Francis Solomon
Director of Engineering @ Cardlytics
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Francis is currently Director of Engineering at Cardlytics, with nearly 30 years of experience in his field. He's worked on two continents and across 8 different industries, delivering software, advice, and leadership and opinions to anyone who can bear to be in close proximity to him. He herds cats both metaphorically and literally.
Area of Expertise
The Art of API Design
Anyone can make an API, but making a good API that developers will love to work with is both hard and important. It can be the differentiator between your business being a winner or an also-ran.
In this talk, I’ll discuss the tricky parts of good API design - REST vs. RPC, naming, versioning, layering, and more. By the end, you’ll know how to build an API that will make developers consuming it both happy and productive.
To get the most out of this talk, you should have a basic understanding of HTTP and the fundamentals of JSON, and know at a basic level what an API is/does.
Implementing a RESTful API in .NET Core
Code samples don't do justice to the process of actually building an API from scratch. In this session, I'll show you how to get a practical API off the ground in .NET Core. You'll see how to design the API. You'll get insight into setting up data access, logging, exception handling, and versioning. You'll learn how to construct effective unit and integration tests.
Event-Driven Architecture for Microservices
Learn how to decouple your microservices using an event bus. In this session, I'll demonstrate how to make your distributed systems more reliable and responsive through this technique using .NET Core and Kafka.
Make Your Meetings Suck Less
Everyone hates meetings, but they're going to keep on happening regardless.
Come to MY meeting! I'll show you how to have meetings that you won't hate quite as much, both from an organizer's and a participant's point of view.
The Art of API Design
Want to build an API? Anyone can do that. Want to build a GREAT API? That’s not so easy.
In this talk you’ll learn the principles and best practices behind API design to help you be successful in rolling out your services right the first time.
To get the most out of this talk, you should have an understanding of HTTP and the fundamentals of JSON, and know at a basic level what an API is/does.
Leveraging .NET Core Middleware
.NET Core middleware is an important tool for managing cross-cutting concerns in a centralized manner in your ASP.NET Core applications. In this session we'll look at examples of framework-provided middleware and how to use them, and then dive into how to build your own custom middleware and inject it into your request pipeline.
Building micro-frontends with single-spa and vue.js
You've transformed your back-end monoliths to microservices. What about your front-end monoliths?
In this session I'll introduce the concept of micro-frontends and talk about when and how to use them. I'll show you a simple example using the single-spa framework with child applications in vue.js.
Scenic City Summit 2023 Sessionize Event
Scenic City Summit 2022 Sessionize Event
CodeStock 2020 Sessionize Event
Music City Tech 2019 Sessionize Event
Francis Solomon
Director of Engineering @ Cardlytics
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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