
Eduard Koekkoek

Eduard Koekkoek

Enthusiastic data- and business Intelligence-professional, and Microsoft data-engineer

Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Chronically data-enthusiast, engineer and consultant on the Microsoft-stack (Azure, Fabric & Power Platform) and all things SQL or Spark, with some expertise on other data-solutions as well like TimeXtender, and Qlikview. I like sharing my stories on adoption strategies, and ideas for implementation on Fabric-Adoption on the road to data maturity.

With the aim of improving organisations, processes and people I am data-experienced in the Benelux-geography since 2004 with Amsterdam Airport Schiphol/Royal Schiphol Group, Royal Heijmans (building contractor), Nabuurs Supply Chain Solutions, Micromedia Benelux (wholesale), Provelu (data-consulting), Danone Nutrition-products and Heart for Arts (agency and ICT-consultancy for NGO's). I am the proud holder of degrees in Logistics, and Business Economics, and Microsoft-certificates.

My motto's are: Be yourself, try the best you can, take some time to become aware of the situation, make contact with others, help others, imagine, create, learn, and last, but not least, adapt. I live for tech, the tech- and performing arts- community and helping people. I am an event organizer, speaker, and volunteer as well in data-usergroups, and performing arts.

Demolished my first IBM AT-model with 80286 Intel in 1988. Created my first database with gameplays of Civilization in 1991. Build my first hardware components and drivers for model railways in 1993. Hooked on Excel and VBA since 1995 in secundary education. From Access, Excel and Filemaker dba’s via Qlikview to Power BI/Azure in 2017. I love music and theatre production, hence I find NGO’s are great at helping others so I help them as well!

Area of Expertise

  • Arts
  • Government, Social Sector & Education
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Transports & Logistics


  • Microsoft Azure
  • power bi
  • PowerShell
  • Data Platform
  • Community Growth
  • Community Building
  • Microsoft Fabric
  • Microsoft Fabric Data Engineering
  • Administering Data Estate in Microsoft Fabric
  • power bi desktop
  • Microsoft Power platform

Organizing Microsoft Fabric Adoption

A data or analytics Center of Excellence (COE) is an internal team of technical and business experts. The team actively assists others within the organization who are working with data. A federated COE comprises a shared services team (the core COE members) plus satellite members from each functional area or major business unit (by definition of Microsoft Learn). We will draft an approach of the roadmap for Fabric based on Eduard's 5 years of experience with Power BI Adoption at Royal Heijmans of The Netherlands.

As data analytics engineer or as team-manager you can get confronted with the price of succes of your dataplatform and self-service users creating dashboards from it. Get practical approaches to actively involve your management, keyusers, and other stakeholders. At Heijmans the Power BI-community consists of more than 350 dashboard creators for about 200 daily readers. Learn from our lessons for cultivating data culture by organizing from mandate through support, training, and user-services for Fabric.

Discover in this session the considderations for the different COE-aproaches, a dataplatform architecture for enterprise- and streaming data, and organize means of communication and services with and for internal audiences.

Audience: Business / Non-Tech. Will ask the audience for background, and adapt language accordingly. Always something for everyone.
Standard session length about 1 hour, can fit from 45 minutes to 75 minutes upon request.
Appearance (3) in 2024: Microsoft (NL), evening-dataMinds (BE) & NewStarsOfData (DE).
Presentation updates quarterly with Fabric changes and lessons learned.

Power BI Gebruikersdag 2025 Sessionize Event

March 2025 Utrecht, The Netherlands

New Stars of Data #7 Sessionize Event

April 2024

Eduard Koekkoek

Enthusiastic data- and business Intelligence-professional, and Microsoft data-engineer

Nijmegen, The Netherlands


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