Most Active Speaker

Edoardo Dusi

Edoardo Dusi

Senior Developer Relations Engineer

Senior Developer Relations Engineer

Bologna, Italy


Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating and sharing content that educates and inspires other developers, such as tech talks, videos, podcasts, conferences, and more. He enjoys connecting with the developer community and promoting the benefits of open source software.

Edoardo è Developer Relations Engineer. Ha una solida esperienza come sviluppatore software e team leader, avendo lavorato su vari progetti e piattaforme. È appassionato di creazione e condivisione di contenuti che ispirano gli altri sviluppatori, come tech talk, video, podcast, conferenze e altro. Ama connettersi con la comunità degli sviluppatori e promuovere i benefici del software open source.


  • Most Active Speaker 2024
  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Storyblok
  • React
  • ReactJS
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • Vue Js
  • NextJS
  • Svelte
  • SvelteJS
  • Astro
  • AstroJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • PHP
  • Symfony
  • CMS
  • Developer
  • Developer Tools
  • Developer Culture
  • Developer Advocacy
  • Developer Relations
  • Developer Experience
  • Google Developer Group
  • Google Developer Experts
  • 🙋 Soft skills for developers
  • open source
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Source Technologies
  • enterprise open source
  • Testing
  • Testing Automation
  • HTTP
  • Node
  • NodeJS
  • Storytelling
  • Computing History
  • Videogames History
  • Programming history
  • Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming Languages and Tools
  • Programming Languages & Frameworks
  • Frameworks
  • Frameworks & Libraries
  • Modern JavaScript Frameworks
  • Best Practices
  • Security


Honey, I Shrunk the Bits. Or how modern HTTP compression works. en

In today's world of complex JavaScript applications and micro-frontends, understanding HTTP compression is about more than just sending smaller files, and it's crucial for creating better user experiences. This technical overview looks at how modern compression algorithms are influencing the way we build and deploy web applications.

We will start from the basic understanding of compression algorithms, lossy and lossless, dictionary and statistical, then have a look at the modern compression landscape with Brotli, Gzip and Zstd, the performance implications and the impact on bundlers, code splitting and caching strategies. We will close with some real world examples.

Technical Requirements:

Understanding of HTTP and asset delivery
Experience with modern JavaScript frameworks
Basic knowledge of web performance metrics

Target Audience:

JavaScript developers
Performance engineers
DevOps engineers
Framework architects

Session Duration: 35 minutes + Q&A

Technical deep dive with visual explanations
Real-world performance measurements
Framework-specific examples
Interactive compression analysis demonstrations

Recommended Conferences:

Next.js Conf
React Summit
Angular Nation

Key Takeaways:
Attendees will understand:

How different compression algorithms affect JavaScript delivery
Best practices for compression in modern web applications
Framework-specific compression strategies
Performance monitoring and optimization techniques

Supporting Materials:

Compression analysis toolkit
Configuration templates for various hosting platforms
Benchmark suite for compression testing

Open Source: from Revolution to Evolution - a software industry metamorphosis en

From the ideological battles between Free Software and Open Source, through the rise of developer-driven innovation, to today's complex landscape of cloud services and licensing wars, Open Source has been both a movement and a business model. This talk looks at its past, examines its present challenges, and projects its future evolution.

We will go through its birth and divergence, its "Golden Age" of "Open Source by default", the challenges posed by the Cloud, and the current present situation.

In conclusion, we will try to predict the next decade. What will replace Open Source?

No specific technical knowledge required
Understanding of software industry helpful
Basic knowledge of licensing concepts

Target Audience:

Developers of all levels
Project maintainers
Business decision makers
Open Source contributors
Software industry strategists

Session Duration: 45 minutes + Q&A

Historical narrative
Case studies
Trend analysis
Future scenarios
Interactive audience discussion

Key Takeaways:
Attendees will understand:

The historical context of Open Source
Current challenges and transitions
Emerging models and alternatives
How to prepare for the future
Business implications of the evolution

Unique Aspects:

Balanced view of corporate and community interests
Real examples of licensing transitions
Practical future scenarios
Industry trend analysis

Bundlers: a deep dive into modern JavaScript build tools en

Modern JavaScript bundlers are architectural marvels that transform complex codebases into optimized production assets. This technical deep dive deconstructs how bundlers like Vite, webpack, or Rollup work under the hood, revealing the engineering that powers our build tools.

We will journey through the bundling pipeline, starting from the understanding of the AST, parsing and static analysis for dependency resolution, some core optimizations like tree-shaking and code spitting, closing with some advanced concepts like HMR.

