Marvin Beckers
Team Lead at Kubermatic
Aachen, Germany
Marvin started out as a sysadmin, gradually turned into a software engineer and now works as an Software Engineering Team Lead at Kubermatic. He always had a passion for effective management of large server fleets, which has turned his attention to Kubernetes in 2018. He has been a CKA since February 2019, is a maintainer for kcp (a CNCF Sandbox project) and recently became a CNCF Ambassador.
Area of Expertise
Dynamic Multi-Cluster Controllers with controller-runtime
controller-runtime is the most popular SDK to write controllers for individual Kubernetes clusters. But the Kubernetes landscape is changing quickly: multi-cluster is becoming ubiquitous (e.g. through Cluster API), with clusters joining and leaving dynamically. controller-runtime has had no direct support, making writing uniform multi-cluster controllers hard and fracturing the emerging ecosystem.
This talk explores how to build controllers that reconcile resources across a dynamic fleet of Kubernetes clusters. A key change is the ability to plug in a dynamic cluster provider that registers new Kubernetes clusters from a specific source. While implementation internals are briefly discussed, focus is on a hands-on walkthrough for writing your own cluster provider, event handlers and reconciler functions.
We discuss a simplistic cluster provider implementation for “kind” clusters as an example and extrapolate from that how more complex providers could look like (e.g. for CAPI or kcp).
Building a Platform Engineering API Layer with kcp
Self-service is a central aspect of platform engineering, and platform engineering teams frequently build on top of Kubernetes to utilise its amazing API design. The kcp project has been accepted into the CNCF Sandbox in 2023 and extends Kubernetes API concepts beyond container orchestration. This talk will discuss how kcp supercharges platform engineering with a global control plane for all internal services.
As a central API layer, kcp enables a SaaS-like experience between internal service providers and developers, transforming internal developer platforms into a service marketplace. All via concepts and tools that developers working with Kubernetes already know and love.
kcp expands the world of platform engineering beyond the limits of single Kubernetes clusters, and therefore transforms the scale at which platform teams and internal service providers can operate. This talk will explore patterns for both service providers and developers and how kcp makes their lives easier.
Ephemeral Containers in Action - Running a Go Debugger in Kubernetes
The modern observability stack has transformed the way you troubleshoot issues in a microservice environment. Some situations however, ask for investigation of a single application pod that seems to be misbehaving. Ephemeral containers provide a way to attach to a seemingly problematic pod without restarting it.This allows developers to observe an issue in a live or staging environment running on top of Kubernetes.
We will discuss the practicality of launching a Go debugger (Delve) within an ephemeral container to remotely debug an application both on the CLI and in VS Code, highlighting the requirements and possible limitations one might encounter when trying to set up a similar troubleshooting routine. As part of that, we will explore the API for ephemeral containers and the current implementation in kubectl.
While the talk will use Go and Delve as an example, the considerations and steps presented are of universal importance to running a debugger for your language stack of choice.
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Ephemeral Containers in Action - Running a Go Debugger in Kubernetes
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