
Tobias Hoppenthaler

Tobias Hoppenthaler

Principal IT Consultant @ msg.group

Köln, Germany

I am a Principal IT Consultant at msg.group , focused on cross-platform mobile and desktop application development. I have developed desktop and mobile applications for a wide variety of industries. In my spare time I organize the .NET User Group in Cologne and the XamExpertDay (Expert Day for Xamarin).

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Xamarin
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Visual Studio App Center
  • Lottie
  • Mobile
  • Cross Platform

10 things you didn't know about your Xamarin build

Xamarin build is not really known for being fast. It takes a lot of steps to put together all the nuts and bolts of a Xamarin app. Wouldn't it be great if you could speed that up?
Xamarin Apps also are bigger than native apps and have a slower startup time.
There are quite some switches that one can use to tweak for faster build time, faster startup and smaller artefact size. We'll show you where and how.

Devs on steroids - how to leverage the power of cloud and ai as a developer

Cloud and AI are everywhere, but how can I as a developer use the cloud and ai to be faster and more productive? Come to see how you can outsource tedious tasks like documentation to your copilot, put your IDE in the cloud and what to look out for in this domain.

Continuous everything - an introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio App Center

Since the acquisition of Xamarin and Hockeyapp there are a lot of tools around for app developers in the Microsoft universe. These tools however were spread out across different portals and for your CI/CD pipeline, it was necessary to use multiple portals.
App Center was built for one-stop-shopping, to get everything done in one place. Easily.
After a short introduction we will start our live tour through App Center, build an app, test it, set up crash reporting, analytics and some more.

Flutter vs. MAUI - what should you pick and why?

There are many contenders in the mobile and cross-platform realm. Flutter by google and .net MAUI by Microsoft are probably one of the stronger candidates. Both deliver a broad range of features, but they do differ quite a bit in how they work and what bases they cover. Come to see an unbiased overview of where they shine and where there still are dragons.

The right .net GUI for your next project

With .net core, .net came to more platforms than windows, but it had no graphical UI there in the beginning. Avalonia UI helped to fill that void. .NET MAUI now promises to be the one-stop-shop for Desktop and Mobile with .net 6. But there are other options to choose from if you want to concentrate more on the desktop or use a web approach. This talk gives an overview of the .net UI technologies available and shows, when to use what for your next project.

Spice up your app - Animations with Lottie

Animations make an app livelier and more attractive. Complex animations however are usually difficult or impossible to create programmatically. Lottie offers an easy way to integrate rich Adobe After Effects Animations in your app, no matter if you like iOS, Android, Flutter or .NET MAUI.
This session gives a quick introduction and shows how to integrate a Lottie animation in an app.

Native Cross Platform Development - an introduction to .NET MAUI

Nowadays everyone wants their app at least on two platforms: iOS and Android. But what if you could target even more platforms, desktop platforms like windows and macOS, the web, wearables and all that with native performance and a mature eco system and community? Enter .NET MAUI. A platform that allows you to write most of your code once and ship it to many platforms. With native performance. No web java script stuff but C# as your programming language. Promise.

This session will show the basics of .NET MAUI, how it works and some code and UI examples. It targets software engineers with no or few .NET MAUI experience and people who want to get a basic understanding of it.

Monorepos - one repository to rule them all

Have you ever had a large codebase, with lots of separate repositories? How do you feel about sharing code between those? Refactoring across more than one? Code sharing? Sucks? Wouldn't it be great if all your code would be in one repository? But what about build times, separate versioning and team access? If this sounds appealing to you, then this talk is for you. Come and see how a monorepo might help you in your dev process.

What's cool about being a consultant and what's not...

Being a consultant differs from an in-house position in some ways. Most of them can be both great and awful, depending on what you like to do and what not. This is the unfiltered perspective of someone who has been in both seats, in case you were wondering if consulting is something for you...

Could be in English or German.

Developer telemetry - your spy and guardian angel within your application

No matter if your app runs mobile, in the web, or wherever... you might want to know how stable it runs and how performant, get detailed stack traces on exceptions and crashes and see how performance differs from one version to another. Developer telemetry helps with all of that. In this session you will see, how you get the most out of sentry, firebase or appcenter to fulfill your needs for developer telemetry.

English or German

Goodbye Xamarin, Hello MAUI - how to and what to expect when migrating

Xamarin's days are numbered. It will die on May 1st 2024. That alone should be a good reason to think about migrating your app to the successor MAUI. But how should I migrate my app and what can I expect when I do so? In this session, we will walk through what options you have, and what you should look out for.

Developer Week '23 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Nürnberg, Germany

DeveloperWeek Europe 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023

.NET Developer Conference '22 Sessionize Event

November 2022 Köln, Germany

Techorama 2022 BE Sessionize Event

May 2022 Antwerpen, Belgium

Tobias Hoppenthaler

Principal IT Consultant @ msg.group

Köln, Germany

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