
Heidi Araya

Heidi Araya

AI and Productivity Coach for Operational Excellence & Organizational Transformation

Orlando, Florida, United States


As a global consultant, keynote speaker, patented inventor, and author with over two decades of experience, Heidi has dedicated her career to driving multimillion-dollar business improvements using a people-first approach. Her expertise lies in enhancing organizational effectiveness and fostering innovation, underpinned by a deep understanding of industry dynamics, decision culture, and organizational psychology.
With a keen interest in AI's transformative potential, Heidi completed an applied data science program at MIT, built a product for AI chatbots, and tries to keep up with generative AI tools.
Heidi’s insights will help professionals navigate and thrive in an era characterized by exponential technological change and increasing uncertainty. When Heidi's not transforming businesses, she's raising butterflies, tackling home improvement projects, and staying active.
Connect with Heidi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidiaraya/

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Cultural Transformation
  • Digital Transformation
  • Organizational Transformation
  • Startup Innovation & Creativity
  • Innovation Strategy
  • Corporate Innovation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Decision Making
  • Program management
  • Technical Program Management
  • Applied Generative AI

Beyond Data: Nurturing a People-Centric Culture in an AI World

Over and over, I hear the siren call, "Access to data is what we need, and our problems will be solved!" AI is all the rage, but it cannot - on its own - change human behaviors or the current organizational culture. Despite AI enhancing productivity, it's insufficient for true cultural transformation to a data-driven way of working. We'll explore the discrepancy between AI-driven data interest and genuine cultural change. While AI supports data-driven organizations, it cannot replace the vital human elements of leadership, people-focused initiatives, and challenging data conversations. Heidi will share some stories and offer tips on how to get beyond data - to transforming culture.

Learning Objectives:

Understand AI's limitations in changing data culture and human behavior.
Recognize the importance of leadership and resources in cultivating a data-driven culture.
Learn strategies for integrating human elements with AI to achieve genuine cultural transformation .

Unlock value with an agile key: Demystifying Value Stream Mapping

Many people call Value Stream Mapping "transformational" and "a game-changer." But what if people aren't ready for a large heavyweight activity with leadership buy in?
Understanding the entire system end-to-end is crucial for Agile-DevOps product development, and improving your ways of working. By mapping the system, including delays, handoffs, and information passed along, you can measure and optimize the entire path to value.
In this session, Heidi will share what she has learned across years of both doing, and attempting to do, this activity -- both as an employee inside organizations, and as a consultant. We'll demystify the concept and show anyone how to get started, in an agile way, of course. By the end of the session, you'll have a better understanding of the goals of Value Stream Mapping and be ready to start using it for your organization's benefit.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up your ways of working and optimize your value delivery!

During this session, you’ll learn:
The importance of mapping the path to value for achieving agile and DevOps benefits
Myths about Value Stream Mapping
How to define the scope of your mapping activity
Practical tips for getting started with Value Stream Mapping in a lightweight way
Test what you learned by doing a short, interactive activity

Unlocking Infinite Potential: Embracing Your Personal Evolution Towards Continual Self-Fulfillment

In a world where change is the only constant, personal growth has become an essential key to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of life. The rapid pace of technological advancements, shifting societal norms, and unpredictable global challenges demand that we embrace a mindset of continual self-improvement. It is not enough to simply adapt; we must actively seek to reinvent and evolve ourselves continually.
Join me in this transformative talk as you embark on a journey towards unlocking your infinite potential. Together, we will explore the profound concept that the pursuit of self-fulfillment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor. Through inspirational stories, thought-provoking insights, and actionable strategies, you will discover how to harness the power of personal growth to navigate the winds of change and create a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.
Drawing from Heidi’s experience and the wisdom of great thinkers, innovators, and change-makers, we will delve into the fundamental principles and mindset shifts necessary for continual self-evolution. From embracing the discomfort of uncertainty to cultivating resilience and adaptability, you will gain the tools to navigate the ever-shifting tides of life with confidence and grace.
This is not just another motivational talk; it is a call to action. It is an opportunity to embrace the endless possibilities that await when we commit to continual personal growth. Whether you are a student, a professional, an entrepreneur, or anyone seeking a more fulfilling life, this talk will launch you on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-actualization. Join me on this inspiring quest towards continual self-fulfillment and become an agent of positive change in an ever-changing world!

