
Constantin Hager

Constantin Hager

COC AG, Senior Systems Engineer

Neuötting, Germany


At my job I specialize in everything infrastructure related. This includes:

Infrastructure As Code with Terraform and ARM Templates ❤💖
Everything that has to do with DevOps.
In my job I also do SQL Server development and SQL Administration with PowerShell. 💖 DBATools
I'm also a very passionate PowerShell professional. I organize the PowerShell User Group innsalzach in Germany.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • PowerShell
  • PowerShell DSC
  • PowerShellCore
  • Automation with PowerShell
  • Azure
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure IaaS

Erstellen einer Entwicklungsumgebung mit DevContainern für PowerShell Universal

PowerShell Universal ist meiner Meinung nach das ideale Werkzeug zum Erstellen vielseitiger Anwendungen, die sowohl für persönliche als auch geschäftliche Bedürfnisse geeignet sind. Es ermöglicht die Erstellung interaktiver Dashboards, die Planung von Skripten, die Entwicklung von REST-APIs und verschiedene andere Funktionen – all dies ist mit fundierten Kenntnissen in PowerShell erreichbar.

In Teamumgebungen ist es entscheidend, das häufig auftretende "Es läuft auf meinem Rechner"-Problem zu minimieren. Anstatt umfangreiche Dokumentationen für Installation und Konfiguration zu teilen, ist ein effizienterer und zuverlässigerer Ansatz die Verwendung eines Dev Containers, einer Technologie, die eine portable und einheitliche Entwicklungsumgebung bereitstellt, indem sie wesentliche Werkzeuge und Konfigurationen in containerisierten Umgebungen kapselt.

Was sind DevContainer und wie erstelle ich mir speziell einen für PowerShell Universal? Wie kann ich VCode speziell für den Umgang mit DevContainern und PowerShell Universal konfigurieren?

Alle diese Fragen werden in meiner Session beantwortet.

Create a fully automated SQL Server Lab with AutomatedLab

AutomatedLab, a PowerShell framework for generating basic or advanced lab environments on Azure or Hyper-V by just using a PowerShell script.

When setting up a SQL Server Always On Availability Group with a clustered user database in an entirely automated process, the traditional approach would involve manually configuring the basic environment (AD, DNS, DHCP, etc.), followed by the manual installation and configuration of Microsoft SQL Server. This method is time-consuming and requires various prerequisites to be considered before the main goal can be tackled.

Fortunately, AutomatedLab streamlines this procedure by effortlessly deploying not only basic workloads like Active Directory Domain Services but also complex ones like Microsoft SQL Server.

In this session, you will receive a brief introduction to AutomatedLab, create the necessary preconfigured virtual machines for the task, and explore three different methods of installing a Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group and adding a database to it. These methods are the imperative approach utilizing dbatools, a declarative method using PowerShell DSC v2, or the alternative to install both SQL Servers through AutomatedLab and convert them into an Always On Availability Group.

Create a Development Environment for PowerShell Universal

PowerShell Universal is in my opinion the go-to tool for building versatile applications suitable for personal and business needs. It enables the creation of interactive dashboards, script scheduling, REST API development, and various other functionalities—all achievable with a proficiency in PowerShell.

In team settings, mitigating the common "It runs on my machine" issue is vital. Rather than sharing extensive documentation for installation and configuration, a more efficient and reliable approach is using a Dev Container, a technology that provides a portable and uniform development environment by encapsulating essential tools and configurations within containerized environments.

This session explores the core elements of Dev Containers, guiding you through the process of creating one specifically for PowerShell Universal v4, configuring Visual Studio Code for smooth integration with Dev Containers and PowerShell Universal v4, and mapping your PowerShell Universal code within the Dev Container.

Azure Automation DSC and the Azure VM DSC Extension. How do they work together?

In this presentation you will see how to deploy Azure Automation State configuration (DSC).
We will deploy DSC Configurations and assign them to Azure VMs .
I will also show how you can deploy a DSC Configuration without Azure Automation State Configuration (DSC).

Everything will all happen with Azure DevOps and a CI / CD Process.

Automated Lab

Easily deploy a Lab Environment with a view links of code

DSC Community User group Sessionize Event Upcoming

February 2025

psconf.eu 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Antwerpen, Belgium

psconf.eu 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Prague, Czechia

Constantin Hager

COC AG, Senior Systems Engineer

Neuötting, Germany


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