David Vujic
Stockholm, Sweden
My name is David and I'm a software developer. Colleagues and friends may know me as an early adopter of agile ideas and test driven development. I am passionate about things like that, and share the things I learn to the community and the people I work with. My favorite programming languages are Python and Clojure. On my spare time I practice outdoor Parkour & contribute to Open Source.
Area of Expertise
About: FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. You don't need to register. Just turn up and join in!
My talk was about Python Monorepos: The Polylith Developer Experience
The recording of the talk: https://youtu.be/vtJS2O_P0ek?si=dLuvxK7UpDIDn3jx
PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2024
Python Monorepos: The Polylith Developer Experience
What if writing software could be more like building with LEGO bricks? A more playful and productive developer experience. For me, that is all about writing code without the hassle. A productive setup should also let let us make design decisions while learning what to actually build, and allow changes during the way. Polylith solves this in a nice and simple way. I am the developer of the Open Source Python-specific tooling for Polylith. I’ll walk through the simple Architecture & the Developer friendly tooling for a joyful Python Experience.
Recording of the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGWjt9GJLU4
PyCon PK 2024
Remote presentation from Stockholm, Sweden: Python Developer Experience with Polylith
PyCon Sweden 2023
About PyCon: We're Passionate About Python and the Community. PyCon Sweden is arranged by Python Sverige, a registered nonprofit organization.
My Talk: Python Developer Experience with Polylith
YouTube: https://youtu.be/_BA1yDHdbbs?si=1Zu4QSDjeIkvsPmG
Python Web Conference 2023
The most in-depth conference for rising Python experts. The 5th annual Python Web Conference, hosted virtually on LoudSwarm by Six Feet Up.
My talk: A Fresh Take on Monorepos in Python
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/HU61vjZPPfQ
Func Prog Sweden 2022 Fifth MeetUp
My session was called Functional Programming in Python?
Here's the talk at YouTube: https://youtu.be/hz4OPyBYA98
Python Web Conf 2022
My talk was called Functional Python.
Here's the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/GDyvVlsLEJk
reClojure 2021
re:Clojure is a free, community-driven conference that brings together knowledgeable speakers to present new and exciting topics on all things Clojure and ClojureScript.
My talk - Component Driven ClojureScript with Storybook - is found here (YouTube): https://youtu.be/beMFh99EE7w
PyCon Sweden 2021
My talk was called REPL Driven Development in Python?
Here's the talk at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HaIYpxTzX8
Func Prog Sweden 2021 Second MeetUp
My session was called ClojureScript: React with a Hiccup
Here's the talk at YouTube: https://youtu.be/SVouy-Zd-_g
FreeCode meetup #1 2021
Talk in swedish - Intro to Clojure and ClojureScript. Here's the talk at YouTube: https://youtu.be/o-NhnF-t-JE
Talk in Swedish - "JavaScript: behöver jag kanske (inte) ett ramverk?" Youtube video: https://youtu.be/dyMtHtJMAoo
NDC Oslo
My session was called "JavaScript in 2017: You might not need a framework". Here's the talk at Youtube: https://youtu.be/dGws1pMWzCI
Talk in Swedish - "Smidig virtualisering med Vagrant & Chocolatey". Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-m-dTYPMz0
dotNetConf (online/virtual conf)
My session was called "Rediscover JavaScript". The video is not available online. Blog post here: https://davidvujic.blogspot.com/2013/05/
aspConf 2012 (online/virtual conf)
My session was called "Quick Start: Test Driven Development". Channel 9 video: https://learn.microsoft.com/sv-se/events/aspconf-aspconf/quick-start-test-driven-development
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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