
Brandon Wong

Brandon Wong

Software Engineer at The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( The Oscars ), A technophile obsessed with inspiring others to achieve their goals whilst making personal impact.


As a Software Engineer at The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( The Oscars ), I am responsible for everything from software design to data analytics to development/execution. I am a California State Licensed Real Estate Agent, Toastmasters Member, and have an educational background in computer science and business analytics. My journey started when I began working at Northrop Grumman and decided to officially turn to computer science full time. Approximately 5 years, 12 programming languages, 15 hackathons, and over 500 Github commits later I have done software development in the following industries: real estate, aerospace, financial software, internet media, and now entertainment. One of my true passions in addition to working with technology, is teaching, inspiring, and leading others who are interested in pursuing careers in tech related fields.

Brandon Wong

Software Engineer at The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( The Oscars ), A technophile obsessed with inspiring others to achieve their goals whilst making personal impact.


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