
María Arias de Reyna Dominguez

María Arias de Reyna Dominguez

Senior software engineer at Red Hat

Senior software engineer en Red Hat

Sevilla, Spain


María Arias de Reyna is a Java Champion, geospatial enthusiast and FLOSS advocator.

She has been a community leader and core maintainer of several free and open source projects since 2004. She is currently working at Red Hat where she focuses on Middleware and leads the development of Kaoto, an Apache Camel low code and no code editor.

María is an experienced keynoter and speaker. Between 2017 and 2019 María was the elected President of OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation which serves as an umbrella for the most used geospatial free and open source software. She is also well known as a feminist and Women In Tech activist.

María Arias de Reyna es una Java Champion, entusiasta geoespacial y activista de FLOSS.

Ha sido líder y responsable del mantenimiento de varios proyectos de software libre desde 2004. Actualmente trabaja en Red Hat, donde se centra en Middleware y es mantenedora de Apache Camel y Syndesis.

María es una keynoter y ponente con experiencia. Entre 2017 y 2019 María fue la presidenta electa de OSGeo, la Fundación Geoespacial de Código Abierto que sirve como paraguas para el software libre y de código abierto geoespacial. También es conocida por su activismo feminista y de mujeres en tecnología.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Java in the cloud
  • Enterprise Java / Jakarta EE
  • Java and Server-side
  • Enterprise Java
  • Java language
  • Java Security
  • Java Concurrency
  • Core Java / Java SE
  • Java & JVM
  • Java Performance
  • Java user Group Leader
  • java
  • quarkus
  • MicroProfile
  • Java EE

The chaos incarnated: Micro-Quarkus Boot!

Here we are, creating a whole new project from scratch and no legacy hindering us. But wait, should I use Spring Boot, Quarkus, Micronaut,... What is happening in the Java ecosystem? What do I do?

On this talk we are going to create a (simple) app on those frameworks and compare pros and cons. We will build the native version, compare the source code and dependencies, and, probably, find out that the real treasure is the code we made along the way.

Target audience: Java Developers
Technical Requirements: None, but if they have a computer, they can follow me

María Arias de Reyna Dominguez

Senior software engineer at Red Hat

Sevilla, Spain


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