Most Active Speaker

Davide Mauri

Davide Mauri

Microsoft, Principal Product Manager

Redmond, Washington, United States


Davide Mauri is Program Manager in the Azure SQL Database product group. He has been working in the IT field since 1997 and was awarded Data Platform MVP status for 12 consecutive years. He started his career as a full-stack and back-end developer, then focused on databases and data science for 15 years while still keeping alive his passion for development (mainly in C# and Python). He then moved to the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data space where ingesting, processing, and analyzing millions of data points in near real time was his everyday challenge. Building from that experience, he joined Microsoft to help companies worldwide to leverage stream processing at scale. He now works for Azure SQL Database as the developer's voice inside the product group, working to make sure that Azure SQL Database is, and will be, the best database option for developers.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Hyperscale
  • Microsoft Azure
  • .NET
  • Python
  • Node

Modern Architectures with Azure SQL DB

Event Driven, Reactive, architectures are becoming the norm, as long as extensive usage of REST and GraphQL endpoints to decouple application layers and microservices. Jamstack is almost surely a term you've become confident with in the last months. What roles can a database play in these architectures? What has Azure SQL database to offer to developers to make sure adoption of modern solutions can be not only frictionless and efficient but also secure and performant? Change Data Stream, "APIfication" of database object so that tables, view, and stored procedure can be accessed via REST and GraphQL are definitely features you want to learn and leverage when building modern, scalable, and secure solutions.

Understanding indexes, query plans and performance in Azure SQL

Improving database performance is often a terrific way to have the desired application performance without having to build crazy-complex architectures. To have the performance you desire, you need to understand how the query you write is processed by the database engine, what is the generated execution plan (also sometimes referred to as DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph) and how to understand it. Then, what are indexes, what's the difference between the diverse types, and how they will affect the performance of your query is also vital to have not good, not great, but exceptional performances, on-prem and in the cloud. In this session we'll analyze all these concepts in a practical and developer-friendly way. Don’t miss it!

My application is fully concurrent and async. What about the database?

You have created a beautiful, concurrent application taking advantage of all the latest and greatest language features. It scales magnifically and it’s the jewel of the cloud. But what about the database? What happens when simultaneous queries are executed against the same data? Using Azure SQL Database or SQL Server, we'll see what happens behind the scenes, how it guarantees concurrency *and* consistency and what options you have to performance *and* scalability.

Funtastic knowledge about Azure SQL and SQL Server Databases that you should not miss

The engine powering Azure SQL and SQL Server databases has been around for 30 years and has evolved a lot during that time. From a small, simple and fast relational database, to the multi-model, scalable wonder that is today. It's a lot! This also probably means that there are some cool features that you don't know yet and that can instead make a difference for you, making your work more efficient and fun. In this session we'll see many of this "little" but yet incredibly useful features and knowledge bits, with a lot of demos and a lot of lateral thinking.

Azure SQL and SQL Server for Developers - Immersion Workshop

A full day packed content to learn everything you need to be a great developer with great Azure SQL knowledge and T-SQL skills. And knowing SQL, as the whole IT industry now recognizes, is really a developer
's super-power. So don't miss this chance to learn anything one the best database for developers in the cloud. After defining some foundational concepts around database architecture and introducing security key points, we'll start from the basic concepts of tables and their design best practices. Then we'll move to indexes to understand why and how they are vital in improving performance. We'll then move to query plans, transactions and everything related to consistency *and* scalability. Functions, stored procedures, and views will also then be discussed, closing with some additional best practices, "lesson learned" and overviews of some more advanced features that can make a developer the hero of the day.

Jamstack Foundations: Building Scalable API from the Ground Up

Jamstack is one of the most modern architecture patterns and has been getting a lot of traction lately. In this session, we'll see an end-to-end demo of how we can build a Jamstack site in Azure, using Azure Static Web Apps and Azure Functions, and taking advantage of well-known and less known features of Azure SQL that will make you – the developer – productive and efficient as never before. From Graph Models to JSON, from REST to GraphQL, this code-heavy demo packed session will show all you need to build end-to-end modern, scalable, solutions. CI/CD included.

Build Serverless, Full Stack Applications Including IoT with Azure SQL

Join the Azure SQL Product Group to learn how developing apps with modern database capabilities, CI/CD and DevOps, backend API development, and IoT becomes easier, more efficient, and more scalable with Azure SQL Database. This day long hands-on workshop will focus on two real world scenarios that you can modify for your projects. The main scenario includes learning how to create, build, and deploy modern full stack applications in Azure with the language of your choice (Python, Node.js, .NET) and with a Vue.js frontend. The second scenario includes building IoT solutions that scale with the support of Azure SQL Database. Through these scenarios, you will get familiar with Azure SQL Database (Hyperscale and Serverless), Azure Functions, Azure Static Web Apps, Logic Apps, VS Code, Azure IoT Hub, and GitHub Actions.