You and AI: Navigating an Uncertain Job Market

In this talk, Heidi will share into how AI is reshaping both the job search market and current roles -- influencing career choices, and necessitating new skills. Attendees will gain a comprehensive view of the AI and other trends that are shaping the 2024 job market and learn strategies to adapt to these changes. This session aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to not only navigate and thrive in an AI-driven world, but also help you be proactive and prepared for rapid market changes.

Thriving in an AI World: Transforming Careers and Skills

Join Heidi in an insightful exploration of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the job market and transforming career landscapes in 2024 and beyond. In this session, we'll talk about the profound impact of AI on career development, jobs, and essential skill sets. Participants will gain a holistic understanding of the latest AI trends that are reshaping the employment arena. This talk is designed to arm you with effective strategies to adapt to these changes. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to successfully navigate the job market, anticipate rapid market changes, and prepare for the future of work in a world increasingly influenced by AI.

Learning Objectives:

- Understand the evolving role of AI in shaping job markets and influencing career choices.
- Identify key AI trends impacting the 2024 job market and how they may evolve in the future.
- Learn strategies to adapt to an AI-influenced employment landscape, focusing on skill development and market adaptability.
- Gain insights into proactively preparing for rapid technological and market changes.
- Acquire practical tools and knowledge to thrive in an AI-driven professional environment.

Pathway to AI Adoption: From Awareness to Action

In an era where AI is reshaping industries, successful integration within organizations is crucial. This session introduces a lightweight change model for AI adoption in businesses. Attendees will learn about the critical phases of AI integration. The talk will provide insights into preparing for AI, implementing pilot projects, evaluating and adapting strategies, scaling solutions, and fostering an AI-ready culture. This session aims to equip leaders with practical strategies for navigating AI adoption, emphasizing ethics and cultural transformation.

learning objectives:

Understand the essential principles for successful AI integration in a business context.
Gain knowledge on initiating AI adoption through organizational preparedness and awareness.
Learn strategies for effective implementation and management of AI projects.
Explore methods for evaluating AI initiatives and adapting to feedback.
Recognize the importance of ethical considerations and fostering a supportive culture for AI adoption.

Empowering Future-Ready Teams: Strategies for Executives

In an era of rapid technological advancement and shifting economic landscapes, preparing your organization for future challenges is crucial. This session will explore strategies to cultivate skills like technological adaptability, creative problem-solving, and strategic decision-making within teams. We'll discuss practical approaches to foster community engagement through knowledge sharing, encourage continuous learning, and support career and role evolution. Attendees will gain insights into developing a workforce that is resilient, innovative, and prepared for an era of exponential change and uncertainty.

Learning Objectives:

Understand the critical skills necessary for staff to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Learn strategies to embed continuous learning and innovation within teams.
Gain insights on promoting a mindset of adaptability and resilience.
Explore techniques for effective leadership in cultivating a future-ready workforce.

Alternative title: Navigating Tomorrow: Equipping Your Team for the Exponential Era

Behind the AI Hype: Cultivating a Data-Savvy Culture

Are we making smarter decisions with AI, or just making bad decisions faster? This talk explores the intersection of data science, AI, and human judgment in decision-making. We'll talk about the misuse of machine learning and the principles of decision-driven analytics and uncover how to harness the power of data without falling prey to its illusions. Learn to balance the quantitative precision of AI with the qualitative insights of human experience, framing questions that lead to meaningful decisions. Discover strategies to navigate the complexities of today's data-rich but uncertain world, making decisions that are informed, adaptable, and truly intelligent.

