
Jorrik Klijnsma

Jorrik Klijnsma

Creative Frontend Developer @ Sopra Steria | AI Enthusiast

Veenendaal, The Netherlands


Jorrik is a creative front-end developer and public speaker at Sopra Steria with a passion for getting and sharing information. He focuses on new, inspiring topics and is a real #changemaker. His first lines of code were in the days jQuery ruled. That didn’t scare him. Now he has 7+ years of frontend experience using React and Vue during his day job. In the evening and night hours, a lot of fun projects and other libraries passed his `git clone`.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • Web Frontend
  • Frontend
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Front-End Development
  • Front-End Art
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Fun & Geeky
  • React
  • vscode
  • developer
  • Developer Experience
  • Developer Tools
  • Developers
  • 🙋 Soft skills for developers
  • Developer Culture
  • Developer
  • Developer Technologies
  • Developers life
  • Developer Skills
  • Web API
  • Web APIs
  • progressive web apps
  • Web Accessibility
  • Web Applications
  • Modern Web
  • Live Coding
  • Creative Coding
  • Programming
  • General Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • SCSS
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • Generative Art
  • midjourney
  • chatgpt
  • prompt engineering
  • prompt patterns
  • Prompts
  • generative ai
  • Front-end Engineering
  • Procedural Generation
  • code generation
  • Artificial Inteligence

Who is Jason Keays? How to talk about technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders

“Who is Jason Keays and why do I never see him?” This question was asked in a meeting where we referenced a lot of keys in JSON files on the project. When you have to work with people with no technical background, it can bring some challenges along the way. Things that are familiar to you could be gibberish for others. Using a real-world example, this talk gives you an insight into how you could descend to the non-technical world and cooperate without having to write a dictionary for every stakeholder.

First public delivery: Frontmania '22
Other Conferences: J-FALL '22
Preferred session duration: between 5 -15 minutes
Target Audience: Developers in general

Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API

In the fast pacing space of social media apps, some functionality could also be used for web applications. I will show you how you could use the feature flagged Face Detection API in Chrome. With a demo, we will explore the possibilities to implement face filters in your future projects. With the webcam access of a device, we add glasses by processing a video feed and using it for fun, finding that sweet spot where fun and learning come together.

First public delivery: Frontmania '22
Preferred session duration: between 20-50 minutes
Target audience: Front-end developers

JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

JSON schema validation is a way to describe the structure and types of your data. This allows you to validate what you receive. You can generate TypeScript code from your schemas, create validation scripts, and benefit from extensive error reporting and bug logging. By integrating JSON schema validation into your pipeline and workflow, you can enhance data accuracy and streamline troubleshooting.

Using a live interactive dating show, Jorrik outlines the potential of JSON schema validation and how it helps your team ensure consistent data in your frontend. As the audience, you will have the opportunity to influence the outcome of the dating show. Meanwhile, some helpful functions are demonstrated that will aid you to speed up data processing in your frontend codebase, as it did for Jorrik.

This talk is suitable for anyone who needs to work with data and complex structures. You will gain an understanding of how to prevent runtime errors and invalid values from occurring. Join this talk for an engaging and practical insight into reliability and data validation.

preferred duration: 20-45 minutes.

Chatting with the Canvas; How to assemble art from AI Image Prompts

Mastering the art of prompting AI image generators is a fascinating journey in the field of artificial intelligence. This talk will provide in-depth insights into crafting effective prompts and translating words into compelling visual content through AI. While AI continues to reshape our world, we'll focus on one of its most creative aspects: generating images that are not only captivating but also meaningful.

Throughout the presentation, I will decode the underlying principles of creating powerful prompts, using illustrative examples and real-world scenarios. We'll traverse the crossroads of creativity and technology, showcasing how they coalesce in the production of stunning AI-generated images. A special segment will involve the audience in creating an art piece together.

This talk is perfect for all levels of AI interest, from curious beginners to experienced developers. You'll walk away with a solid understanding of how to refine your prompts to bring out the best in AI image generators. Join us as we chart the course of this journey, and discover the impact of well-crafted prompts on the visual wonders that AI can produce.

