intuit Inc.

San Diego, California, United States


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