Alternative Title: Crafting an AI & Data-Savvy Decision-Making Culture

Balancing Brains and Bytes: Mastering Decision-Making in the Data-Driven Era

Over the past few years, decision-making has evolved from a gut-driven art to a data-driven science. This talk is designed to equip professionals with the skills and insights needed to navigate a data-driven world.
We will explore the essence of decision intelligence, the power of asking good questions, the nuances of building a data-driven culture, and the challenges of decision-making within large organizations.
Participants will learn to identify and overcome barriers to effective decision-making, and understand the role of data in shaping decisions. The talk will also address the human aspects of decision-making, recognizing biases and cognitive limitations, and how to mitigate them. By the end of this session, attendees will be equipped not only with theoretical knowledge but also with some practical tools and frameworks to enhance their decision-making skills to benefit themselves and their organizations.

Mapping the Path to Value: The missing piece of your Agile-DevOps transition

Value Streams have been a core of Lean thinking for decades. It started with Toyota and the Lean Manufacturing movement and has been widely embraced since then. An understanding of this concept for modern product development is key to improving our ways of working – being more effective, efficient, and holistic in our approach to delivering value to customers. Many companies struggle with sub-optimization by focusing on a small portion of the production pipeline. Instead, let’s make visible and look to measure the end to end system.
Mapping the path to value will tell us: Do we really need to hire more engineers in one area of the business; or would we benefit by hiring somewhere else? Is our biggest challenge actually the time it takes to deploy code from first check-in? Let‘s understand the entire path to production and the capabilities needed so we are hiring to improve the entire system capability - organizing around value delivery. Bring your laptop or notebook to the session - at the end, you’ll try to map out your own "path to value.”
In this session, you will learn:
- Why mapping the path to value is crucial to helping your business achieve the promised value of agile and DevOps
- How to determine the scope of your mapping activity
- How to get started with the mapping activity in a lightweight way

Thriving in an AI World - Private Event (Multi-National Bank) Upcoming

July 2024

AI Exploration Workshop - private event Upcoming

July 2024

Build your own custom GPT Workshop - Growth Habit Crew Upcoming

July 2024

Build your own custom GPT Workshop

Soloist Women

June 2024

MTUG Conference - Keynote

May 2024 Portland, Maine, United States

Agile Maine

May 2024 Freeport, Maine, United States

Product Tank: AI & Your Career in Product

April 2024 Orlando, Florida, United States

Meetups, Buenos Aires

April 2024 Buenos Aires, Argentina

LeSS Meetup - You and AI

March 2024 New City, New York, United States

Lightweight Value Stream Mapping - Code Camp Orlando 2023

March 2024

Consulting for Impact

Consulting for Impact: co-founder and co-host

March 2024 Orlando, Florida, United States

Agile to Agility Value Stream Management Conference

Unlock value with an agile key: Demystifying Value Stream Mapping

January 2024 Orlando, Florida, United States

Live! 360 Orlando 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Orlando, Florida, United States

Atlanta Developers' Conference 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Marietta, Georgia, United States

Agile Leadership Network Meetup: Mapping the Path to Value: The missing piece ...

Mapping the Path to Value: The missing piece of your Agile-DevOps transition

May 2023 Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Orlando Code Camp 2023 Sessionize Event

March 2023 Sanford, Florida, United States

LeSS Meetup - NYC - Uncovering the Agile Mindset

Uncovering the Agile Mindset - 80 people watched live; recording here -

November 2020 New York City, New York, United States

Give Thanks for Scrum: Hiring for your Scrum Teams

Hiring for your scrum teams (375 people attended the event)

November 2020 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

DevOps Days Warsaw

Four Facets of Agility (90 people watched live)
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqUmYM9R_Pc&list=PLnKL6-WWWE_X5k3GyLSeaqg_HKqg-EF8Q&index=9

November 2020 Warsaw, Poland

Global SAFe Summit: Four Facets of Agility

Four Facets of Agility (262 people logged in to watch)

October 2020

Business Agility Day: Agile Hiring

Agile Hiring (171 people tuned in live)

October 2020

Humentum Solution Sessions

Pivoting under pressure (53 people tuned in live for this session)

