From UWP to Xamarin.Forms to Blazor WebAssembly REX how quickly can you port a small audio applicati
In this quick talk we will go over the different steps that were needed to migrate an audio UWP application to Xamarin Form/Android and then to Blazor WebAssembly.
We will go over the different elements that needed to be worked on to make this happen:
• Migrating the code to a .NetStandard 2.0 library
• As a XAML developer how to I create a ListView in HTML and CSS
• Xamarin Forms XAML != Microsoft XAML, so you cant just reuse your UWP XAML
• Audio playback on Xamarin Forms / Android and on Blazor
• Fragments on Android
• Creating a build for Android and pushing it to the play store
From UWP to cross-platform development using Xamarin.Form and Xamarin.Android
We will go over the different steps that I needed to work through to get an audio application developed for UWP (C#/XAML) to then port it using Xamarin Forms (C#/ Xamarin XAML) and then developing it again using Xamarin Android (C#/Android XML).
When I started my journey, I had little experience in Xamarin however I will explain how you can very quickly get the hang of it.
• Moving code that could be shared to a .Net Standard 2 library (ViewModels, Models, Helpers, Services)
• Xamarin XAML
• Horizonal Listview with in a listview as a datatemplate using Xamarin XAML
• Getting the audio player to work
• Database/Caching
• Adding tracking
• Releasing it to the store
• Learning to use Android Designer
• Horizontal list using HorizontalScrollView with RecyclerView
• Audio Player
• Database/caching
• Tracking
• Releasing it to the store
This talk sessions will talk about Xamarin Forms, C#, Xamarin Android, XAML, .NET Standard 2, Android XML. This talk is intended for anyone that is curious to see how easy it is to use Xamarin Forms and Xamarin Android.
Dailymotion return of experience on using Xamarin forms to build a Samsung Tizen Smart TV app
At Dailymotion we decided to build our next Samsung Smart TV using Xamarin forms which would allow us to reuse some the code from our Xbox application. We will go over the issues that we faced and how we over came them in building this Xamarin Forms TV application here is what we will go over:
• Getting project setup
• Tizen Emulator
• .Net Standard
• HTTP calls
• Building a UI
• WebView on Tizen to render our HTML5 Video player
• Tizen.TV.UIControls
• Navigation
• Real hardware vs Emulator
This talk sessions will talk about Xamarin Forms, C#, Xamarin.Forms XAML, .NET Standard 2, WebView and to see how much code we were able to share across our UWP application and our Xamarin Tizen application. This talk is intended for anyone that is curious to see how Xamarin Forms works on Tizen.
Building one UWP app for Xbox and Windows XAML/C#, 20 minutes chrono to build Dailymotion (light)!
I will go over how we at Dailymotion built our UWP app to be compatible Xbox and Windows 10. How we designed the view to be compatible for both platforms, how to use the extra buttons that are on the xbox controller and how certain views are only accessible on Windows or Xbox.
Next I will try to build an application that can be used on Xbox and Windows 10. In this application we will have:
• REST call to Dailymotion api
• List of videos on home screen
• Video page will load a webview that depending on if we are on Xbox or Desktop will load differently using DeviceFamily
• Navigation on Xbox
• Quickly show how to play with the Dailymotion Player SDK
This talk sessions will talk about UWP, XAML, C#, WebView on Windows 10 and Xbox. This talk is intended for anyone that is curious to see how Dailymotion created one application that works on 2 platforms.
UWP @ Dailymotion how we built one application for 2 platforms
We will go over how at Dailymotion we built our UWP app to be compatible Xbox and Windows 10. How we designed the view to be compatible for both platforms, how to use the buttons that are on the Xbox controller to improve the user experience and how to create certain views that are only accessible on Windows or Xbox.
We will go over the different technical elements used to develop the app:
• Graph QL on UWP
• Listviews in ListView and data templates
• WebView for our video player
This lighting talk will go over UWP, XAML, C#, WebView on Windows 10 and Xbox. This lighting talk is intended for anyone that is curious to see how Dailymotion created one application that works on 2 platforms.
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