
Conner Bush

Conner Bush

STR, Software Developer

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Conner is a full-stack software developer at STR. He has been in tech since high school and a developer for around 7 years, currently specializing in .NET and Angular. Conner enjoys learning design architecture, staying up to date with the latest tech, and empowering others in his field to live their best life.

Outside of work, you’ll find Conner volunteering at his local church or with one of the homeless organizations in town. When not at church or hanging with his homeless friends, he’s probably scrambling to be on time to catch a Preds game or that sweet half-price deal at Dave & Buster’s. He does all of this with his awesome wife, Mysteree – who is totally out his league.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • ASP.NET Core
  • Angular
  • Personal Growth
  • React

The Plight of the Transient Developer: Being Part of Something Bigger Than Ourselves

High turnover rates, front-end frameworks that come and go, incomplete side projects, why are we never satisfied? Learn how our insatiable industry is fostering transient developers, why that is a problem, and what we can do to solve it.

What is Span and why should I care?

4x, 6x and more your string parsing performance with Span. Learn why Span is such a big deal and how Span can help you write high performance, optimized code in C# with .NET Core.

Angular vs. React: An In-Depth Comparison

Have you ever read articles comparing Angular and React only to be disappointed in the content? In my talk I'll be giving an in-depth, apples to apples comparison of the two competitors, including community, greenfield/brownfield implementation, state management, routing, API calls, concurrency, authentication, component structure, testing, and more.

It's Complicated: Managing Complex Relationships with Entity Framework Core

In this talk you'll learn how to handle one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships in EFCore. You'll also learn how to configure self-referencing relationships as well as some EFCore gotchas and tricks along the way!

Business Up Front: Developing and Maintaining a Clean Frontend

In this talk you’ll learn the importance of having a clean front end codebase as well as practical steps to take to keep it that way.

To organizers: in all my talks I begin by encouraging my audience to donate to a West African clean water non-profit called Hope Springs Int. I match up to $100 of whatever is donated.

Getting Started with Entity Framework Core

In this workshop you will learn about mapping tables, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. You will also learn about client vs. server query evaluation, data tracking, and all kinds of querying from raw queries to complex joins and even some fun with dynamic expressions!

Technical Requirements:
- decent internet connection
- latest .NET Core SDK
- latest ASP.NET Core runtime
- VS Code or Visual Studio (Community/Professional/Enterprise)

Building Business Applications With React & Typescript

Together we'll learn modern React concepts such as hooks, functional components, testing, and state management while building a small business application that performs read/write operations with an API.

Knowledge Requirements: basic programming concepts, familiarity with a statically typed language (Java, C#, Typescript)

Technical Requirements: computer, Internet connection (we will use an online editor to avoid issues with local machine environments)

Test Driven Development: Why It's Important & How To Do It

Together we will learn why TDD is so important and practical strategies to help you develop faster instead of slowing you down. The majority of the workshop will be hands on coding - mainly in C#, with a brief excursion to Javascript to demonstrate how front end testing differs from back end testing.

Knowledge Requirements: a basic understanding of C# & JS is recommended, but not required

Technical Requirements: computer, Visual Studio 2019 (community/professional/enterprise), Internet connection

Conner Bush

STR, Software Developer

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

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