
Ibrahim Gharbi

Ibrahim Gharbi

Mobile software architect @ Worldline

Lille, France


Passionate engineer, developer, mobile technical lead (Android/Cross Platform and a bit of iOS). I'm part of the devrel team of Worldline.

Area of Expertise

  • Finance & Banking
  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Mobile Apps
  • MobileDevOps
  • Kotlin Multiplatform
  • flutter
  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • Multiplatform Apps

You will 💙 becoming a fullstack developer with your Android skills

Kotlin is much more than just a language; it is a complete ecosystem! From backend development to cross-platform front-end development, and even data science, it is everywhere. This is part of the DNA of Kotlin since its creation and grows exponentially especially with the latest Google IO and KotlinConf 2024.

This talk demonstrates how Android devs can easily become fullstack using their existing Kotlin skills. We will share three demos covering different stacks of development including exotic and funny ones. We will achieve all of this by keeping our favorite Jetpack libraries (such as navigation, Room and preferences datastore) and integrating new ones (such as Ktor client/server, DataFrame).

By the end of this presentation, you will be delighted to realize how easy and pleasant it is to kick-start development for other targets than Android. Indeed, in addition to iOS, desktop, web, backend, and data-science apps, even more app stacks are already in your reach.

Développement front et back en Kotlin. Une visite guidée de KMP

Kotlin et son écosystème riche est un véritable couteau suisse qui permet de développer facilement de nombreux types d'applications : serveurs, interfaces en ligne de commande (CLI), clients lourds, applications mobiles, etc.

En attendant l'arrivée de Kotlin 2.0, n'est-ce pas le moment idéal de voir tout qu'on peut de faire actuellement et dans le futur en Kotlin ?

Cet atelier vous permettra de découvrir comment développer différents types d'applications aux travers d'exercices pratiques.

Voici un tour d'horizon de ce que vous allez y découvrir :

- Le meilleur des fonctionnalités du language Kotlin (Null safety, la programmation fonctionnelle...)
- Développer une API Rest avec Spring Boot, avec Ktor
- Développer un monorepo Kotlin multi-plateforme avec un serveur et des application web, desktop, iOS et Android
- Et bien d'autres fonctionnalités #WASM, #Kotlin Native, #Coroutines #DataScience...

N'hésitez plus, installez la dernière version d'Android Studio et venez partager cette session avec nous 🚀

From Android to Multiplatform: leveraging the full potential of Kotlin

Kotlin is a modern and powerful programming language with an ecosystem that enables targeting various platforms and developing all types of apps: servers, mobile apps, web apps, and desktop applications. This means that Android developers are very close to becoming Fullstack and cross-platform developers !

Participants will:
- Develop a Rest API with Ktor
- Initiate a cross platform app (web, mobile iOS/Android and desktop) with Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) and Compose Multiplatform
- See live example of other Kotlin possibilities such as a Spring Rest API, Kotlin WASM, Kotlin/JS.

The workshop material provides many practical exercices as well as some reading. So, if you want to code or to read, please come to our session.

Let's discover the many possibilities of Kotlin

Kotlin is a versatile programming language that allows to develop many types of apps: servers, CLIs, Desktop app, mobile apps, etc. This makes the Kotlin ecosystem a very interesting and rich one. So why not take some time to explore this the many possibilities of Kotlin with some code 💪.

This coding workshop will show you how to develop different types of apps using Kotlin with practical exercises and solutions. It has the following plan:

- Notable Kotlin Features
- Development of a Rest API with Spring Boot
- Development of a Rest API with Ktor
- Development of a multi-platform web, desktop and Android application with Compose Multiplatform
- Development of a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project for iOS and Android
- Other Kotlin features: KMP, Kotlin Native, Coroutines, etc.

Here is the list of prerequisites:
- A JDK (preferably the latest LTS version)
- IntelliJ (Ultimate or Community) preferably, or VSCode with a Kotlin extension.
- For the mobile part with KMM: Android Studio + the "kotlin multiplatform mobile" plugin.
- An Android SDK: can be installed with IntelliJ or Android Studio

The workshop material is available here: https://worldline.github.io/learning-kotlin/

The source code for this workshop (website and solutions) is available here: https://github.com/worldline/learning-kotlin

MiXiT 2024 Sessionize Event

April 2024 Villeurbanne, France

Mobile DevOps Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023

JNation 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Coimbra, Portugal

Ibrahim Gharbi

Mobile software architect @ Worldline

Lille, France


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