
Walter Schulze

Walter Schulze

Software Engineer

London, United Kingdom


Developer of katydid, gogoprotobuf, goderive, gographviz, erlfmt and lots of other even more embarrassing open source projects.
Now I am learning how to prove code is correct using Coq and Lean.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • golang
  • coq
  • haskell
  • Computer Science
  • AI & Music
  • leanprover

Logic Programming in Go

When we think of a function we think of input parameters and output results, but what if these were interchangeable. A single implementation of the function append, could be at least 3 functions rolled into one: StripPrefix, StripSuffix and Append.

Logic Programming allows us to write code as we write Math. Gominikanren (https://github.com/awalterschulze/gominikanren) is a stripped down logic programming language built to make it easy to learn.

Recently logic programming has become more relevant again with a move from Epic Games. They have recently hired a bunch of Haskell's inventors to create a logic programming language for Unreal Engine called verse.

Learning minikanren will not only make you ready for this new language, but also open your eyes to new possibilities in programming.

gogoprotobuf: How NOT to run an open source project

How did an open source project with over 5000 stars become a failure. Spoiler Alert: It was doomed from the start and you can blame me.

GopherCon UK 2022Sessionize Event

August 2022 London, United Kingdom

Walter Schulze

Software Engineer

London, United Kingdom


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