Most Active Speaker

Hasan Savran

Hasan Savran

Microsoft MVP, Owner of SavranWeb ConsultingS, Sr. Business Intelligence Manager at Progressive Insurance

Akron, Ohio, United States


Hasan is an expert in Azure Cosmos DB and has been honored as a Data Platform MVP by Microsoft. He is the proprietor of SavranWeb Consulting and holds the position of Senior Business Intelligence Manager at Progressive Insurance. His work involves designing advanced business solutions with the newest technologies in web and databases. With more than two decades of experience in software as a developer, architect, and manager, Hasan is a seasoned professional. He is a global conference speaker and enjoys blogging about SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, C#, and front-end development.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • .NET
  • SQL Server
  • Databases
  • NoSQL
  • Azure CosmosDB
  • Azure
  • Visual Studio / .NET
  • Data Platform
  • Software Development
  • Database
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Data Engineering
  • Developers
  • Application Development
  • Developer Skills
  • Business Intelligence
  • .C#
  • AI
  • Azure OpenAi

SQL Server vs Azure Cosmos DB

Do you need to move your legacy application to the cloud? or maybe you need to select a database for a new cloud project. This session will help you by comparing the functionalities of Azure SQL and Azure Cosmos DB in detail.

We will start the session by explaining the differences between distributed databases and centralized databases. We will compare indexing, stored procedures, partitioning, constraints, and scaling in these two great products. Next,
We will explore the available tools and languages to query and maintain the Azure Cosmos DB. Finally, we will compare the query optimization engine and execution plans between the two database engines.

This session will help you to understand and make the right decision for your upcoming cloud projects.

This session brings SQL Server and Azure Cosmos DB side-by-side and compares the two products in detail.

Caching Data in SQL Server with In-Memory and JSON

Caching data is an important concept of successful projects. If your data does not change that much, cache it! Do not try to select same data repeatedly. There are many products can help you with caching. Usually, these products are not free, and you may need to learn a new language or technology to use them.
You can easily create powerful cache system by using JSON and In-Memory tables of SQL Server. Please join me as we create a NoSQL Cache solution by using only SQL Server.

Azure Cosmos DB Partitioning 101

If Azure Cosmos DB were a car, partition key would be its oil. You better pick the correct one if you want a smooth ride. Choosing wrong partition key is one of the most common mistakes which produces high-cost solutions.
In this session, we will cover Physical and Logical partitions of Azure Cosmos DB. You will learn how to select the correct partition key for your projects.

Ways to connect Azure Cosmos DB and cache data

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed service that takes database administration off your hands. Fully Managed Database sounds good, but developers end up with some of the database administration work anyway.
Selecting a connection type is one of the database administration work you need to do. We will explore different ways to connect Azure Cosmos DB in this session. The goal is to show you the advantages of each connection type. Next, we will cover couple of SDK tips to keep your Azure Cosmos DB solutions fast.
Please join me as we explore how to keep your Azure Cosmos DB solutions fast.

Cost cutting strategies for Azure Cosmos DB

It is often assumed that Azure Cosmos DB is an expensive database. However, the cost of using Azure Cosmos DB is determined by how you configure your database and data model.
Your expenses are based on the amount of Azure resources your application uses for your Azure Cosmos DB account. Partitioning, Indexing Policies, and data models control your database power and your expenses.
This session will help you gain a full understanding of Azure Cosmos DB's partitioning and indexing features with several demonstrations. The first half of this session will focus on partitioning, with a few real-life examples. You will learn about physical and logical partitions and how to balance the number of physical partitions.
The second half of the session will focus on indexing policies. You will learn how to manage indexing policies to include or exclude properties of your data models.

A to Z Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a battle-tested non-relational database service by Microsoft. It is utilized by many mission-critical applications, including Xbox, Office 365, Azure, and Skype.

This workshop will provide a comprehensive understanding of Azure Cosmos DB's architecture, features, and tools. We will begin with an overview of Azure Cosmos DB's infrastructure and architecture and then delve into its key features and advantages. Additionally, we will utilize the Cosmos DB Emulator for development purposes. Furthermore, we will examine the Data Migration tool for importing and transforming data, as well as explore stored procedures, available SDKs, and the Rest API of Cosmos DB. Finally, we will conclude the session by configuring the Change Feed functionality using Azure Functions.


