Giovanni Bassi
CSA at Lambda3
CSA na Lambda3
São Paulo, Brazil
Software architect and developer, agilist, rock climber. Giovanni is founder and Chief Software Architect of Lambda3 in Brazil. He develops software as a passion, and he believes self managed people and teams are more efficient and productive than outside managed ones. He was awarded as a Microsoft MVP over twelve years ago, and has 20+ years or experience developing software. He has spoken in conferences, user groups and online about .NET, Rust, microservices, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Node.js, frontend and backend development, agile development and many other topics, all around the world. He has lead some user groups in Brazil on topics such as software architecture, .NET, and Docker.
Arquiteto e desenvolvedor, agilista, escalador, provocador. É fundador e CSA da Lambda3. Programa porque gosta. Acredita que pessoas autogerenciadas funcionam melhor e por acreditar que heterarquia é mais eficiente que hierarquia. Foi reconhecido Microsoft MVP há mais de dez anos, dos mais de vinte que atua no mercado. Já palestrou sobre .NET, Rust, microsserviços, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Node.js, Frontend e Backend, Agile, etc, no Brasil, e no exterior. Liderou grupos de usuários em assuntos como arquitetura de software, Docker, e .NET.
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