
Mattias Karlsson

Mattias Karlsson

Partner & Technical fellow at WCOM AB. Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. Father of 2, husband of 1.

Göteborg, Sweden


Mattias has been working professionally as a developer for over 20 years.

His interest in coding started already in the 80s with the Commodore 128 and but his true passion came with the Amiga.

Today he's a partner and senior architect at WCOM, a Microsoft partner located in Gothenburg, Sweden.

He’s also a Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP.

Outside work, he is a father of two, husband of one, and contributes actively to the .NET open-source community.
Most know there for being one of the lead maintainers behind the .NET foundation project Cake.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • DevOps
  • csharp
  • Azure DevOps
  • dotNet
  • .NET
  • OpenSource
  • C#.Net

Building Testable and Maintainable .NET Console Applications

In this session, we’ll explore how to create testable and maintainable .NET console applications using modern techniques such as dependency injection, unit testing, and open-source tools and libraries.

Console applications were where I wrote my first lines of code four decades ago, and today, they’ve come full circle in the era of containers, functions, and DevOps tools. Join me as I share practical strategies and best practices for building robust applications that stand the test of time and support seamless integration in modern development workflows.

DevOpsDocs: Transforming Tediousness into Joy

Discover how to transform the tedious, boring, and error-prone task of documenting your cloud resources and services into a joyful experience.

This talk introduces a process of automating documentation using vendors' REST APIs and custom-tailored .NET tools within your DevOps pipeline. Learn how to reduce time and effort while ensuring accuracy, by unlocking the potential of automation.

.NET supply chain beneath the surface

How much thought have you given your project's dependencies lately? For many, the answer seems to be either not much and we'll get to that later or incident-driven fighting "fires" made it a priority.
In this session, we'll go through tools and processes for continuously analyzing, reporting, and dealing with your .NET DevOps supply chain. So you with confidence know what your dependencies are, the state of them, where you are acquiring them from, and the know-how to methodically act and respond when they're compromised.

Being a good Open Source citizen

Redone to a panel
In this session Mattias will share an opinionated view of what it takes to be a good citizen in the open source community, not only how to contribute, but also how to be a good consumer and maintainer of open source.
These are opinions and advice based on experience gained by years of contributing to and maintaining popular (and unpopular) open source projects.

What are the unwritten rules? How do we communicate with people we never seen or met? What are the pitfalls? What methods, tools and services can make our lives easier? How we reach out with our expectations? – a few among the questions we'll try to answer, raise awareness and trigger discussion around.

GitHub Actions DevOps Pipelines as code using C#

Build and release configuration as code has become the de facto way for most continuous build and release solutions on the market today. Most commonly this manifests itself through a custom task-based domain-specific language using YAML or JSON files.

But wouldn't it be nice if you instead of using a markup language, could use a proper programming language, with already well-defined and documented control structures, flow statements like for, white, do, etc.

This session will step by step go through how you using C# can orchestrate your GitHub Actions build and release pipelines.
A pipeline that you can test and debug not only by tedious push and wait for CI to fail/succeed, but also locally using standard developer tools like VS Code with full fidelity inspecting variables, breakpoints, etc. reusing the language skill your team already has, reducing friction and unnecessary context switching. All this made possible using the open-source build orchestration tool Cake.

Øredev 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

November 2024 Malmö, Sweden

Swetugg Stockholm 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

DevConf 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Łódź, Poland

Swetugg Gothenburg 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Göteborg, Sweden

Swetugg Stockholm 2023 Sessionize Event

February 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

dotnetdays Sessionize Event

October 2022 Iaşi, Romania

Swetugg Gothenburg 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 Göteborg, Sweden

DevSum 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022 Stockholm, Sweden

NDC Oslo 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Oslo, Norway

Swetugg 2020 Sessionize Event

February 2020 Stockholm, Sweden

Swetugg 2019 Sessionize Event

February 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

Mattias Karlsson

Partner & Technical fellow at WCOM AB. Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. Father of 2, husband of 1.

Göteborg, Sweden


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