
Falko Werner

Falko Werner

innovative solutions for effective team work // DevOpsTeam, WERNER CONSULTING, DO.INSTITUTE


Professional Experience
Starting as a PhD student with experience abroad in Hungary and Cuba, I continued through the development stages as a software developer, project manager, speaker, software architect, agile coach, general manager and CEO.
Currently I lead a team of integration architects on one side and on the other I closely cooperate with other trainers and authors in professional education and training with topics like Scrum, LeSS, SAFe, Kanban and especially DevOps.

Early Years
My interests in doing sports developed through the years from swimming latchkey kid to judoka, rowing, basketball and athletics to windsurfing, parachute jumping to jogging with our dog.
The schooling careere started in primary school in my home town Schönebeck (Elbe) at the POS Karl-Liebknecht , followed by high schools there Gymnasium in Malzmühlenfeld with a detour via the Turner High School in Montana back to the high school for graduation withe the German Abitur.
After finishing school via the basic military service in the logistics regiment, I went on to the Otto-von-Guericke University to graduate as the first master in engineering computer scientist with distinction.

Further Details:
https://vemp.io, https://www.werner.biz, https://www.falkowerner.de

Area of Expertise

  • Finance & Banking
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Manufacturing & Industrial Materials
  • Transports & Logistics

Falko Werner

innovative solutions for effective team work // DevOpsTeam, WERNER CONSULTING, DO.INSTITUTE


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