History, Infrastructure and Architecture of Cosmos DB
What does Multi-Model mean?
Understanding Consistency Levels
Why Partitioning is crucial?
Managing Indexes in Cosmos DB.
Cosmos DB Constraints
Serverless vs Provisioned throughput
Using Cosmos DB Emulator
Querying Cosmos DB with SQL API
Setting up TTL

Azure Cosmos DB Connection Types
Caching Data in Cosmos DB
Data Type Problems of JSON
Creating Stored Procedures
How to Import&Transform Data
Available SDKs and Rest API
Spatial Data in Cosmos DB
Configuring Change Feed
Using Vs Code extension with Cosmos DB

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood?

To master any technology, you need to understand how it works on the back end first. In this session, we will explore Azure Cosmos DB's infrastructure. I will explain how Azure Cosmos DB works and handles data in the back end. We will cover the basics and some of the most misunderstood features of Azure Cosmos DB.
Learning new technologies makes you a better leader and collaborator. Join me to learn more about this new Cloud Database technology.

Learning new technologies makes you a better leader and collaborator. Join me to learn more about this new Cloud Database technology.

What do Graph Tables bring to the table

There are many ways to represent data. Most of us are stuck with relational database data models, and we don't feel comfortable when data is represented differently.
Graph Processing Tables are another way to represent data; they can change how you look at the data. Relational Databases don't adapt well to changes. Adding a new domain or relation to your data model should not be that difficult. You want to create flexible data models that evolve with your business process.
Thanks to SQL Server, you can integrate the knowledge gained in this session into your business without investing in new or unapproved technologies.

Please Join me to learn how to create flexible data models with Graph Database tables.

Join me to learn what can Graph Database Tables can do for your projects.

Performance tuning for Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed database service, freeing developers from database management tasks. However, as a developer, you still have important responsibilities, such as changing indexing policies, configuring connections, estimating workloads, and selecting the right throughput options. All of these tasks have a direct impact on the performance and cost of your application.
To keep your application running smoothly and fast, we'll explore the .NET/SDK settings, connection types, and indexing types. We'll also focus on selecting the right throughput options, using Query Execution Metrics and server-side programming.
Join me as we explore how to optimize your Azure Cosmos DB solutions for the best performance.

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed service that takes database administration off your hands. A fully Managed Database sounds good, but developers end up with some database administration work anyway.
Please join me as we explore how to keep your Azure Cosmos DB solutions fast.

How to use Geospatial Data in SQL Server

If you are interested in learning more about Spatial Data but don’t know where to start, this session is for you. We will begin by focusing on what Spatial Data is through examples and interactive demo’s. The goal is to show how Spatial Data can improve your professional experience and serve as an asset to your business.

I will introduce you to Spatial Data in the SQL server and show how to import data into SQL Server. We will focus on demonstrations of the SQL Server 2016 and JSON functions used to create geoJSON objects from Spatial Data. Next we will cache these objects by using In-Memory tables with the help of SQL Server 2017.

Please join me as we explore how to use SQL server to handle your Geospatial data needs.

Exciting new features in SQL Server for developers

With every new version of SQL Server, we get more features. Microsoft has developed these new features to keep SQL Server modern, competitive, and developer-friendly.
With its new features, SQL Server can simplify and enhance your software architecture diagram. We will explore these new features by examining the latest versions of SQL Server, including Azure SQL.
We will cover the following features :
- JSON in SQL Server.
- Using Graph Tables for interconnected data and relationships.
- In-memory tables for caching.
- New Functions.

Data modeling strategies in NoSQL databases

Having a NoSQL database doesn't mean data modeling is unnecessary because of the no-schema concept. A well-designed data model is crucial for NoSQL databases, as it determines scalability, performance, and cost.
We will start the session by reviewing the JSON format specifications. Then, we will collaborate to create a sample NoSQL data model and understand how to manage NULL and undefined values in NoSQL databases.
In distributed databases, an important task is to select a property that evenly distributes data and traffic. You will learn the consequences of choosing a suitable or unsuitable partition key for your data models. We will conclude the session by creating materialized views that may assist you with cross-partition queries.
If you are working or planning to work on a project with a NoSQL database, this session is for you!