October 2020

Best Agile Articles Conference

Agile Hiring

September 2020

Coaching Agile Journeys : Agile HR in the Remote Age

The Role of Agile HR in the Remote Age

July 2020

Hacking HR Kyiv - Agile HR

June 22 - Hacking HR Kyiv - Agile HR -

June 2020 Kyiv, Ukraine

Future of Work: HackerSpace & Toptal

June 17 - Digital Transformation with Distributed Teams -

June 2020 Wrocław, Poland

Bucharest Agile Meetup

Igniting the role of Agile HR in Remote Age

June 2020 Bucharest, Romania

DevOps Days Geneva, Switzerland

Agile Hiring (over 100 people attended my session)

February 2020 Genève, Switzerland

HR Transform

"Where the company of the future begins."
Igniting the Role of HR in the Digital Age

Heidi Araya, Director of Agile Transformation, BrightLogic
Elena Vassilieva, Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Coach, Amaitus VR Production

February 2020 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Open Leadership Symposium, Tampa Bay, Florida

February 2020 Tampa, Florida, United States

VSLive 360! Orlando, Florida

Live360 Orlando - VSH13 Closing The Feedback Loop: Unblock Your Agile/DevOps Transformation

Live 360 Orlando - VSH09 Overcoming Virtual Challenges: Strategies to Increase Engagement in Distributed Agile Teams

November 2019 Orlando, Florida, United States

DevOps Days Stockholm

DevOps Days Stockholm Closing Keynote - Growing Your Agile Team: Hiring & Inspiring the Right Mindset & Skills

September 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

Women in Technology International (WITI) Orlando


August 2019 Orlando, Florida, United States

Open Leadership Symposium

Agile Open Practitioner Workshop

May 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Agile Maine Day

Overcoming Challenges in Distributed Teams

April 2019 Portland, Connecticut, United States

Agile Africa

Overcoming Challenges & Increasing Engagement in Distributed Teams

April 2019

Business Analyst World

The role of Project Management in an Agile Environment

April 2019 Orlando, Florida, United States

Tampa Bay Agile Meetup

12 Tampa The role of Project Management in an Agile Environment

April 2019 Tampa, Florida, United States

Remote Leadership Think Tank

Overcoming Virtual Challenges

April 2019

Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Interviewed by Vasco Duarte for his well-known podcast

March 2019

Code Camp, Orlando, FL

17: Code Camp, Orlando, FL: Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban? http://www.orlandocodecamp.com/Sessions/Details/33

March 2019 Sanford, Florida, United States


7: Online: DojoLIVE: "Bridging distance: Overcoming Challenges on Distributed Agile teams"

March 2019

VSLive 360! Orlando, Florida

- Two talks

Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban?

DevOps: A Catalyst for Enterprise Agility (with Esteban Garcia)

December 2018 Orlando, Florida, United States

Jim Moran Institute Small Business & Leadership Conference

2-3: Orlando, FL: Jim Moran Institute Small Business & Leadership Conference

August 2018 Orlando, Florida, United States

Distributed Agile Worlds Conference

January 26: Online: Distributed Agile Worlds Conference: Overcoming Virtual Challenges

January 2018

Remote forever Summit

Nov 9: Online: https://remoteforeversummit.com/ Overcoming Virtual Challenges

November 2017

KM World

Nov 8: Washington, DC: KMWorld. Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban?

November 2017 Washington, Washington, D.C., United States

Teksystems Meetup

Intro to Agile for Recruiters (TekSystems)

October 2017 Orlando, Florida, United States

3Pillar Group

week-long training events for 3Pillar Staff

July 2017 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Agile Professionals of Sacramento Meetup

Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban?

June 2017 Sacramento, California, United States

PMI Chapter Dinner

Talk - Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban?

May 2017 Tampa, Florida, United States

Agile Maine Day

April 2017 South Portland, Maine, United States

Techwell East

Scrum, Kanban, or Scrumban?

November 2016 Orlando, Florida, United States

Heidi Araya

AI and Productivity Coach for Operational Excellence & Organizational Transformation

Orlando, Florida, United States


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