
Graeme Foster

Graeme Foster

Application Technical Specialist @ Microsoft

Perth, Australia


Graeme is a Senior Technical Specialist working for Microsoft, helping teams to innovate and modernise their applications on Azure.

His IT passion was first stirred with a 1Kb ZX81 in 1983 at 8 years old. He’s now had almost 30 years of commercial IT experience as an Engineer, Architect and CTO. He's well versed in .NET, JavaScript, Java, and VB3, as well as having built LISP neural networks before the 2nd AI Winter.

In his spare time, he hangs out with his kids, plays guitar, and builds iOS apps.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Finance & Banking


  • Cloud Native
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Azure PaaS
  • Azure App Service
  • Swift
  • Cloud & DevOps

Event driven architectures on Azure

Ever wondered how to build Event Driven Architectures on Azure?

Event-driven architectures have become very popular in recent times. They can help reduce complexity in building modern microservices based systems by providing patterns to avoid tight coupling, decrease latencies, and establish efficient and reliable communications. But they can come at a cost - harder to build and harder to run. When, or why should you switch to an Event Driven Architecture.

In this session we'll work with a fictitious company who've built a simple API and watch the problems and feature requests roll in, each moving them towards an Event Driven Architecture. We will introduce concepts including CQRS, Event Sourcing and Sagas, and debunk a few myths leaving you prepared for building modern applications on Azure.

Demystifying OAuth, JWTs and Azure AD

OIDC and OAuth2 have been the goto for authentication and authorisation Azure Active Directory for years now. But when things start to go wrong, it can all become a bit of a black-box with no obvious place to look for help.

In this live-code session I will uncover some common errors I see when setting up applications to work with AAD, and dive that next level down to give you an understanding of why they occur, and how to fix them.

By the end of the session you'll understand
- What an AAD Application is,
- What an AAD Service Principal is,
- The difference between AAD V1 and V2 endpoints
- How AAD represents OAuth2 scopes,
- Why scopes aren't permissions, and how roles can help

Advanced Testing Techniques: Tips from the trenches

Software testing is undeniably hard. Rob and Graeme have worked with many teams over many years through consulting with a wide range of companies. Through this perspective we have had a unique opporunity to see the entire continuum of testing successes and failures. This has ranged from highly effective teams that can confidently deploy changes multiple times a day through to teams struggling to deploy twice in a year.

One of the key things we've observed in the teams that are highly effective is a pragmmatic approach to software testing and a realisation of how to effectively and judiciously use test automation to accelerate delivery speed and confidence. On the other end of the spectrum, we ourselves have written (and seen) everything from heavily mocked, time-consuming implementation tests that impede refactoring, 24 hour long brittle automated UI test suites and 4 week long regression testing cycles (as well as everything in between).

We both have a strong passion for code quality, automated testing, DevOps and getting valuable features out quickly and safely to users. This passion, combined with our extensive experience has led to us uncovering and adopting a number of testing techniques and mindsets which we, and teams we have worked with, have found highly effective at reducing overhead of testing while improving confidence and utility.

In this presentation, we will blow apart the traditional testing mindset/methodologies and contrast them with the battle-tested pragmatic approaches we've been using. We will also leave attendees with some new, highly effective testing techniques for their toolbelt that are easy to get started with.

NDC Oslo 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Oslo, Norway

NDC Melbourne 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Melbourne, Australia

NDC Sydney 2018 Sessionize Event

September 2018 Sydney, Australia

DDD Perth Sessionize Event

August 2018 Perth, Australia

Graeme Foster

Application Technical Specialist @ Microsoft

Perth, Australia


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