Streaming at scale solutions with Azure SQL

IoT, Online Gaming, Microservices, Event sourcing: environment and architectures that can generate a steadily stream of data that will for sure be stored, queried and analyzed at some point. Azure SQL can easily manage the amount of generated data, working together with tools like Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, Azure Functions or Azure Databricks, to allow developers to create powerful stream processing solution. What about, for example, creating a solution to update in real-time the most played songs of a music streaming service? Or keeping track of player status in an MMPORG game? Or looking after connected vehicles? In this session we'll see how Azure SQL can help in the creation of solution that needs streaming - and thus real-time or near real-time - capabilities.

Serverless Solutions with Azure Static WebApp, Azure Functions, Node e Azure SQL

The ToDoMVC app has been around for a while and it is a great sample app to get started on front-end building. But what about the full-stack? And what if we want to create a complete Serverless Full-Stack solution? Well with Azure Static WebApps, Azure Functions, Node and Azure SQL, this is much simpler than anyone could expect! Let's see how simple is that!

Serverless Streaming at Scale Deep Dive

One day a customer comes to you with a very simple requirement: ingest, process and store at least 10,000 msg/sec using only PaaS solutions. Is this possible? How? What is the correct architecture to sustain such volume (or go ever higher than that) and what are the implementation best practices to make sure everything is balanced and you're not just throwing money at the problem? In this session we'll show how to architect, build and deploy such solution. We will start from 10,000 msg/sec…and we'll see together how high we can go (and we’ll go pretty high!), so that you can be sure that even the most demanding workload can be handled, gaining a good understanding of how Azure work behind the scenes for us.

Stream Processing at Scale on Azure

Stream processing is becoming more and more important in many scenarios. It can be found in Microservices Architectures, Near Real Time Operational Analytics, IoT and Smart Building solutions and Real Time Data Processing. Azure offers a lot of options to implement a Streaming At Scale solution, and a good knowledge of the pros and cons of the various technologies involved is vital to architect and implement the correct Lambda or Kappa architecture for your solution.
In this session we'll go through the most common way to implement a Streaming at Scale solution, sharing what we have learned from many engagements with the most diverse customers throughout the world.

Keynote - Azure SQL: seamless innovation and disruption

An overview of the innovation and disruption that Azure SQL brought to the market in the last years, a glimpse of what will come in near future, an insight of Azure SQL is build and engineered, and some best practices you can take home and use right away.

Serverless Full-Stack Kickstart

Learn how to implement a fully working, end-to-end, full-stack solution using Azure Static Web Apps, Azure Functions and Azure SQL Serverless. In this session we’ll see and build together the simple (but not too simple!) To-Do list reference app, using Vue.js, CI/CD, Unit Testing and more!

(Massive) Scale-Out Solutions with Azure SQL to sustain any workload

Azure SQL offre diverse opzioni per effettuare lo scale-out del database, specialmente con Azure SQL Hyperscale. In pochi secondi e' possibile creare una replica del database ed utilizzarla per indirizzare tutte le richieste Read-Only che, come sappiamo, sono la maggior parte in caso di scenari OLTP. In questa sessione vedremo che possibilità ci sono e le best practices per sfruttare al meglio questa abilita unica di Azure SQL. E se stai pensando "beh ma perché non usare una cache distribuita al posto che il database", allora questa sessione e' proprio per te!

Architecting modern cloud solutions to take advantage of database "scaleoutability"

Modern cloud databases offer the ability to scale-out in addition to scale-up. While the goal may seem to be the same - providing enough resources to serve even the most demanding and unpredictable workload - in reality a software architect can take advantage of the ability to scale out to create solution that provide better performances with lower costs and higher resiliency. In this session I'll show how Azure SQL Hyperscale can help you in creating fast, smarter, and more efficient solutions.

Build serverless, full stack applications in Azure

Learn how to create, build, and deploy modern full stack applications in Azure leveraging the language of your choice (Python, Node.js, or .NET) and with a Vue.js frontend. Topics covered include modern database capabilities, CI/CD and DevOps, backend API development, REST, and more. Using a real-world scenario of trying to catch the bus, you will learn how to build a solution that leverages Azure SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Static Web Apps, Logic Apps, Visual Studio Code and GitHub Actions.

Never miss the bus with Azure Function, IFTTT, Azure SQL and GeoSpatial data

Il trasporto pubblico è una benedizione, ma a volte può essere una sfida. Se perdo l'autobus, devo aspettare 30 minuti per il prossimo. Sarebbe bello creare una semplice applicazione che, usando le informazioni sulla circolazione degli autobus in tempo reale ed una GeoFence mi notifichi quando e' il momento giusto per uscire dall'ufficio. Con l'aiuto di Azure Function, Azure SQL e un servizio come IFTTT, e' presto fatto e in questa session lo vedrete con i vostri occhi.

Is NoSQL the only way to tame dynamic schemas?

How easy is managing dynamic schemas with Azure SQL? Is that possible at all? Or there are some compromises to make? And if that's possible, will it be fast? Easy to manage? Scalable? In this session we'll see how Azure SQL has evolved in the last years, with tons of innovations that bring together the best of relational and post-relational features, giving the developer all the needed options to manage and balance agility and consistency, scalability and manageability. Come and see how to use Azure SQL to support even the most complex and demanding backend API, with almost no plumbing code. It will be eyes opening!

