
Benjamin Wolf

Benjamin Wolf

Senior IT Consultant

Senior IT Consultant

Munich, Germany


Ben is an architect and a developer at INNOQ. He focuses on modernising legacy systems, architectural documentation, as well as architecture consulting and development. He particularly emphasizes the development processes and the team’s attitude towards software quality. He shares his vision of software quality as a speaker at conferences and meetups, as well as in training sessions. He is a certified trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the iSAQB Advanced modules ADOC and IMPROVE.

Ben is a committer in the arc42 project, an active member of iSAQB e. V., and currently the deputy chairman of the association.

Ben ist Architekt und Entwickler bei INNOQ. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen auf dem Modernisieren von Legacy-Systemen, Architekturdokumentation sowie Architekturberatung und -entwicklung. Dabei richtet er ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Entwicklungsprozesse und die Einstellung zu Softwarequalität in Teams. Seine Vorstellung von Softwarequalität gibt er als Sprecher bei Konferenzen und Meetups sowie in Trainings weiter. Er ist zertifizierter Trainer für den iSAQB Foundation Level und die iSAQB-Advanced-Module ADOC und IMPROVE.

Ben ist Committer im arc42-Projekt, aktives Mitglied im iSAQB e. V. und dort aktuell stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vereins.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Software architecture
  • software quality
  • software development processes
  • architecture documentation
  • arc42
  • architecture communication canvas

Evolving Legacy Systems

Writing a software system from scratch is fun. But in your current project, you're probably dealing with the task of maintaining, extending, and updating older systems. Here, another set of skills and mindset is needed: extracting valuable insights from the past, maintaining functionality now, and making the whole team happy again in the near future.
In this talk, we want to introduce you to the role of the “evolutionist” that specializes in managing and evolving existing software systems and teams over a longer period. We share our experience working successfully on legacy systems that nobody wanted to touch anymore. Join us to get plenty of tips for not only getting your software system back in shape, but also to create an environment where you and other developers can get productive again.

The Tale of One Who Set Forth to Improve the World of Software

Let me introduce you to a freshly minted graduate, taking first steps early in her career.
In her first job, she only cares about software quality and enforces tools by all available means. This will eventually lead to an emotional collapse and a new job at another company. There she will again set new quality standards. This time though, with her team—not against it.

In this talk, we’ll discuss the importance of software quality in projects. We’ll see that no matter how brilliant, tools alone won’t improve our software. What matters is the team and their willingness to evolve their mindset.

Statische Codeanalyse: Stolz und Vorurteil – und Zombies

Nervt dich die statische Codeanalyse in deinem Projekt? Hast du dich noch letzte Woche furchtbar darüber aufgeregt? Herzlichen Glückwunsch, dann benutzt ihr sie vermutlich falsch.

Statische Codeanalyse soll dazu dienen, die Codequalität zu bewerten, damit wir sie kontinuierlich verbessern. Klingt in der Theorie hervorragend, jedoch sieht die Realität oft anders aus: Entwickler:innen fürchten die Bewertung, das Management interpretiert Zahlen falsch, und trotz des Mehraufwands gibt es immer wieder Programmierfehler im Code.

In meinem Vortrag möchte ich euch die häufigsten Fehler bei der Verwendung statischer Codeanalyse zeigen, die mir regelmäßig in Projekten begegnen. Gemeinsam werden wir Lösungen und Tipps erarbeiten, um diese Fehler künftig zu vermeiden. Und wer weiß, vielleicht begegnen uns auch Zombies auf unserem Weg zur besseren Codequalität.

Revolutionizing Architecture Documentation: The Power of the Architecture Communication Canvas (ACC)

At the WAD World Congress 2023, we introduced the Architecture Communication Canvas (ACC) to the world. Since then, the ACC has been rapidly adopted by various organizations and projects as the epitome of efficient architecture documentation. What makes it awesome: it is open-source and makes technical documentation a breeze.

This year, we will delve deeper into a diverse array of applications for the ACC, showcasing its versatility in scenarios ranging from greenfield projects to software reviews and system evolution. We will emphasize its role in enhancing communication between teams and individuals, supported by real-world examples. The ACC has emerged as a key tool even in fields beyond computer science, demonstrating its universal applicability. We will explore how it simplifies and enlivens technical documentation, making it not only highly functional but also engaging. Finally, we will have a candid discussion of potential pitfalls – lessons we've learned so you don't have to.

Die Rolle "Evolutionist": Softwarearchitekturarbeit im Bestand

Ein großer Teil der Softwareentwicklung besteht aus Wartungsarbeit. In Ausbildung und Studium haben wir oft jedoch nur die Neuentwicklung kennengelernt. Überforderung droht, Frust baut sich auf und die Freude an der Softwareentwicklung geht verloren. Das muss nicht sein!

Wir stellen die Rolle "Evolutionist" vor, welche sich auf die qualitativ angemessene Weiterentwicklung bestehender Systeme fokussiert. Wir blicken auf das notwendige Skill- und Mindset sowie erste Praktiken, um mit großen und langlebenden Softwaresystemen zurecht zu kommen.

Architecture Communication Canvas

Development teams usually don't like to write documentation. By way of contrast, a certain amount of documentation often proves useful in the long run. Why not give the established Canvas pattern a chance to shine in software architecture?

In this talk, you will learn a highly pragmatic approach to document and communicate the most important aspects of your architecture (and implementation). It is compatible with the established arc42 template, but significantly shorter.

Prepare yourself for an example-ridden talk and plenty of practical tips that will make documentation fun and productive!

Benjamin Wolf

Senior IT Consultant

Munich, Germany


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