
Dave Ruijter

Dave Ruijter

Solution Architect

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Dave is a hands-on solution and platform architect that operationalizes data-driven strategies of organizations. Leveraging the full potential of the Azure Data Platform and he Power Platform (with a focus on Power BI). He brings a vast amount of consultancy experience to the table and is always eager to take things to the next level. Dave has received the Microsoft MVP Award twice for his deep knowledge of Microsoft products and services and community leadership.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • power bi
  • Azure
  • Azure Data Factory
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Azure Data
  • Azure Architecture
  • Azure Analysis Services
  • power bi premium
  • Power BI Dataflows
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Azure AI
  • Azure Data & AI
  • Azure Data Catalog
  • Azure Data Platform
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Databricks for AI
  • Azure Synapse
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Databricks
  • DataOps
  • Azure DevOps
  • Microsoft Azure

No more data quality surprises in your Databricks, Synapse or Power BI solutions!

Do you know your data? And do you already actively monitor for deviations from those expectations? Being in control of your data quality is essential for any solution, whether it's running in Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics or Power BI. In this demo-rich session you will learn how you can implement a framework for data validation and monitoring, spanning your end-to-end data platform including Power BI! We'll leverage an open-source library called great-expectations to quickly get up-and-running. With the demonstrations, practical tips and example scripts, you will be able to implement this framework in your own data platform and solutions. Become in control of the data quality of your solutions!

10 tips for a successful migration from Databricks and ADF to Synapse

Are you planning a migrating of your data platform to Azure Synapse Analytics? Is it currently based on Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, and Azure Data Lake Storage? Make sure to grab these 10 tips! We'll talk about Spark compatibilities, orchestration pitfalls and solution deployment differences.

Analytics at scale with Power BI and Azure Synapse

This training day we will learn how Power BI and Azure Synapse Analytics can form a solid marriage, and provide a truly scalable analytical platform. Together we will explore the tricky parts of an enterprise-grade Power BI solution, and how advanced modelling capabilities of Power BI with a solid data lakehouse / warehouse in Azure Synapse Analytics can save the day!

For Power BI solutions, we see it can be challenging to load data from APIs, or to store historical snapshots. This is where you can really benefit from the capabilities of a data platform. Also, if you already have an amazing data platform, we see it can be challenging to load all of its data into a Power BI dataset and still have a performant solution, or to refresh data in near real-time. Finally, daisy-chaining all the steps in the data flow – from source to report/dashboard – can be tricky to design, especially if you don’t want to do a full refresh of the Power BI dataset for performance reasons.

The advanced capabilities of both worlds can really complement each other. We will train you how to design and build a solution, share our learnings and best-practices along the way in a demo-rich day.

After the training you will be able to:
• Better design and implement complex data models, including hybrid tables, aggregations, and combined storage modes (import, DirectQuery, dual).
• Orchestrate the end-to-end data processing, with a pipeline chain from data ingest in the data lakehouse to the incremental Power BI dataset refresh.
• Use different techniques to identify performance bottlenecks in your solutions and how to solve those ("does it fold"?).
• Implement a cost-efficient solution, that still meets the scalability demands.

You will be guided by Data Platform MVP Dave Ruijter and Power BI MVP Marc Lelijveld, both of whom bring a wealth of practical experience to the table across the entire stack of Power BI and Azure Synapse Analytics.

The Battle Of Modern Data Architectures: Databricks vs Synapse vs ADF

Have you had that moment, in doubt of which Azure service to use for your 'Modern Data Warehousing' solution? There are so many good options.. Maybe go for Azure Synapse Analytics? Choose the Azure Databricks route? Or stick to the familiar Azure Data Factory? Let's line them all up and start *The Battle Of Modern Data Architectures*! We'll compare them using real use-cases and demos, and you learn how to choose the best fit for each scenario!

From rookie to rockstar in Azure Synapse Analytics

Heard a lot about that service called Azure Synapse Analytics, right? Curious what it exactly is? Bring your scuba gear, as we take a deep dive and explore everything it has to offer!