Technical Requirements:

Strong JavaScript knowledge
Understanding of ES Modules and Node.js module systems
Experience with modern build tools

Target Audience:

Senior JavaScript developers
Build tool maintainers
Framework architects
Performance optimization specialists

Session Duration: 40 minutes + Q&A

Architectural deep-dive with visual explanations
Source code analysis of real bundlers
Performance implications and benchmarks
Zero live coding, focusing on understanding

Recommended Conferences:

React Summit

Key Takeaways:
Attendees will understand:

The complete bundling pipeline architecture
How Vite revolutionizes the development experience
Trade-offs between different bundler approaches
How to make informed decisions about build tooling

Reference Materials:
Comprehensive diagrams and code examples will be provided
in a companion GitHub repository

Server Components are React's superweapon in the Stack Wars: Can PHP strike back? en it

In this talk, we're going to have a little fun with the React community by revealing a secret: React has always had a plan to eliminate PHP from the world, and now we see the final superweapon! We'll dive into the world of React Server Components, exploring their origins, their impact on web development, and the obvious similarities between this (relatively) new pattern and PHP.

Through a technical exploration, we'll compare and contrast approaches to rendering, data handling, and more. We'll attempt to demystify hydration, server-side rendering, and bundling, and provide a comprehensive overview of these key concepts in web development.

We'll also reveal the fierce resistance of a group of veteran PHP developers nostalgic for the Empire who are standing up to the React Republic!

This talk aims to be an educational journey through one of the newest React patterns, revealing its similarities to one of the oldest languages on the web.

I Server Components sono la superarma di React nella Stack Wars: ma PHP può colpire ancora? en it

In questo talk, prenderemo un po' in giro la community di React rivelando un segretissimo: React aveva un piano per eliminare PHP fin dall'inizio, e ora abbiamo scoperto la superarma finale! Affronteremo il mondo dei React Server Components, esplorando le loro origini, il loro impatto sullo sviluppo web e le ovvie somiglianze tra questo (relativamente) nuovo pattern e PHP.

In particolare, confronteremo e contrapporremo gli approcci al rendering, alla gestione dei dati e altro ancora. Cercheremo di semplificare il concetto di hydration, rendering lato server e bundling e forniremo una panoramica su questi concetti chiave dello sviluppo web.

Scopriremo anche la feroce resistenza di un gruppo di sviluppatori PHP veterani, nostalgici dell'Impero, che si oppongono alla Repubblica di React!

Questo talk vuole essere un viaggio formativo e un po' giocoso attraverso uno dei più recenti pattern del mondo React, svelandone le somiglianze con uno dei più antichi (e bistrattati) linguaggi del web.

The Origins of Modern Computing: The Story of John Von Neumann and Alan Turing en

We will delve into the fascinating history of two of the most important figures in the development of modern computing. We will explore the lives and work of John Von Neumann and Alan Turing, and examine how their pioneering contributions helped shape the field of computer science. From Von Neumann's groundbreaking work on the architecture of the modern computer, to Turing's foundational work in the areas of cryptography and artificial intelligence, this talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the early days of computing, and the visionary thinkers who helped bring it to life. Whether you're a computer scientist or simply interested in the history of technology, this talk is sure to leave you with a deeper appreciation for the groundbreaking work of these two remarkable individuals.

phpday 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming

May 2025 Verona, Italy

Codemotion Rome 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming

April 2025 Rome, Italy

DEVWorld 2025

Deep dive into JavaScript Bundlers

February 2025 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Come To Code 2024 Sessionize Event

September 2024 Pignola, Italy

WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024 Sessionize Event

July 2024 Berlin, Germany

DeveloperWeek Global 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024

Open Source Day 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Florence, Italy

WeAreDevelopers Live 2024 (Season 7) Sessionize Event

January 2024

dxday preview @

My session: Backstage: Platform Engineering Revolution powered by Open Source

December 2023

Devfest Alps 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023 Turin, Italy

Devfest Pescara 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Pescara, Italy

reactjsday 2023

React vs Rest of the World

A technical comparative between react approaches and patterns and other frontend frameworks

October 2023 Verona, Italy

containerday 2023

My session: WebAssembly: The Next Frontier of Cloud Computing

containerday is the leading Italian conference dedicated exclusively to containerization and virtualization technologies and associated best practices.

October 2023 Bologna, Italy

Come to Code

Clash of JS: the same app built with different JavaScript frameworks

September 2023 Pignola, Italy

WeAreDevelopers Live 2023 (Season 6) Sessionize Event

September 2023

React JS Milano Meetup

Testing web apps with Cypress

June 2023 Milan, Italy

WMF - We Make Future 2023

DevRel program, strategy and KPIs in a service company

June 2023 Rimini, Italy

DeveloperWeek Europe 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023

WeAreDevelopers Live 2023 (Season 5) Sessionize Event

April 2023

Web Day 2023 Sessionize Event

March 2023 Milan, Italy


angularday 2022 is the 6th edition of the Italian angular conference, organized by GrUSP, organizers of events like phpday and jsday.

My session:

October 2022 Verona, Italy

Edoardo Dusi

Senior Developer Relations Engineer

Bologna, Italy


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