
Damir Dizdarevic

Damir Dizdarevic

CEO @ Logosoft d.o.o.

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Damir Dizdarević is a longtime, and highly rated, lecturer on almost all Microsoft and community conferences in the eastern Europe region. He has over 23 years of IT experience, mostly with Microsoft platforms. He specializes in Identity Management, Security, Microsoft 365 and Server Platforms. He is the author of numerous MOC courses in the field of server and cloud platforms, as well as professional articles in domestic and foreign magazines.
He is holding an MVP title for 14 years, and since 2017 Damir is awarded as Microsoft Regional Director. Currently working as a CEO of Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, one of the largest IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He occasionally writes blog articles at dizdarevic.ba/ddamirblog.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Identity Management
  • Security
  • Office 365
  • Azure
  • Windows Server
  • Exchange Server

Protecting identities in Azure AD and on-premise environments

More than 70% of successful cyber attacks are based on identity theft or identity breach. In most systems, user's digital identity is the weakest point. What we can do about it? In this session, we will discuss password-less authentication in Azure AD and AD DS, as well as other most effective methods and tools to increase identity security as well as to detect identity breach as soon as possible.

Why there are so many succesfull cyber attacks (and what we can do about it)?

Compared to 2 years ago, number of cyber attacks increased by 300%. For things to be even worse, the percentage of successful attacks is increasing. What has changed? Why traditional tools are not effective anymore? And how should we think about security today? In this session, we will discuss these topics, analyze some real attacks, as well as demonstrate how cloud security platforms, such as Microsoft Defender can be used to more efficiently protect both your cloud and on-premise environment.

Android uređaji u poslovnim okruženjima

Zahvaljujući vrlo intenzivnom razvoju Android Enterprise i Android for Work funkcionalnosti sa jedne strane, kao i mogućnosti unutar Microsoft Endpoint Managera (aka Intune) sa druge strane, danas je Android uređaje bilo koje vrste moguće vrlo efikasno i sigurno koristiti u poslovnim okruženjima. Kako se u najvećem broju slučajeva govori o Android telefonima, segmentacija poslovnih i privatnih resursa na uređaju je jako važna. No, kako odlučiti koji enrollment metod je ispravan za vašu organizaciju? Privatni uređaj sa radnim profilom ili poslovni uređaj sa privatnim profilom? Ili možda fully-managed poslovni uređaj? I šta je sa dosadašnjim device administrator pristupom? Ako vas zanimaju odgovori na ova pitanja, te želite vidjeti demo ovih scenarija na stvarnim uređajima, ovo je sesija za vas.

M365 Endpoint Management - nova generacija MDM-a

Upravljanje uređajima svih vrsta, uvijek je bila posebno izazovna kategorija, pogotovo u okruženjima gdje je zastupljeno više različitih platformi. Intune platforma je kroz vrijeme značajno evoluirala, a i promijenila nekoliko imena. Danas je to moćan device management mehanizam, koji može kontrolisati sve aktuelne platforme. U ovoj sesiji pogledat ćemo uživo mogućnosti današnjeg Endpoint managementa na primjeru konkretnih platformi.

Managing Android devices in business environments

Thanks to the very intensive development of Android Enterprise and Android for Work functionality, as well as capabilities within Microsoft Endpoint Manager (aka Intune), today Android devices of any kind can be used very efficiently and safely in business environments. As in most cases we are talking about Android phones, the segmentation of business and private resources on the device is very important. But how do you decide which enrollment method is right for your organization? A private device with a work profile or a business device with a private profile? Or maybe a fully-managed business device? And what about the device administrator approach? If you are interested in the answers to these questions, and want to see a demo of these scenarios on real devices, this is the session for you.