Developer Best Practices for Azure SQL: Avoiding common pitfalls when using the Cloud Database

Azure SQL Database is so similar to SQL Server that it is easy to forget that you are actually running on the cloud. In this session, we'll see some of the best practices you have to keep in mind to make sure performance are the best possible, taking into account things like network latency, the default read committed snapshot isolation level and other "little" small things that can make a huge difference in your solution.

Dynamic Schemas for backend API with Azure SQL: relational and post-relational united for good

Pensate ancora che la gestione di schemi dinamici o "liquidi" (anche per Martin Fowler non esiste lo "schemaless!) sia una capacita riservata solo a soluzioni NoSQL? E' ora di aggiornarsi! Da anni ormai features post-relazionali sono presenti in Azure SQL e, integrate con la potenza del query optimizer, creano un ambiente unico, in grado di gestire le più svariate necessita, fornendo un'ampio spettro di soluzioni per anche la piu agile delle soluzioni. Non perdetevi questa sessione!

Azure SQL for the Data Scientists. Integration with Azure Databricks

Integration with Azure Databricks brings a lot of value to Data Scientists as they can query and manipulate data right on Azure SQL without having the need to push and pull data around, spending time and resources that can be instead used for analyzing and discovering data. In this session we'll see how you can connect to Azure SQL using the latest connector, how we can manipulate data on Databricks that resides on Azure SQL and also how we can efficiently store cleaned, curated and enriched data back into Azure SQL, to create an amazing platform for a Data Scientist.

Never miss the bus with Azure Function, IFTTT, Azure SQL and GeoSpatial data

Public transportation is a blessing, but sometimes it can be a challenge. If I miss my bus, I might have to wait for 30 minutes to catch the next one. It would be great if someone could create a simple application that gets real-time bus information, also allowing the creation of geofence: when the bus enters that area, you know it’s time to leave the office. You can catch the bus right on time and never have to wait for the next one! I’ve been using it for more than a year now and it…just works. Like magic.
With the aid of Azure Function, Azure SQL and a service like IFTTT, creating such solutions is fun, and paves the way for improvements and integrations that make people’s lives easier.
In this session we’ll analyze the solution from the inside out.

Serverless Scalable Back-End API with Hybrid Data Models

Azure SQL natively support to JSON is really a game changing feature as it allows both object model and relational model to happily live together, allowing application developer and database developer to use the best model - or even both - for their need. It also provide great performances and flexibility and helps to achieve great scalability and agility. In this session we'll see how one can create REST API with the language if its choice while leveraging JSON to communicate efficiently and comfortably with the database and to create hybrid data models, taking the best from relational and non-relational world.

From Azure SQL to REST, via CI/CD and back: API development with .NET, Dapper, JSON and Azure SQL

How to create a REST API using Azure SQL, Dapper, .NET and JSON and live forever happily after. In this session we’ll start from a blank project and we’ll implement a fully working REST API, learning how to leverage the native support in JSON to easily and efficiently having .NET and Azure SQL working together with minimal effort but great performances. We’ll also see how to use Dapper to reduce the amount of code we need to write, all with a fully functioning CI/CD pipeline created using GitHub Actions.

Hidden gems in Azure SQL that will make every developer want to use it!

Azure SQL may not be the database you're using, as you think it is way too expensive, and really not flexible or scalable enough for your new project. Let me show you three small, incredibly precious, gems hidden in Azure SQL engine core that will at least make you think.
I'll show you how much less code you have to write to create an API solution that can be accessed at scale, that supports completely secured access to data stored in the database it allows users to access to, and that also provides support for intelligent data syncing so that the API will can provide a list of changed data since a user access it last time.
If that's not amazing I honestly don't know that it is. Oh yeah, everything will work with any platform and language, even though I'll show samples only using Python and .NET Core.

Like a pro: build a fully working App with no code in 50 minutes

In this session we'll start from scratch, from the creation of an Azure SQL database to safely store your data, to the creation of a fully functioning solution for Mobile and Desktop, that will allow the management of a virtual classroom. All without writing a line of code, using the most advanced no-code platform, designed to boost productivity and that can used literally by anyone!

Live! 360 Orlando 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Orlando, Florida, United States

Azure Community Conference 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

Cloud Day 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

Azure Serverless Conf Sessionize Event

September 2021

Azure Summit Sessionize Event

September 2021

Global Azure Virtual Italy 2021 Sessionize Event

April 2021

Web Day 2021 Sessionize Event

March 2021 Pordenone 2021 #0001 Sessionize Event

February 2021

SQL Server Virtual Conference Sessionize Event

January 2021

AzConf Sessionize Event

November 2020

Cloud Day 2020 Sessionize Event

October 2020

Data Platform Discovery Day US Sessionize Event

April 2020

Global Azure Milan 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Milan, Italy

Davide Mauri

Microsoft, Principal Product Manager

Redmond, Washington, United States


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