Hugo Hamon
Paris, France
Hugo Hamon is a PHP and Symfony certified developer. He worked nine years for SensioLabs, the creators of Symfony, as a Web developer, head of training and software architect. He joined as a backend lead developer between 2018 and 2020. He's now a full time freelance PHP developer at his own company KODERO
Hugo Hamon est un développeur certifié PHP et Symfony. Il a travaillé neuf ans pour SensioLabs, les créateurs de Symfony, en tant que développeur Web, responsable des formations et architecte logiciel. Il a ensuite rejoint en tant que développeur. Il est aujourd'hui consultant PHP & Symfony indépendant à temps plein dans sa propre entreprise KODERO.
Area of Expertise
Developing Restful Web Services with Symfony & API Platform
Developing Restful JSON API fro, scratch is a complex task as it involves many different concepts such as HTTP request / response handling, content negotiation, data validation, data serialization, errors handling, etc. Fortunately, the PHP & Symfony ecosystems have Open-Source libraries such as API Platform to ease the development of Restful JSON Web services. API Platform is a framework for building Restful JSON API endpoint. It implements all common Rest architecture concepts and provides all necessary tools and configuration layers to Web developers, so that they can focus on the business logic of their APIs. In this workshop, attendees will get started with the API Platform framework and build their first Resftul JSON Web services for an existing application.
Refactoring & Modernizing Legacy PHP Applications
Over the past years, the PHP language and its ecosystem have been greatly improved and got more professional. PHP 8 now supports full type hinting for class properties and methods. IDE such as PHPStorm can provide advanced code writing assistance and code refactoring capabilities. Quality monitoring tools have become more popular and also help toward maintaining hight code quality standards. In this workshop, we’ll dive into legacy code refactoring techniques augmented with the power of famous PHP quality tools such as PHPUnit, PHPStan, Rector, Deptrac, etc. Attendees will learn how they can leverage the power of PHP and its wide Open-Source ecosystem to refactor their legacy code instead of rewriting it from scratch.
Deep Dive into the Symfony Security Component
The Symfony Security component has recently been totally reworked in order to make it simpler to use and extend. In this talk we’ll make a deep dive into the component and dissect all the many concepts of its architecture such as authentication, passport, badges, authorizations, voters, etc. You’ll also discover how to create custom authenticators, make password less authentication with magic links and login throttling mechanisms.
What’s New in Symfony 6.4 / 7.0?
The new Symfony 6.4 & 7.0 have been released with a bunch of new features and improvements. It in this talk, we’ll rewind and focus on all the best improvements that were introduced since Symfony 6.0 to 7.0 including new standalone components, major deprecations and many new useful features spread over the framework. If you’re a Symfony developer and haven’t bumped your code to Symfony 6 or 7 yet, then be ready!
Testing Your Symfony Apps - From Unit to the End
Automated testing takes a large variety of forms: unit testing, integration testing, application testing, acceptance testing, functional testing, end-to-end testing, etc. In this talk, we’ll learn how to easily setup all these kinds of tests within a Symfony application in order to test all of its layers. Many tools such as PHPUnit, Panther or Behat will be showcased as well as some third party bundles and libraries to help resetting a database and generating batches of fixtures.
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