At previous gatherings, this talk has caught the attention of many. I've seen genuine interest from the audience, often leading to follow-up discussions days later. Attendees have shared their attempts and progress in AI image generation post-talk, indicating a strong connection and ongoing curiosity about the topic.

Previous Experience:
JSConf Colombia 2023 (Medellin): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend:
Takes place within a month. 17th of November.

Nerdearla 2023 (Buenos Aires): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.:

JSNation 2023 (Amsterdam): Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API:

A Large Language Model took me on vacation

Imagine handing over your vacation planning to an AI. Sounds crazy, right? That's exactly what Jorrik did for his trip to Porto in Portugal. ChatGPT picked everything from restaurants to the sightseeing spots. But this trip taught Jorrik more than just how to order pastel de nata in Portuguese.

In this talk, you'll dive into different parallels between prompting engineering AI for travel tips and using it for coding and problem-solving. You'll learn why context is king in AI interactions and ways to provide it effectively. Jorrik will walk you through real examples from my AI-planned adventure, showing how each interaction unlocked new insights into advanced prompting techniques. Plus, he will introduce you to "Indirect Conversation," a new method he describes as "pushing AI's creative boundaries"."

Integrating AI in the front-end is now everywhere to be found. And creating web applications, prompt engineering is set to become a crucial skill in our developers toolkit. The techniques you'll learn aren't just for planning vacations. They're the building blocks for creating smarter, more intuitive AI-powered interfaces. Whether you're designing chatbots, implementing AI-assisted search, or build the next-gen AI-driven web app, mastering these prompting skills will give you a significant benefit in creating a seamless user experience.

By the end of this session, you'll walk away with practical skills to supercharge your AI interactions, whether you're planning your next vacation or tackling complex coding challenges. You'll gain a fresh perspective on AI's capabilities and limitations, and you'll be equipped with strategies to get more innovative, useful responses from AI tools. Get ready for a session that's a bit of fun, part travelogue, mainly tech talk, and entirely eye-opening!

This presentation is packed with useful content, aimed at helping the audience improve their skills in working with AI. Jorrik brings his experience as a Frontend Engineer and an enthusiastic AI user to the table, combining technical knowledge with a practical approach. The goal is to make the audience see the potential in their AI tools and inspire them to explore new ways of interacting with technology.

Examples of previous experience:
Code & Comedy 2024 (Utrecht): Your LLM is so fat, it doesn't even need prompting.

JSConf Colombia 2023 (Medellin): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Frontmania 2023 (Utrecht): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Nerdearla 2023 (Buenos Aires): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.:

JSNation 2023 (Amsterdam): Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API:

Ctrl+Alt+VR: Create VR-First Websites for the 2D Web

Imagine a world where your favorite websites float in mid-air, responding to your gaze and hand gestures. No, this isn't science fiction – it's the future of web browsing in virtual reality. But here's the plot twist: these websites aren't 3D models or immersive environments. They're the same 2D websites we use every day, reimagined for a VR-first world.

In this eye-opening talk, Jorrik challenges the notion that VR web development means creating complex 3D spaces. Instead, they explore how traditional websites need to evolve to meet the unique demands of VR browsing. From rethinking navigation without keyboards to optimizing layouts for eye-tracking, this session dives deep into the principles of VR-first web design and development.

Attendees will gain practical insights into creating VR-friendly websites, backed by Jorrik's hands-on experience with the Apple Vision Pro. They'll learn how to build a compelling business case for VR-first development, ensuring their skills remain cutting-edge in this rapidly evolving landscape. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to elevate your web projects into the VR realm – no 3D modeling required.

This talk explores adapting 2D websites for VR browsing, covering practical design principles and development techniques. Using an Apple Vision Pro I will share a demo, offering insights into next-gen web experiences. The session will be interactive, with audience participation and live VR website examples. It's relevant for developers of all levels, bridging current web practices with future VR trends.

Examples of previous experience:
Code & Comedy 2024 (Utrecht): Your LLM is so fat, it doesn't even need prompting.

