
David Denton

David Denton

Engineering Lead // Founder // Trainer // Speaker // Kotlin GDE // Co-creator of http4k

London, United Kingdom


Highly experienced Engineering Lead specialising in TDD, software craft, debt-resolving, mentoring and straight talking.

Particularly specialised with ContinuousDeployment solutions: JVM, JS & a quick study in others. Everything-as-code automation. Build-craft. Refactoring wizard. Legacy-code cleaner.

International speaker. Mentor, Co-founder of Monopolis (https://monopolis.cloud). Co-creator of the popular http4k platform (http://http4k.org) and recognised Kotlin Google Developer Expert.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Kotlin
  • Test Automation
  • Automated Testing
  • Continous Delivery

Test-Driven Microservices with http4k

With the rise of Microservice architectures and demands of Continuous Delivery, the need for systems to be well tested before they hit production has never been higher. In order to support this, it is crucial that the libraries and architectures we choose actively treat testing as a first class citizen.

This talk is a whirlwind mix of Kotlin live-coding and theory that covers the various types of testing that teams should be doing, and how the http4k ecosystem has been built from the ground up to make both developing and testing your apps a breeze. We will be coding parts of a simple application in a Test-Driven way and exploring more advanced subjects such as Approval, Contract and Chaos Testing.

Attendees will gain insights into several techniques of effective Microservice testing that are relevant regardless of your choice of technology, and gain specific knowledge about the capabilities provided by the http4k community.

Intermediate, but theory sections will be suitable for all audience levels.

Kotlin's Elegant Deceptions: Simple APIs, Unusual Tactics

What untapped potential lies within Kotlin for creating APIs that are not just functional, but artfully elegant? Dive into the exploration of Kotlin's innovative methods, beyond conventional usage. Discover the language's blend of elegance and advanced features can enrich and elevate your approach to API development, moving beyond the ordinary towards the extraordinary.

In this talk, we're going to dive into how you can use Kotlin's thoughtful language features to build APIs that are not just good, but great. We'll cover the theory behind each technique and showcase it's use by diving behind the scenes in some established open source projects.

Attendees will gain practical techniques from this session, ready to be applied in their Kotlin projects for immediate impact. The insights into little-known features for API design will empower them to enhance their development work, fostering elegance and efficiency in their APIs from the outset.

Get ready to challenge your usual way of doing things and unlock some seriously innovative programming tricks!

It works on my machine! Boost productivity with Shift-Left engineering.

Developer feedback cycles are too long. Increasing numbers of services, system complexity, cloud-only based integrations and poor local testability - these all contribute to longer lead times. Techniques like build-caching, monorepos and pipeline optimisation can help, but fundamentally we still know too little, too late.

It doesn't have to be this way - it's entirely possible to reduce effective cycle times to a couple of minutes. But when it comes to it, your choice of technologies and testing strategies may well be holding you back.

Join us as we show the tools and techniques we used to take an engineering team to the next level, improving from 150 to 9000 deployments a month with a 10 minute Change Lead Time. Learn how we applied extreme Shift-Left engineering principles to generate and test everything locally - from pipelines to K8S manifests to monitoring to security, as well as rethinking test suites to E2E test dozens of services locally, and visually documenting behaviour and to show us not just if systems work, but how they work.

Make productivity engineering not just for developers but anyone working with your systems.

Exploring the Testing Hyperpyramid with Kotlin and http4k

We all know that testing is an important factor in software development.


What if your tests could also work for you in dimensions that you didn’t even know existed? What if they could give you superpowers? Superpowers like easily running an entire bank on a single developer workstation, generating visual documentation of all the interactions across your fleet of microservices with a simple test plugin, or building reusable infrastructure which allow you to test your entire codebase at the unit, integration or end-to-end level.

In this talk, you'll learn about why your design and technology choices matter for testing and some Kotlin and http4k techniques that allow you to do much more by actually writing less test code.

Server as a Function in Kotlin

In this talk, you'll learn about how we successfully rewrote the website of a major scientific publisher to pure Kotlin, serving millions of daily requests and in the process created the open source http4k microservice toolkit.

The talk also covers how the team migrated the stack to Continuous Delivery-based deployment into a private on-premise cloud, and how http4k helped us introduce new failure-mode and inter-service contract testing techniques.

This approach combines functional programming concepts and the versatility of Kotlin to produce applications that are simpler and more testable than most Java are accustomed to experience. And the best of it: with absolutely no magic!

David Denton

Engineering Lead // Founder // Trainer // Speaker // Kotlin GDE // Co-creator of http4k

London, United Kingdom


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