How to become a Power BI Premium 'capacity whisperer'

So you own a Power BI Premium capacity? Or you're planning on purchasing it? Better make sure you get the most out of it, right? Learn how to listen to your capacity, read it, understand it, and keep it healthy, like a real 'capacity whisperer'.

Let's go Premium! The essentials to kickstart your experience.

Going with Premium capacity in Power BI provides a lot of value for your organization: more dependable performance, larger data volumes, widespread distribution of content to consumers, and more!
In this deep-dive session you will learn:
• What Power BI Premium capacity exactly is
• How it compares to the regular/shared capacity
• How it compares to Azure Analysis Services
• How you can govern and manage the capacity
• How you can monitor the capacity

Power BI Cheat Sheet explained!

This session explains the Power BI Cheat Sheet that went viral on social media. The sheet is crammed with Power BI tips and best practices based on years of experience, but with little to no comments. No worries! We will describe, demonstrate and discuss all the items! And of course, there will be a Cheat Sheet for everyone attending!

Enterprise and multi-tier Power BI deployments with Azure DevOps.

In Power BI we are used to create reports and dashboards really quickly, but in most cases we forget to think about governance, development and maintenance at an enterprise wide scale.
During this session I share some best practices about applying DTAP (Development, Production, Acceptance and Production), or better known as multi-tier deployment.

By using Azure DevOps for deployment we bring back the structure and use a self-service tool in an enterprise environment. Beside deployment there is also version control and enterprise roll-out of your content in a managed structure.

Building an end-to-end monitoring solution using Azure Logic Apps, Azure Monitor and Power BI

Thinking about building a monitoring solution for your (custom) application? Or do you need a place to bring together logging/metrics from multiple sources, giving you a unified overview? We have built such a solution with Azure Monitor, Azure Logic Apps, and Power BI reports. In our case to monitor and govern the end-to-end Power BI platform, but you can easily apply this solution architecture to monitor other (custom) applications. After an overview of the involved services, we will get hands-on and dive right into the Azure Portal and demo all the bits!

SQLBits 2023 - General Sessions Sessionize Event

March 2023 Newport, United Kingdom

SQLBits 2023 - Full day training sessions Sessionize Event

March 2023 Newport, United Kingdom

dataMinds Connect 2022 Sessionize Event

October 2022 Mechelen, Belgium

Power BI Next Step 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 Billund, Denmark

DataGrillen 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Lingen, Germany

SQLBits 2022 Sessionize Event

March 2022 London, United Kingdom

Power BI Summit Sessionize Event

April 2021

Power BI Gebruikersdag 2020 (CANCELLED) Sessionize Event

March 2020 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Global AI Bootcamp - Netherlands Sessionize Event

December 2019 Utrecht, The Netherlands

dataMinds Connect 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Mechelen, Belgium

DataGrillen 2019 Sessionize Event

June 2019 Lingen, Germany

Power Saturday 2019 Sessionize Event

June 2019 Paris, France

Power Platform Summit Europe

Session #1: The Missing Piece in Your Power BI Architecture: Dataflows!
Session #2: Let's Go Premium! The Essentials to Kickstart Your Experience
Panel discussion member: Power BI Governance and Administration

March 2019 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Power BI Days 2019-01 Sessionize Event

January 2019 Mechelen, Belgium

Global AI Bootcamp Netherlands Sessionize Event

December 2018 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Power BI User Group Event - Expert Track

Expert Track: Data Pools vs Data Swamps! A deep-dive in Common Data Service for Analytics (Dave Ruijter – Macaw)

June 2018 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Power BI Gebruikersdag Sessionize Event

March 2018 Utrecht, The Netherlands

TechDays Amsterdam 2017 - Data Storytelling using Power BI!

A great story can transform opinions, inspire people and stimulate change. Learn how to leverage the power of storytelling to effectively unlock insights in your data and help drive decision-making in your organization. This session will provide actionable advice, tips and tricks and concrete examples of compelling data stories told using Power BI.

October 2017

Dave Ruijter

Solution Architect

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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