JSConf Colombia 2023 (Medellin): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Frontmania 2023 (Utrecht): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Nerdearla 2023 (Buenos Aires): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.:

JSNation 2023 (Amsterdam): Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API:

88 MPH to the Past and Future of JavaScript

Calling all web developers! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey through time and code? Buckle up, because we're about to hit 88 miles per hour going back to the future of Web Development. Where We're Going, We Don't Need jQuery.

In this electrifying talk, Jorrik will take you on a wild ride through the space-time continuum of JavaScript and web development. Starting in the "1985" of web development, we'll explore the early days of JavaScript, when alert boxes were cutting-edge and table layouts were all the rage. Then, we'll zoom to the present day, marveling at the modern frameworks and tools that make our developer lives easier (or more complicated, depending on who you ask).

But hold onto your hover boards, because the real adventure begins when we crank up the flux capacitor and blast off to the future of web development! Jorrik will share insights on emerging technologies, predict future trends, and show you how to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Throughout the talk, you'll draw parallels between the "Back to the Future" movie trilogy and the evolution of web technologies, making complex concepts both entertaining and memorable.

By the end of this temporal expedition, you'll have gained a deeper understanding of web development's past, present, and future. You'll be equipped with knowledge to make informed decisions about which technologies to invest your time in, and you'll have a new perspective on the cyclical nature of tech trends. Plus, you might just pick up some killer '80s fashion tips!

So, whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer to the field, don't miss this chance to see web development in a whole new light. Great Scott! This is gonna be heavy!

This talk takes attendees on a journey through web development's past, present, and future, framed by "Back to the Future" references. Jorrik will explore JavaScript's evolution and future predictions. Expect a costumed presenter, copyright-free themed visuals, and interactive elements. Suitable for all developer levels, the session offers both technical insights and entertaining parallels between web tech and the iconic film trilogy.

Examples of previous experience:
Code & Comedy 2024 (Utrecht): Your LLM is so fat, it doesn't even need prompting.

JSConf Colombia 2023 (Medellin): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Frontmania 2023 (Utrecht): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Nerdearla 2023 (Buenos Aires): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.:

JSNation 2023 (Amsterdam): Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API:

42! (A Frontend'er's Guide to the Future)

In a universe where AI is rapidly evolving, frontend developers might feel like they're hitchhiking through a bewildering galaxy of new technologies. But fear not! In "42! (A Frontend'er's Guide to the Future)" Jorrik takes you on a hilarious and insightful journey through the challenges and opportunities that await frontend developers in an AI-driven world.

Drawing inspiration from the iconic movie "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," this talk explores the unique skills that make frontend developers the perfect navigators of our AI-infused future. From mastering the art of prompt engineering to leveraging their innate understanding of user experience, attendees will discover how their current abilities translate into superpowers in the age of AI. Jorrik will delve into potential pitfalls, emerging opportunities, and the evolving relationship between human developers and AI tools.

By the end of this cosmic adventure, you'll have a roadmap for thriving in the AI era, complete with practical tips, interactive exercises, and enough nerdy humor to make even Marvin the Paranoid Android crack a smile. Whether you're a seasoned frontend developer or just starting your journey, this talk will equip you with the knowledge (and towel) you need to confidently hitchhike through future tech. Don't panic, the answer to frontend's future in AI is 42, and all will be revealed!

This talk humorously explores how frontend developers can thrive in an AI-driven future, using "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" references. It covers key skills, potential challenges, and emerging opportunities in AI-frontend integration. The session includes interactive elements and practical tips for leveraging AI in web development. Suitable for all frontend developers, it offers a unique, entertaining perspective on adapting to technological changes in the industry.

Examples of previous experience:
Code & Comedy 2024 (Utrecht): Your LLM is so fat, it doesn't even need prompting.

JSConf Colombia 2023 (Medellin): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Frontmania 2023 (Utrecht): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.

Nerdearla 2023 (Buenos Aires): JSON Schema Validation; A dating show between backend and frontend.:

JSNation 2023 (Amsterdam): Create AR face filters with the Chrome Face Detection API:

JSConf Colombia 2023 - 10th anniversary and Final edition Sessionize Event

November 2023 Medellín, Colombia

Frontmania 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Nerdearla 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jorrik Klijnsma

Creative Frontend Developer @ Sopra Steria | AI Enthusiast

Veenendaal, The Netherlands


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