Building Intelligent Search Experiences with Azure Cognitive Search: A Developer's Guide

Imagine you can offer full-text search, vector search, image search, and AI features to users without worrying about database performance issues. Thanks to Azure Cognitive Search, Developers can now access cutting-edge technologies like image processing, machine translations, and language processing without learning extensive machine-learning knowledge.

In this session, you will learn how to set up and use Azure Cognitive Search utilizing data from the Azure Cosmos DB. You can easily add built-in skills to detect, recognize, or translate data from your data source. We will explore built-in skills such as entity recognition, full-text search, image analysis, and search options.

With all the information you will learn from this session, you can take your applications to the next level and provide your users with even better experiences. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, this talk will surely be a valuable resource you won't want to miss. Please join me and take your applications to the next level!

Help! I need to select a cloud-based database.

You shouldn't blindly select a technology just because it's the latest trend or because a few people on social media endorse it. Your employer is counting on you to make an informed decision that will benefit the company in the long run.
In this session, we will discuss the factors to consider when choosing a cloud database. Then, I will introduce you to Azure Cosmos DB, a service that combines PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin, and Azure Table. Your projects require a robust and scalable database to handle all your needs.
Please join me to learn what to look for in a cloud database and discover Azure Cosmos DB, which provides multiple database engines within one service.

You shouldn't blindly select a technology just because it's the latest trend or because a few people on social media endorse it. Your employer is counting on you to make an informed decision that will benefit the company in the long run. Please join me to learn what to look for in a cloud database and discover Azure Cosmos DB, which provides multiple database engines within one service.

AI without a proper database is like a chef without ingredients - all sizzle, no steak!

Selecting the appropriate database for your project can be a difficult task. To achieve business success, it is crucial to have a scalable and easy-to-analyze operational database that incorporates AI capabilities.
Join Hasan for an exciting exploration of Azure Cosmos DB from multiple angles, covering topics such as creating scalable solutions, vector-based data modeling, and meeting the AI demands of today's businesses. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and stay ahead of the competition.

Best free and open-source tool to have in your Data Toolbelt.

If you're in need of a migration tool that can move or generate data from various data sources, then this session is perfect for you. I'm excited to introduce you to a free, open-source application that can migrate data from a wide range of sources, including SQL Server, Azure Tables, Azure Cosmos DB, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL, Azure Blob, AWS S3, CSV, JSON, and Parquet.
The Microsoft Cosmos DB Data Migration Tool has been developed by the community and is here to simplify data migration for you. Join us to make this tool even better!

Utilizing Azure OpenAI with enterprise data.

Using enterprise data is the best way to demonstrate the success of a new service such as Azure OpenAI to your managers, and business leaders.
This session will help you better understand how to work with this new technology using enterprise data. You will learn how to create vectors from your enterprise data and export them to a modern database like Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB Vcore, which can query vectors. Then, you will learn how to connect Azure OpenAI with your new vectorized database. This will allow you to analyze your enterprise data in a new and improved way that your business leaders will appreciate.
By the end of this session, you will be equipped with the tools and insights to implement Azure OpenAI into your organization's workflow effectively.

Azure Cosmos DB for Developers: From Basics to AI

This workshop is designed for C# developers who want to learn how to use Azure Cosmos DB in their applications. The workshop will provide a comprehensive understanding of Azure Cosmos DB's architecture, features, and tools. Key concepts such as partitioning and data modeling for distributed NoSQL databases will be covered.

The workshop will include an in-depth look at all the database services offered by Azure Cosmos DB, with a primary focus on the SQL API. We will utilize the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator as much as possible, so participants may not need an Azure subscription for most of the workshop. Additionally, attendees will learn how to use the Azure Cosmos DB Data Migration Tool to migrate data from various sources into Azure Cosmos DB.

