Most Active Speaker

Codrina Merigo

Codrina Merigo

Digital Product Manager @ Fresenius Medical Care

Milan, Italy

Microsoft MVP Alumni, passionate about mobile apps and Xamarin, joined the 'Xamarin' dev world more than five years ago, now onboarding into MAUI.
Passionate about UX and UI, with an eye on cross-platform solutions, mostly for Xamarin.Forms. In the last 5 years, has focused on UI testing, best practices, continuous integration, and optimization for Xamarin apps. Also curious about AI and ML.
Recently more interested in product management and its capabilities.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Health & Medical
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Arts


  • Xamarin
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • AI
  • Azure
  • .NET
  • dotNet
  • .net dotnet
  • Women in Tech
  • Women in Technology
  • Product Manager
  • Product Management
  • Women in Agile
  • Scrum & Agile
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Agile Mindset
  • Product
  • Digital Experience
  • Digital
  • Digital strategy and Transformation
  • ai
  • Women in Tech mentorship program
  • Women Techmakers
  • Women in Cyber
  • Women Empowerment
  • Women
  • Women's Health
  • WomenITPros
  • Product Owner
  • Maui
  • dotnet MAUI
  • AI & product management
  • technical product management

Discover .NET MAUI

Aimed to be the next level of cross-platform development, .NET MAUI is intended for devs who want to know more about mobile development.

Before .NET Core, the term 'cross-platform' was used by Xamarin.Forms to support building Android, iOS and Windows phone apps. Started with Xamarin. Forms, you wrote code once, and that code is deployed on three platforms at the same time. You can also build desktop applications using a single code base, targeting mac OS, Windows and even Linux.

Xamarin Devs Love Azure

Overview how you can easily integrate Azure into your Xamarin App. from services, db to notifications

Xamarin loves Visual Studio

Tips and tricks on how to boost your Xamarin Development productivity by getting the most out of Visual Studio 2019.

Use AI In your .NET MAUI app to create a chatbot

How to integrate a ChatBot in your .NET MAUI cross-platform application using Luis.AI and let your users communicate with your ChatBot using natural language.

UI Testing with Xamarin.Forms

Learn more about the UI Test for Xamarin.Forms using a TDD approach. Also a demo on writing and have all green tests for your app.

UI Testing with Xamarin.Forms

UI Testing may seem difficult - but is not impossible! With just some basic concepts you can easily test your user interface, navigation and main interactions of your app.

Quick and easy cross-platform app with Xamarin.Forms

Create your mobile app in just few minutes with Xamarin.forms 4+

Merry Xamarin and Happy new MAUI!

For all .Net devs and devs out there, discover what is the next year's mobile version of Xamarin and create your Xmas app in just a few minutes.

MAUI is the new Xamarin

Cross-platform mobile applications just got easier. Learn how and where to start, maximize your ideas and minimize the code base!

Do you know your users?

Are you a Xamarin Dev and want to go beyond coding? In this session, you will learn how to use Analytics to get to know your users and predict the next features in order to create a winning app!

Developers love Azure

Overview of the Azure tools for developers

Build AI with AI Builder

Get more power and intelligence over your apps, quick and easy thanks to AI Builder

AI Chatbots

Have you ever thought using a chatbot for your website or business? Join me in this session and you will found out how to do it!


Sono entusiasta di presentarvi la terza release di .NET MAUI, il potente framework che ci consente di sviluppare applicazioni cross-platform per iOS, Android, Windows e macOS, sfruttando la potenza del linguaggio di programmazione C# e il runtime .NET.

Durante questa sessione informativa, forniremo una panoramica dettagliata delle funzionalità offerte da .NET MAUI, esplorando anche le nuove feature introdotte con la release di .NET 8.0, che ampliano ulteriormente le capacità del framework.

Attraverso .NET MAUI, gli sviluppatori possono creare applicazioni sofisticate e performanti per una vasta gamma di piattaforme, evitando la necessità di scrivere codice specifico per ogni sistema operativo. Con un unico set di codice, è possibile raggiungere un pubblico più ampio, offrendo esperienze utente coerenti su diversi dispositivi e piattaforme.

Se sei interessato a sviluppare applicazioni cross-platform con efficienza e scalabilità, non puoi perderti questa sessione dedicata a .NET MAUI.

How to 'hook' with your product?

You created a great product and now you want more users? Apply the hooked model and increase your user base with simple ideas.
Learn how you can use Behavioral Science to create digital habit-forming products that your users would love to return to.

Apply the hooked model and increase your user base with simple ideas.

Codrina Merigo

Digital Product Manager @ Fresenius Medical Care

Milan, Italy

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