Metodi autentikacije na Azure AD - inžinjerski pogled

Integracija bilo kojeg servisa, bilo lokalnog ili on-premise, sa Azure AD-om zahtijeva odabir metoda autentikacije korisnika. Danas imamo 4 izbora, koja se bitno razlikuju po tome kako rade , gdje pohranjuju podatke i kakve rezultate daju. Razumijevanje autentikacijskih metoda je ključno za pravilan odabir u odgovarajućem scenariju. Ako želite saznati više o ovoj temi te razumjeti ključne razlike, izbjeći najčešće greške i biti sigurni šta da odaberete u svom okruženju - ovo je sesija za vas.

Microsoft Defender ATP deployment

Microsoft Defender ATP kroz vrijeme je postala moćna cloud platforma za sigurnosni nadzor različitih platformi. Sa ATP-om danas možemo nadzirati sigurnosno stanje ne samo Windows-a, nego i MacOS, Linux, Android i iOS uređaja. Od nedavno, tu je i ograničena podrška za mrežne uređaje. No, scenariji upotrebe ATP-a nisu uvijek očigledni, kao ni mogućnosti i ograničenja ove platforme. Na ovom predavanju pogledat ćemo šta danas ATP nudi, kakvi su metodi deploymenta-a i šta su ograničenja koja treba imati na umu.

Microsoft 365 - what's new for administrators and engineers?

Why Microsoft 365 is important for IT people in companies? How it differs from Office 365 and which technologies it brings to system administrators and engineers? In this session, we will cover answers to these questions, but will also discuss additional features and enhancements of M365 platform and how you can leverage it in your business environment.

Protecting cloud identities with passwordless authentication

Everyone knows that passwords are not good enough anymore. So, in most cases, we use MFA to enhance password security. But, is there a better solution? Can we remove passwords and go completely passwordless, but still be secure? What Windows Hello can do about it, and why FIDO 2.0 is important for that? if you want to see passwordless capabilities in Azure AD, as well as for other services, with real examples and devices, come to this session.

Protecting cloud identities with passwordless authentication

Everyone knows that passwords are not good enough anymore. So, in most cases, we use MFA to enhance password security. But, is there a better solution? Can we remove passwords and go completely passwordless, but still be secure? What Windows Hello can do about it, and why FIDO 2.0 is important for that? if you want to see passwordless capabilities in Azure AD, as well as for other services, with real examples and devices, come to this session.

What's new in Azure Information Protection?

Azure Information Protection has been around for few years now. During this time it is being enhanced with new features and functionalities, such as unified labelling, new AIP client and others. If you want to learn about AIP in general and discover some new features, this is a session for you.

Upravljanje Android uređajima u poslovnim okruženjima

Zahvaljujući vrlo intenzivnom razvoju Android Enterprise i Android for Work funkcionalnosti sa jedne strane, kao i mogućnosti unutar Microsoft Endpoint Managera (aka Intune) sa druge strane, danas je Android uređaje bilo koje vrste moguće vrlo efikasno i sigurno koristiti u poslovnim okruženjima. Kako se u najvećem broju slučajeva govori o Android telefonima, segmentacija poslovnih i privatnih resursa na uređaju je jako važna. No, kako odlučiti koji enrollment metod je ispravan za vašu organizaciju? Privatni uređaj sa radnim profilom ili poslovni uređaj sa privatnim profilom? Ili možda fully-managed poslovni uređaj? I šta je sa dosadašnjim device administrator pristupom? Ako vas zanimaju odgovori na ova pitanja, te želite vidjeti demo ovih scenarija na stvarnim uređajima, ovo je sesija za vas.

Security tehnologije u Microsoft cloud-u - šta odabrati i kada?

U zadnje dvije godine, Microsoft je aktivno radio na razvoju i implementaciji sigurnosnih tehnologija na svojim cloud rješenjima, kako bi dodatno osigurao i učinio fleksibilnijom tranziciju na cloud. Dodatno, dobar dio tih tehnologija danas se može koristiti i za zaštitu lokalnih resursa. Ovo predavanje bavi se ključnim scenarijima u kojima su nam sigurnosne tehnologije važne, te odgovarajućim rješenjima iz Microsoft kuhinje.

Damir Dizdarevic

CEO @ Logosoft d.o.o.

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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