Azure Cosmos DB also offers various AI options through Azure AI Studio. The final segment of the workshop will introduce participants to Azure Open AI and vector data options within Azure Cosmos DB.

Participants are welcome to join the workshop with or without their computer, as there will be valuable learning opportunities regardless of whether a computer is used.
Building Scalable Apps using Azure Cosmos DB

Visual Studio
Azure Cosmos DB Emulator
Azure Cosmos DB Data Migration Tool
Cosmos DB SQL Studio

Good to have:
C# Knowledge
Basic SQL Knowledge
Azure Subscription with Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service

Tunisia Dev Days 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

November 2024 Tunis, Tunisia

NDC Porto 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

October 2024 Porto, Portugal

Copenhagen Developers Festival 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

August 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark

dev up 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

August 2024 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Beer City Code 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

August 2024 Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Data Céilí 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Dublin, Ireland

NDC Oslo 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Oslo, Norway

SQL Saturday Jacksonville #1068 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Jacksonville, Florida, United States

SQL Saturday Atlanta 2024 Sessionize Event

April 2024 Alpharetta, Georgia, United States

Microsoft Fabric Conference

How to Model and Partition Data to Build Cloud Scale Applications in Azure

March 2024 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Orlando Code Camp 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Sanford, Florida, United States

Update Conference Prague 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Prague, Czechia

2023 SQL Saturday Silicon Valley (SQLSatSV) Sessionize Event

October 2023 San Jose, California, United States

SQLSaturday Orlando 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Sanford, Florida, United States

dev up 2023 Sessionize Event

August 2023 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Developer Week '23 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Nürnberg, Germany

SQL Saturday New York City 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 New York City, New York, United States

SQLBits 2023 - General Sessions Sessionize Event

March 2023 Newport, United Kingdom

NDC London 2023 Sessionize Event

January 2023 London, United Kingdom

CodeMash 2023 Sessionize Event

January 2023 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Devintersection & Azure Data Conference Fall 2022 Sessionize Event

December 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

PASS Data Community Summit

Performance Tuning for Azure Cosmos DB

November 2022 Seattle, Washington, United States

Update Conference Prague 2022 Sessionize Event

November 2022 Prague, Czechia

Data Saturday Atlanta Sessionize Event

October 2022 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Future Data Driven Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022

Data Platform Virtual Summit

Performance Tuning for Cosmos DB

September 2022

SQL Saturday New Jersey 2022 Sessionize Event

July 2022

NDC Porto 2022 Sessionize Event

April 2022 Porto, Portugal

Microsoft Azure + AI Conference Spring 2022 Sessionize Event

April 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

SQLBits 2022 Sessionize Event

March 2022 London, United Kingdom Pordenone 2022 Sessionize Event

February 2022

CodeMash 2022 Sessionize Event

January 2022 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Update Conference Prague 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Prague, Czechia

PASS Data Community Summit 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021

Azure Community Conference 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021

Tech Con '21 Sessionize Event

October 2021

Future Data Driven Sessionize Event

September 2021

Music City Tech 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021

Azure Summit Sessionize Event

September 2021

Data Geeks Saturday Conference Sessionize Event

August 2021

Virtual 2021 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA Sessionize Event

June 2021

Data Saturday Southwest US Sessionize Event

May 2021

Cloud Lunch and Learn Marathon 2021 Sessionize Event

May 2021

Azure Cosmos DB Conf Sessionize Event

April 2021

Global AI Night 2021 - Cleveland Sessionize Event

April 2021

Data Saturday #5 Redmond 2021 Sessionize Event

April 2021 Pordenone 2021 #0001 Sessionize Event

February 2021

Azure Houston

Starting with Azure SQL Database Edge on Raspberry Pi

February 2021 Houston, Texas, United States

Boston Azure

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood?

