
Famous Emeka

Famous Emeka

Software Unit Head, DITRC, Kogi State Polytechnic and Senior Developer with Brainpals Code Academy

Lagos, Nigeria


Onyema Emeka Famous hails from Ake Igbanke Orhionmwon LGA area of Edo state. He is a graduate of Computer Science from Kogi State University Anyigba from where he won the best student project of the year which saw the University keeping him after Graduation, He started his programming career in 2009 as self taught and has since deployed over 30 solutions and taught over 300 software Developers home and abroad. He is currently the Director of Brainpals Code Academy; a Programming School in Lokoja and the head of software Unit in DITRC Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja. He is also currently pursuing his MSc. in Computer Science with Federal University Lokoja with passion in Software Engineering and Algorithm designs.


  • algorithms
  • Data Science & AI
  • Software Deveopment
  • Train the Trainer

Famous Emeka

Software Unit Head, DITRC, Kogi State Polytechnic and Senior Developer with Brainpals Code Academy

Lagos, Nigeria


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