February 2021 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Triangle SQL Server User Group

Starting with Azure SQL Edge on Raspberry Pi

February 2021 Durham, North Carolina, United States

SQL Server Virtual Conference Sessionize Event

January 2021

Data Platform Summit

A to Z Azure Cosmos DB PreCon
What does Graph Tables bring to Table

December 2020 Bengaluru, India

SQL Saturday Montreal

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood

November 2020 Montréal, Canada

Momentum 2020 Sessionize Event

October 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Data Platform Virtual Symposium

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood

October 2020 Bengaluru, India

Tech Con '20 Sessionize Event

September 2020 Detroit, Michigan, United States

SQL Bits

A to Z Azure Cosmos DB Workshop
New features of SQL Server for Developers

September 2020 London, United Kingdom

SQL Saturday Denmark

How does Cosmos DB works

September 2020 Copenhagen, Denmark

Baltimore Database User Group

New SQL Server Features for Developers

August 2020 Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Sql Saturday New Zealand

How does Azure Cosmos DB work under the hood?

August 2020 Auckland, New Zealand

LightUp Sessionize Event

July 2020

Boston Business Intelligence User Group

CosmosDB Under The Hood!

July 2020 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

CFS - Global 2020 Summer Azure DataFest Sessionize Event

July 2020 Reston, Virginia, United States

Data Architecture Day 2020 Sessionize Event

May 2020

SQL Saturday Nashville

CosmosDB is the missing piece to your Data puzzle!

January 2020 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Global AI Bootcamp Sessionize Event

December 2019

dev up Conference 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

SQL Saturday NYC

Unexplored Features of SQL Server

October 2019 New York City, New York, United States

SQL Saturday Boston

Unexplored Features of SQL Server

September 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Music City Tech 2019 Sessionize Event

September 2019 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

SQL Saturday Sacramento

How to use GeoSpatial Data in SQL Server
Cosmos DB was the missing piece to my Data puzzle!

August 2019 Sacramento, California, United States

SQL Saturday Louisville

Cosmos DB was the missing piece to my Data puzzle!

August 2019 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

SQL Saturday Austin

CosmosDB is the missing piece to your Data puzzle!

July 2019 Austin, Texas, United States

SQL Saturday Dallas

How to use GeoSpatial Data in SQL Server

June 2019 Dallas, Texas, United States

SQL Saturday Atlanta

Title : Not your Dad's SQL Server; Contemporary twist on a classic standby.
I spoke about the new features of SQL Server 2017 & 2019

May 2019 Atlanta, Georgia, United States


New SQL Server 2017 Features you need to know.
Using Spatial Data in SQL Server

April 2019 Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

SQL Saturday Orange County

Not your dad's SQL server; Contemporary twist on a classic standby.

April 2019 Huntington Beach, California, United States

SQL Saturday Chicago

Not your dad's SQL server; Contemporary twist on a classic standby.

March 2019 Chicago, Illinois, United States

SQL Saturday Cleveland

Building Scalable, Globally Distributed Systems with Cosmos DB

February 2019 Cleveland, Ohio, United States

SQL Saturday Nashville

Reasons to upgrade to SQL Server 2017

January 2019 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

SQL Saturday Washington DC

What's new in SQL Server 2017

December 2018 Washington, Washington, D.C., United States

Code Camp NYC

Building Scalable, Globally Distribued Systems with Cosmos DB

October 2018 New York City, New York, United States

SQL Saturday Pittsburgh

Introduction to Spatial Data with the help of SQL Server 2016/17

September 2018 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

SQL Saturday Boston

What's new in SQL Server 2017

September 2018 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

SQL Saturday Indianapolis

Intoduction to Spatial Data with the help of SQL Server 2016/17

August 2018 Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

SQL Saturday Sacramento

What's new in SQL Server 2017

July 2018 Sacramento, California, United States

SQL Saturday NYC

What's new in SQL Server 2017

May 2018 New York City, New York, United States

SQL Saturday Wheeling

What's new in SQL Server 2017

April 2018 Wheeling, West Virginia, United States

SQL Saturday Rochester

What's new in SQL Server 2017
How to use Spatial Data in SQL Server

March 2018 Rochester, New York, United States

SQL Saturday Cincinnati

What's new in SQL Server 2017

March 2018 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

SQL Saturday Cleveland

What's new in SQL Server 2017

February 2018 Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Hasan Savran

Microsoft MVP, Owner of SavranWeb ConsultingS, Sr. Business Intelligence Manager at Progressive Insurance

Akron, Ohio, United States


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